How great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek | TED

Published 2010-05-04
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Simon Sinek presents a simple but powerful model for how leaders inspire action, starting with a golden circle and the question "Why?" His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers -- and as a counterpoint Tivo, which (until a recent court victory that tripled its stock price) appeared to be struggling.

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All Comments (21)
  • "People don't buy what you do, They buy why you do it." True line
  • @nilak.s617
    This talk is more than 10 years but it's the first one to make me realize just how important trust is and how hard it is to earn it.
  • @clarity7830
    every time I hear one of this guys talks I feel like I learn more from his short talks then I do in 2-4 years of college.
  • @thuyt2205
    "We believe what they believe and thats why they sacrifice their sweat tear and blood, not for you, but for what they believe." So true.
  • "People buy things that prove what they believe"... that was mind blowing. Even though it explains how to attract consumers, it also reveals answers to human behavior in other aspects of life . E.g. what a person believes about themselves and how they "buy" into ideals to "prove" their stance on it
  • @carsport2000
    17:07 - Dr. Martin Luther King gave the "I have a Dream"-Speech, not the "I have a Plan"-Speech. That's the Point. That's inspiring.
  • @GregCheekSpeaks
    I had the honor of presenting in the same seminar in Germany with Simon. Simon is extremely modest and the most genuine person I've ever met.
  • @DebisDesignDiary
    I just spent a few hours writing down "why" I do what I do... it takes some effort but it'd worth it. this video is excellent, thank you!
  • @entoptik
    At 10:24 you can hear a plane roar by at the exact time he announces the Wright brothers success on taking flight for the first time. -Synchronicity
  • This is one of the best Ted talks I’ve had yet to see. I enjoyed the way he spoke throughout the entirety of the video; to get each message across. And the fact that it’s over 10 years old. Incredible.
  • @TrippAtkinson
    This continues to be a great reminder, "Those who start with WHY have ability to inspire others." Thanks Simon!
  • This is such a great video with a powerful message: “people don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it”!
  • @MartinBradbury
    In the marketing world this is such an iconic presentation - this will still be relevant in decades to come
  • @pushkarapte3646
    Found my "WHY" a few months back and boy there's no turning back ever since that day !!
  • When Simon Sinek made the statement, "Great leaders think, act, and communicate the same way and it is completely backwards from everyone else," he did a fantastic job at both setting up the stage for his platform as well as genuinely grabbing my attention because from that point forward I was invested in his explanation to that statement. The Golden Circle model he created in regards to What, How, and Why is an excellent visual tool that simplified his explanation of how these inspired leaders think from the inside out versus how everyone else thinks from the outside in. I particularly liked how he linked his model to the layers in the human brain and how the outside part of the brain deals with language and the ability to understand figures and facts but the real accomplishment is speaking to the inside part of the brain that drives behavior and where decision-making originates. That is the part of the brain that the inspired leaders talk to and get you to believe in what they believe and create a sense of trust and loyalty as opposed to throwing facts and numbers at you.
  • @haman7227
    I realized I bring joy to people’s life, not just sell products, I don’t have customers, I have clients
  • @Karens4741
    One of the most profound talks I've ever listened to, thank you Simon!!