"You Can't Just Pay Every Player, There's Not Enough For Everyone" Bengals Owner On Higgins & Chase

Published 2024-07-29

All Comments (21)
  • This is what happens when the QB takes up way too much cap space. Teams are eventually going to have to learn that this overinflated QB pay market is going to hurt the rest of the team in the long run.
  • @harryhubbard1897
    I don’t think we are far away from “max contracts” in the nfl-by position. If the hard cap is 255.4 million this year and a qb is taking 55 million that leaves 200 for 52 other players. I think every position group would get on board with this if it came to negotiations with the players union EXCEPT QB/Pass rusher/WR. Corners and the rest are either paid like stars or guys are still free agents who have talent in favor of the cost effectiveness of someone half as good for 1/10th the cost. It’s insane.
  • @jarraahsaad7506
    Those deals looks similar to Money Laundering deals 😂😂😂
  • @rogergibson9433
    i love ur guys' take on sports these days. its what the plants crave
  • @Icien1
    Meanwhile, Brady and Patrick have taken team deals and won all the superbowls.
  • @jakehedge9888
    Players getting way too greedy. Wait till all the NIL players come in. I see owners not wanting to pay these guys any more and hopefully we get a player lockout and get Keanu back in the league
  • They need to add a feature in Madden where your diva wide receiver doesn't show up for camp and pre season
  • @nirmalpatel1917
    People may hate to hear it, but salary caps are good for keeping sports interesting. It spreads talent across all teams and makes it less predictable who will win the championship. No super teams should exist. There is enough money in the league for all stars to get paid. Just not on the same team.
  • @tigersk53
    You could pay everyone fair if QB and WR 1 didn’t take up 50% of the cap
  • @saltyalters
    The Bengals owner has also been one of the stingiest of all time.
  • It’s not just QBS, though they take up a huge piece. But if you have a high paid QB, stud o lineman and an edge rusher that’s a lot of your cap.
  • You definitely can pay everyone..players need to stop demanding the most money they can and taking away from the team..that's one of the reasons tom is the goat
  • @architect617
    The QB cap hit should not be counted against the cap. Only a % should be held against the cap relative to the # of contracts that player has had in thr NFL.
  • @jgould30
    Why do we even have contracts at this point. Nobody seems to ever honor them on either side.
  • @tmac1616
    Doesn’t seem like their stars are willing to take a pay cut to stay together and win, but I guess we’ll see.
  • @fallan11
    Mike Brown literally said in the same interview Jamar is the #1 priority after Joe and that they will "bend over backwards" to get him taken care of. Y'all stop
  • @mikewhite5896
    It’s crazy how this game holds so much more attention than a national issue of students struggling to eat, read, and do math; that honestly financially as a business it’s justified to put money into it and its players rather than community. But I mean I guess they donate and stuff right? 😅
  • @rockerfarm6445
    I wholeheartedly believe that if this QB insanity continues we'll have a similar situation to RBs right now