Why The Rings Of Power SUCKS Part 3 - A Scene Comparison

Publicado 2023-02-01

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @CommanderJoir
    Also, Battle of helms deep got the best night battle where you understand it is at night yet you can see everything that happening
  • @TheTortler
    Legolas doesn't spot the weakness in their armour from the wall, its even better than that! He remembers their weaknesses from the fight where Boromir dies, passing on that experience to his fellow archers so they won't waste arrows. Goes back to your analysis on the troll fight, attempting to shoot the troll in different places until he finds the weakness! Consistency throughout 3 films, amazing!
  • @Drakescythe9
    One little detail is when Aragorn shouts "ladders!", Gimili shouts "good!" It's a neat little detail, that he understands elvish. He doesn't speak it, but he can understand it. Neat stuff.
  • @shanejackson1167
    Another cool detail in the battle of Helm's Deep - Aragorn stands directly in front of the elven archers' volley, and doesn't flinch when the arrows fly past, because he lived among the elves for so long and knows just how accurate they are. He knows they won't accidentally hit him.
  • @vitaliyred622
    Man, when Saruman says: "A NEW POWER IS RISING!" That whole scene is just so badass, compare this to pathetic goblins with torches walking the mountain.
  • @rightpa
    The one thing I will say in favor of the RoP is that it got me to rewatch the LoR trilogy.
  • @marchavenga6581
    It’s also Viggos presence in the film. As a kid you run around playing with a wooden sword. Seeing Aragorn is exactly what you imagined as a child.
  • @Hoopaugi
    "One can't satisfy thirst by drinking sea water" Somebody was paid for this
  • @kalafinwe5498
    The battle of Helm Deep was printed in my memory when I first saw it as a young child, was because the silence made it so I imagined myself waiting in that fortress as well. I was inside that fortress as a soldier, waiting to fight 10 000 Uruks. I was stressed, anxious and scared. I remember I had troubles breathing in some parts because I thought I was fighting for my life. So yes, that is amazing screenwriting. That's how they should have always done.
  • @WarpRulez
    When the orcs are just about to breach the final doors of the fortress and Theoden has essentially given up and abandoned all hope that he had, and Aragorn tells him that they should ride out to meet the enemy, rekindling Theoden's true courage as the leader of his people, that's one of the most inspirational and awesome moments in the movie.
  • @TransformersBoss
    Theoden is like “oh man, there’s a giant army coming for our city, let’s retreat to the more defensible fortress!” Elf guy is like “oh man, there’s a giant army coming for us, let’s blow up our defensible fortress and go fight in the town!”
  • @michaelraith9481
    “Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.” Literary, Bri'ish wizard
  • - The Lore is taken. It is over. - - You said the Lore would never fall if the fans defended it. They are still defending it. They are dying defending it! - - What can fans do against such reckless agenda? - - Then ride with me. Ride out and meet them! - - Yes... For the glory... - - For Arda. For Tolkien. - - ... The sun is rising... -
  • @sebulbathx
    What is funny is how Galadriel contradicts herself all the time. She held a speech to Sauron that revenge isn't the solution yet her whole mission in the show is to avenge her brother's death, lol! With all inconsistencies, time travel, nothing make any sense etc. it's like no one oversaw the show or production at any point in time.
  • @humhadidas896
    Something I was confused about was how the orcs get into the tavern, start killing, and somehow there is a sizeable number of survivors. The massive Numenorean army arrived for maybe 30 people.
  • @BFCrusader
    15:17 "Using every resource they have to the best of their ability, from having children throwing rocks and a film director chucking a spear..."
  • @Rexotec
    The other thing Helm's Deep did was it also earned this siege through half the movie's runtime and building from the Fellowship of the Ring. We see in the 1st movie how these Uruk-Hai are created, how powerful they are, how they don't fear the daylight, how they are strong enough to overpower and kill Boromir, all with just a small pack. In this movie we see them nearly outrun Legolas Gimli and Aragorn on foot without rest for 3 days, before we see an army of tens of thousands march upon Helm's Deep. We see the desperation of the Rohirim, we have heartbreaking scenes of children being torn from their mothers, given helmets and swords, we see Aragorn giving comfort to Haleth who tells that the men do not believe they will survive the night. We have the long pause like a deep breath before the battle as the rain comes and they hear the march and drums. The movie earns its tension and excitement because for over an hour it's built up this threat and sapped at our heroes' strength, and then goes on to be as well written and choreographed and your video describes. It would take an entire season's worth of RoP to build up that level of emotional connection, and i doubt they'd come close.
