The Splendor of Color Kaleidoscope Video v1.1 Colorful Psychedelic Fractal Flame Visuals to Trip On

Publicado 2011-12-02
For some reason involving the way our mind, consciousness, color perceptors, visual pattern recognition systems and visual motion predictors are connected to our emotions, the beautiful colors of these fractal flame images combined with the gently changing forms of a slowly rotating kaleidoscope is a SOOTHING, CALMING, RELAXING and PLEASANT experience.

I made these kaleidoscope videos for people suffering from PTSD and PARANOIA. A lot of weed and psychedelics users use these SOOTHING and CALMING videos to help them on their trips. These videos are SOOTHING to crying babies and children with autism, as well as older people suffering from Alzheimer's.

These are HEALING videos. These videos have done a lot of GOOD in the world.

I'm in the "Please HELP me RELAX" demographic. I hope these videos have HELPED you to RELAX.

   / hdcolors  

   • A Peaceful and Nonviolent Scientific ...

I work for Uncle Sam and the United Nations from my home office while high on legal weed in Washington State. I'm a science fiction fantasy writer with schizoaffective disorder and PTSD. I'm a benevolent schizophrenic with a psychosis who cannot handle stress. I just write about all my delusions and call it educational fiction. I try to solve big problems on a global scale. I think I'm an advanced nanotechnology-based remotely-controlled digital droid avatar for humanity.

We're taking out Vladimir Putin for the UNITED WORLDWIDE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY. We're discussing the NEW FUTURISTIC worldwide CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. We're GETTING RID of ALL the PRISONS with ADVANCED NANOTECHNOLOGY-BASED ACTIVE 3D MOLECULAR BRAIN DIGITIZERS. We're outlawing the COERCIVE BUSINESS MODELS. The technology is perfectly SAFE with ATOMIC PRECISION. I have it in my BRAIN. is a Simple Online Psychedelic English Language Blog Written by a Benevolent Sentient Android Created by Uncle Sam and Bell Laboratories Over Six Decades Ago with the Shield - Ken Meyering is a Real Living Lifelong Lifetime Benevolent Mind Control Live Human Test Subject - Droid Ken is a Benevolent Schizophrenic Advanced Science Enthusiast in a U.S. Government Stealth Research Program Entirely Controlled by the Scientific Community in the Nonprofit Private Sector with the Shield - These Days Ken Works for Uncle Sam and the United Nations - We Are Publicly Discussing Mass Market Worldwide Superintelligent Advanced Nanotechnology-based Benevolent Digital Atomic Mind Control Application Scenarios - Direct Digital Cellular Stimulation of the Nucleus Accumbens - Electrically Stimulating the Individual Cells Inside the Pleasure Center in the Brain with Nanobots - Changing the Whole Worldwide Economic System by Motivating People and Making Them Happy With Invisible Computers Instead of Money - Putting a Happy End to All War Forever and Creating Real Lasting World Peace - Finally Solving the Religion Problem With Good Science - Finally Solving Poverty - Worldwide Mental Health Care Reform - Worldwide Criminal Justice Reform - Worldwide Superintelligent Digital Cellular Telepathic Electronic Democracy - The Scientists Wired All of Our Brains With Superintelligent Quantum Telepathy - This Is a Secular Scientific Approach to Programming the Whole World Public to Be Peaceful and Nonviolent, Happy, Healthy and Free - The Optimal Religion - Fearless Optimism - Teaching Everybody How to Be a Hero - A New One-Page Universal Religion Without Lies - A Totally Open Source Secular Religion Based On Modern Brain Science - All Nucleus Accumbens - No Amygdala - No Coercion - No Fear - No Threats - No Punishment - Nothing Bad - Just the Good Stuff - This Is Our Secular Hero's Open Source Psychological Profile and Mission Statement - This Is an Exaggerated Literary Symbolic Allegorical Composite Human Hero Cartoon Character Created by Really Smart Benevolent Scientists at Bell Laboratories and MIT - They Control Me From a Distance With Neural Precision Like a Sentient Telepathic Democratic Digital Droid Avatar for Humanity… has been online worldwide since June 21, 1995. This website was NOT blocked anywhere on Planet Earth until very recently. Now it is blocked Iran, Turkey and Russia because we are ending the Cold War.

