I Threw a BIRTHDAY PARTY For My Elderly CAT!

I Threw a BIRTHDAY PARTY For My Elderly Cat!

Today my cat Bella turns 15, so I threw a birthday party to celebrate. I got her 10 presents, including a LEGO robot cat, her own theme song, a robot vacuum cleaner, plus all of you sent in over 1,000 cards and drawings for her! Happy Birthday Bella! Ralph and Bella.

コメント (21)
  • @YouTube
    nothing cuter than bella rocking her new bread donut 🐱🍞
  • Bella—and this whole channel as a whole—has given me so much comfort in some of the worst times of my life. every time I see a new upload, my day instantly gets better. Happy birthday Bella!
  • Oh Chris, you just made two cat loving Canadian boys so happy to see this video… but then you BLEW THEIR MINDS when we did slow motion at the end to capture both of their cards/drawings displayed. Thank you so much from this very grateful Momma
  • Happy birthday Bella! I've recently lost my cat of 14 years old, hope Bella will live a long and happy life!!!
  • Happy birthday to Bella. My son is so happy to see his card he sent. Thank you for trying to show as many as possible.
  • 6:39 So tickled to see a crocheted mailbox topper! I've been seeing a lot of those in the crochet group I'm in on FB. Anyway, happy birthday, Bella! Our one cat, Sushi, is about 17 herself.
  • Live long, Bella! Best wishes to you, you furry bundle of joy! May your dreams come true!
  • Happy birthday Bella! You’re a beautiful cat, beloved by all. I wish you many more years of happiness and gifts! And everyone, pet your cats. Play with them. They’re only here for so long ❤
  • Happy birthday, Bella!! As someone who has two elderly cats myself (almost 17) I know what the transition to and arrival at that cat retirement stage feels like. I truly wish her the best health going forward.
  • @Jamiesayla
    First, happy birthday Bella. My beautiful, old kitty Tiger lived to be 19 and my birthday wish for Bella is to beat his record. Second, thank you to Bella for asking for donations to an animal rescue for her birthday. Such a selfless, caring girl. I’m certain this money will greatly benefit less fortunate fur babies.
  • @NickFlett
    Happy Birthday Bella! And thank you Chris for showing so many cards. My kids were so excited to see their cards. They just love Bella!
  • @hanadianam
    Happy birthday Bella you sweet loaf of bread 🥳🥳🐈🐈🍞🍞