  • @PaulA-pg7jm
    Something I find amazing is the looks of the children in the caves during the battle of Helm's Deep. They look actually scared. I don't what Jackson did to them but it worked.
  • 7:50 It’s been pointed out by others, but I’ll bring it up again. The language Adar uses here casts Orcs as some kind of oppressed group: not the enemy because they are monsters that thirst for carnage, as much as because the other races of Middle-Earth won’t accept them for some reason. The writers of Rings of Puke are ONCE AGAIN crowbarring modern political topics into a fantasy world where they don’t belong, because they have no life outside of politics. If you gave a REAL pack of Orcs a speech like this, about ending their slavery and “fighting as brothers and sisters,” they’d shoot you and laugh as you squirm. Orcs don’t care about camaraderie; they hate everybody, including themselves, and will turn on each other in a heartbeat! They proudly practice slavery themselves because they crave violence of all kinds! Orcs were never meant to represent any real-life oppressed minority, and the fact that so many modern writers keep trying to reinterpret them that way reveals some serious issues on their part.
  • This was a great analysis on why Rings of Power didnt work at all and why the Peter Jackson films did. I think one thing often overlooked (especially by the show runners) is the complete disparity in the stakes of this battle. In the original story and movies, the people of Rohan are depicted as mostly good and nobel people. The story never fails to show the weakness of men, but it does put it in a light that men can be good and their problems can be redeemed. So as a reader/viewer we want to see them overcome their weakenesses to face and defeat the evil that threatens their existence. This is portrayed most directly through King Theodens arch, but broadly speaking can be portrayed to the race of men as a whole. Furthermore it is very well established that Rohan failing to defeat Sarumon and the Urukai would lead to disaster for the entire world as Gondor would be surrounded by all sides and would certainly sucumb to the forces of evil, Frodo would most likely be caputured, and the fate of Middle Earth would be doomed. Needless to say there is a lot riding on the outcome of this battle both literally and thematically which just rachets up the tension to a maximum, leading to a huge payoff when Theoden musters up the courage to push back against the Urukai and Gandalf and the Rohirrim arrive to secure the victory. In the TV show the humans are protrayed as a bunch of dirty and smelly racists that squable amoungst themselves and pretty much have no redeeming qualities. On top of that the show even mentions how the people of the Southlands were loyal to Morgoth in the wars of the 1st age, so the only reason the elves are even there is to make sure these people stay in line and dont aline to the most evil being in exsitence again. Even if you put aside all the nausiating lectuires this show gives, where they try to relate this story to real world social/political issues, out the gate the humans are not protrayed as sympathetic or redeemable whatsoever. Furthermore Adar's motivation isn't to take over the world and destroy all the forces of good, he just wants to recapture the Southlands to establish a new home for the Orcs, who up to this point have been brutaly oppressed by pretty much everyone. The show writers didnt even realize that they managed to make the orcs in some ways more sympathetic than the humans, who are supposed to be the good guys. So basically these show writers completely failed to make a compelling story with both the stakes and the themes. Its not just the fact that the scale of the battle is so small, its just that you have no reason to support either side and the stakes of this singlular battle really arent that consequential to the entrire story. Its only after the fact that we are even shown that the McGuffin sword is used for, so we dont have a compelling reason to be concerned about who has it. As far as we know its just a sword. I could go into a lot more detail about how the show runners failed to understand the source material or basic story writing. There were so many set ups and payoffs that could have been easy to incorporate and would have made the characters in the show a lot more compelling, but instead they wanted them all to be badass superheros. However, I think this comment on a youtube video is long enough so if you made it this far thanks for reading!