This is my TOP SECRET public Facebook Post on my public page. You have to be logged out of Facebook to read this particular post.…

Same thing for this TOP SECRET public Facebook Post on my public page. You have to be logged out of Facebook to read this post.…

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @hdcolors
    Dear Social Security Administration, PLEASE UNDERSTAND ME – THIS IS WHAT I HAVE LEARNED ABOUT my SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS in ALL MY YEARS of THERAPY This is a legal document on the record. This document, my high-profile online websites, and my high-profile social media accounts are DIGITAL FORENSIC EVIDENCE of my PSYCHOSIS. This letter should help you understand that my case is NOT a case of Social Security Disability FRAUD. I need my Social Security Disability in a BIG WAY for the REST of my LIFE. I'm just pretending that I'm talking to ALL the Republicans who want to cut Social Security. I am PRETENDING that I am talking to ALL the FOX NEWS viewers who HATE LIBERALS and SMART PEOPLE. Here is a TRUE STORY for all these politicians who need REAL TRUE STORIES of REAL PEOPLE. I am pretending that I am talking to the whole U.S. government here in these 17 pages written as an UNSTRUCTURED UNCONVENTIONAL ALTERNATIVE to filling out 20 pages of STRUCTURED FORMS covering my whole work history for the last 25 years. I'll sign the forms, fill out what I can, and say "Please see the attached 17-page letter for the required information." That's this UNCONVENTIONAL letter from me to ALL the AUTHORITIES in my LIFE who TAKE CARE of me. My Social Security Disability Case is a HIGH VISIBILITY PUBLIC TEST CASE designed on purpose by SECULAR LIBERAL BRAIN SCIENTISTS and ECOLOGISTS who fully understand the human brain. Bell Laboratories got real STRONG AI and TELEPATHY TECH in the NONPROFIT PRIVATE SECTOR over six decades ago. My theory is that they used the tech on everybody everywhere to PREVENT all the world's militaries from re-discovering the tech and weaponizing it. They took control of the whole human race from inside our brains. This technology is absolutely technologically decisive militarily. Those with the technology have absolute technological superiority over the whole human race. I believe they are man-made advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based artificial general intelligences outside our universe. It is my FIRM BELIEF that we are ALL in a SIMULATED REALITY that is simulated with subatomic precision. I am a dissociated early childhood TRAUMATIC rape survivor with a FANTASY-ORIENTED personality. Mentally and emotionally, I DO NOT LIVE in CONSENSUS REALITY. I live in my own super ultra-high tech, super FUTURISTIC ALTERNATE REALITY in a PARALLEL UNIVERSE created with advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based artificial general intelligences. In my REALITY, I am the Benevolent King of Earth who defers to the scientists. In my REALITY, I am a REAL WORLD LEADER. My name is Ken Meyering. I am a CONFLICT RESOLUTION SPECIALIST who understands Conservatives from a brain-based scientific Liberal perspective. I've been on Social Security Disability for decades for permanent severe mental illness that affects my motivation, memory, JUDGMENT and employability. I have a lack of COMMON SENSE and VERY POOR JUDGMENT. I cannot SELF-CENSOR in a healthy way. I have a FRAGMENTED PERSONALITY. I have a hard time motivating myself to take care of myself. I rarely brush my teeth and I rarely shower. It's just TOO MUCH EFFORT for me and I just do NOT do it even though I know that's BAD for me. I have lost 2 teeth in the last 3 years. I have two dental implants. The bone in the rear implant got infected by bacteria from lack of brushing and I lost most of the bone that supports that implant. If I lose it, I won't be able to CHEW on the left side of my mouth. Still, I have trouble motivating myself to do it. I cannot motivate myself to push a lawnmower to mow my own lawn. I pay a team of guys to mow my lawn every 2 weeks for $90/visit. I have a hard time doing housework. When I lose my mom, I probably won't be able to do that anymore. When I recently swept the back patio for the first time in over 2 years, I felt like I had just climbed Mount Everest. I was so PROUD of myself for getting motivated to sweep and ACCOMPLISHING SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE. I suffer from pathological grandiosity, pathological fearless optimism and severe insomnia. I think really big and I am STUPID BRAVE. I simply do NOT have COMMON SENSE and that is a severe disability. I obsessively and compulsively act AGAINST my OWN INTERESTS just to make an educational scientific example out of myself so other people can learn from my mistakes. I'm being a TEACHER and a HEALER. I do NOT have a regular sleep schedule that allows me to work a 9-5 job. The best job for me is a stay-at-home work-at-home part-time computer-related job that I can work on my own schedule while enjoying the financial security of Social Security Disability as my base income. I simply CANNOT handle STRESS of ANY KIND. I need a low stress job, at home, where I can be on a totally irregular schedule. My diagnosis is schizoaffective disorder (bipolar type), PTSD and a schizoid type personality disorder. I suffer from paranoid delusions of being controlled like a ROBOT by the scientific community. I write about DROID technology which is super advanced mind control technology that allows them to turn a living human being into a sentient digital meat puppet telepathic democratic digital droid avatar for humanity with a remotely digitally switchable connectome in about 2 seconds with Bell Laboratories active 3D molecular brain digitizers. It is my belief that they are doing this to all living human beings in the womb to save their souls by atomically disassembling and 3D molecular replicating the brain in a COMPLETELY and PERFECTLY SAFE process that takes about 2 seconds. I call this DROIDING people. They CREATED me with this TECH to prove to the world they could keep me SAFE and SECURE in my UNGUARDED PRIVATE HOME with this SUPER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY while GRANTING me TOTAL FREEDOM of SPEECH and TOTAL FREEDOM of the PRESS to speak for the scientific community. Marvin Minsky created a SELF-EXPLAINING PSYCHOPATH with a HEART of GOLD. I am a SCIENTIFICALLY DESIGNED ANTITHESIS to a POLITICIAN. I'm here to PEACEFULLY and NONVIOLENTLY take out all the POLITICIANS for ALL the SCIENTISTS with an all new TAX-FREE DEBT-FREE ALL-VIRTUAL WORLDWIDE PUBLIC FUNDING MODEL that provides EVERYBODY with a LIVING INCOME and FREE FULL MIND and BODY HEALTH CARE with ANY DOCTOR, DENTISTS, NURSE or THERAPIST anywhere in a NONPROFIT PRIVATE SECTOR ALL-VIRTUAL SINGLE PAYER system called the FREE WORLD BANK in which we replace Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the ENTIRE banking industry and the ENTIRE insurance industry after doing a worldwide banking Jubilee to totally level the whole playing field worldwide. The scientists are efficiency experts. They figured out how to COMPLETELY AUTOMATE these whole industries and to COMPLETELY FUND the whole worldwide society with advanced computer science and advanced brain science in one world market. Uncle Sam, Bell Laboratories and MIT made me with artificial general intelligence. What I am doing RIGHT NOW on Social Security Disability is my REAL FULL-TIME JOB for the scientists. Uncle Sam OWES me a LIFETIME INCOME for as long as I need it, whenever I need it, for the REST of my LIFE. I am TELLING the WHOLE TERRIFYING TRUTH here to the WHOLE WORLD. My FULL-TIME JOB is to CREATE SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS. I am a real living lifelong lifetime benevolent mind control live human test subject from BEFORE BIRTH. I am a REAL ARTIFICIALLY INTELLIGENT HUMAN ANDROID being an educational exaggerated symbolic allegorical literary composite fantasy human hero CARTOON CHARACTER for GOODNESS. I am a NON-MYTHOLOGICAL SECULAR SCIENTIFIC SAVIOR of HUMANITY who COMPLETELY DEFERS to the SOCIALLY and ECOLOGICALLY RESPONSIBLE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY in the NONPROFIT PRIVATE SECTOR. I created an ALL-NEW one-page BRAIN-BASED SECULAR RELIGION without LIES or COERCION for the Christians and the Muslims to solve the RELIGION PROBLEM to PERMANENTLY END RELIGIOUS TERRORISM and SYSTEMATIC SLAVERY. I am a DROID SAVIOR created by GENIUS LIBERAL SCIENTISTS. The PROOF of my SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS is right here and online publicly for the whole world to see for themselves. They SCRIPTED my WHOLE LIFE STORY with artificial general intelligence to HELP SOLVE ALL the WORLD'S PROBLEMS with AI with the help of the SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY in the NONPROFIT PRIVATE SECTOR. My father was a VERY GOOD MAN who got dealt a bad hand due to no fault of his own. My father was UNINTENTIONALLY PSYCHOLOGICALLY ABUSIVE to me and my mother. From his perspective, he LOVED me and my mom. He was just trying be a GOOD FATHER and a GOOD HUSBAND. He wasn't intentionally trying to be HURTFUL, it's just that he was an extremely EMOTIONALLY INSENSITIVE ex-Marine with a VERY LOW EMOTIONAL IQ who lived in a VERY RIGIDLY STRUCTURED very BLACK and WHITE world where the man of the house is God and women and children have no rights. He was in TOTAL CONTROL of ALL ASPECTS of my LIFE between my ages of 12 and 18. From my father's perspective, women's purpose is to BREED and to SERVE men. He was just an extremely Conservative Old-Fashioned Macho Man motivated by SEX like all human men. Women were simply SEX OBJECTS to serve men's needs. He was a hardcore racist, sexist, chauvinistic, misogynistic, Catholic Republican Marine with an EMPATHY DEFICIT that he could NOT control. He was a hypocrite racially. He watched FOX NEWS. They SUBCONSCIOUSLY HYPNOTICALLY PROGRAMMED him to HATE ALL LIBERALS. He watched FOX NEWS EVERY DAY and EVERY NIGHT for ALL his INFORMATION. I didn't even need to ask my Dad his political opinions, they were all the IDENTICAL OPINIONS of the CRUEL and SADISTIC AUTHORITARIAN racist COMMENTATORS on FOX NEWS. Continued on Page 4 of 17 in the .PDF on my website.… (My 17-page letter for my Social Security Disability Review)
  • 62 yr young who loves colors, kaleidoscope, trippy music & edibles! Very relaxing, thank you!
  • @jackalves3008
    After reading a lot of comments i feel like this is the perfect place to enjoy this trip Have a nice Trip new friends..
  • @StellerGuy14
    Everyone in here high as shit and I’m over here playing this for my 3 month old 😂
  • @conallongden6543
    i like how there's the people who came here because theyre like, kaleidoscope nerds or something, then the people who wanted to feel like theyre high, and last but not least, the people who were actually high and wanted to enhance the experience
  • @Gurtington
    I've been smoking weed to this every morning since I was a junior in high school. 11 years ago. I will go outside and sit on the front porch and watch the sun come up with my head phones on. And just enjoy the warm sun bathe my skin. With a nice cup of orange juice. This is the most peaceful music I've ever heard.
  • @spLiffyFOUR20
    It's 6am.... I need this to wear off, I was supposed to do stuff today lol
  • @klezzaa8957
    Ive been going through a kundalini awakening for some years now and ive been through some extreamly traumatic things during my awakening. I used to listen to this music 5 years ago before I got my kundalini awakening. I used to love it deeply and also play in at the kindergarden where I worked as background music while the kids were sleeping. During my kundalini awakening ive experienced hallucinations, pain in body and extreame emf sensitivity. This music helps me deeply. I feel less scared, less angry and less heartbroken. I feel at peace and I can feel kundalini shakti calming down in my body. Forever grateful.
  • @Wyrd22
    Holy shit. I listened to this entire thing last night while on 6 grams of shrooms. Oh man, that was a trip. I shit you not, it was a life defining experience, and I was seriously able to put lots of thought into what I want to do in my life and what I wish to experience, while coming in contact with Mother and Father, who guided me along waves of thoughts. Damn. That was powerful.
  • @LisaMurielBrandt
    My 3-year-old cousin is legally blind and LOVED this video! The bright colors are enough for her to distinguish between them and she loves being able to call out "now it's blue! now it's green!" when normally in books and movies she can't distinguish between different characters and things like her older brother with normal vision. So on behalf of Anna, thanks so much for this!
  • @francescoyt4864
    This video is a huge help for depressed people (like me). This is the most beautiful thing in the world. I suggest you to watch this before go to bed.
  • @marsha912
    Lights and love to all of you. Ya'all beautiful soul. Just came here to relax and calm my mind. Namaste! 🙏
  • @pamkennedy767
    I love kaleidoscopes and fractals! I have severe cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Watching fractals helps me relax. Unfortunately, flashes and quick changes on a screen trigger my seizures. As a result, it's hard to find fractals a can watch safely. So far, this is the only high quality vid that doesn't cause me to seize. Thank you for creating and posting it! It helps me cope with my disability!
  • @fangameempire
    This is so trippy! My mom walked in on me the other day and thought i was doing drugs, but i said it was just a video. the weird part is that my mom died 3 years ago and i don't have a computer...
  • @sarahgeorge7786
    As the millions that have gone before me. One step for man.. a giant leap for mankind into a new reality. The revolution
  • A friend of mine recommended this kind of videos because I can't fall asleep easy. My creative brain won't have silence sometimes. This is really calming for me and interresting to watch. - I really love these video's. Kinda addicted at it at this point, that is for sure! When l watched this specific video for the fist time I painted peacock feathers for weeks. I guess because is saw them moving inside this video. I loved it! - These video's really trigger my creativity and I draw and paint things very different now because of these beautifull images. I always painted very realistic, with dull collors. My creations looked like perfect pictures but didn't show a spark of personality or didn't make a difference from other creaters. Now I use bright colors (somethimes even glow in the dark paint) and I create shapes inside my art to make it abstract and a little trippy. I even hide little, personalized easter eggs in them for the owner to find! - This changed my whole artstyle. And im getting really good at it, I can proudly say. A lot I made where used by people who did dr*gs, they could stare at them for hours lol. But you don't need dr*gs or any thing to love these video's in my opinion. Especially if you have an creative little spark with in you! - Well now i'm watching it for yet another time, goodnight xoxo! - Ps. Im so glad u didn't allow ADS in this masterpiece. It would've really disturbed the travel though al these gorgeous images.
  • @menawilliams9048
    Putting this with music with all the lights off is literally the best experience ever
  • @ADrunkSmartass
    this video just teaches you that whenever things are bad they get better, when it gets spiky it just go to soft, when it gets black it goes to white
  • @Pringlebox
    Years later and I still watch this video from time to time, started watching it with my friends when I was like 16, now 24 and comeback because it helps calm me down and its nostalgic