Sal Khan: How AI Will Revolutionize Education

Whether we like it or not, the AI revolution is coming to education. The founder of Khan Academy returns to Commonwealth Club World Affairs for a first look at how the artificial intelligence revolution will affect education, its implications for parenting, and how we can best harness its power for good.

Khan will draw on his work in his new book Brave New Words to explore how artificial intelligence and GPT technology will transform learning, and he’ll offer a road map for teachers, parents, and students to navigate this exciting (and sometimes intimidating) new world.

A pioneer in the field of education technology, Khan examines the ins and outs of these cutting-edge tools and how they will revolutionize the way we learn and teach. He says AI can personalize learning by adapting to each student’s individual pace and style, identifying strengths and areas for improvement, and offering tailored support and feedback to complement traditional classroom instruction. Khan emphasizes that embracing AI in education is not about replacing human interaction but enhancing it with customized and accessible learning tools that encourage creative problem-solving skills and prepare students for an increasingly digital world.

But Khan’s message is not just about technology—it’s about what this technology means for our society, and the practical implications for administrators, guidance counselors, and hiring managers who can harness the power of AI in education and the workplace. Hear about the ethical and social implications of AI and GPT, with thoughtful insights into how we can use these tools to build a more accessible education system for students around the world.

Photo courtesy the speaker.

May 21, 2024


Sal Khan
Founder and CEO, Khan Academy; Author, Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education (and Why That’s a Good Thing); X @salkhanacademy

In Conversation with Adam Lashinsky
Contributing Columnist, The Washington Post; X @adamlashinsky

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コメント (21)
  • @agenticmark
    dude is another level of rockstar and he did it by teaching people for free. its mind-boggling how many around the world know about KhanAcademy
  • @rohitaddu
    Congratulate Sal Khan for making the education system meaningful, enriching and effective!
  • As a teacher in middle school. I have a high opinion of Khan Academy. If a kid wanted to learn all the content for 8th grade math they could get that education from Khan Academy. However, in my experience a 14-15 year old kids would rather do about anything else than go through a million math videos and answer as many questions. The role of the teacher is to steer the student’s attention to the thing that needs to be learned.
  • I love Sal's work. I started learning his financial classe. Later I got into Medical classes to augment my work in Medical devices. Kahn acadamy and Wikipedia get donation each year on my birthday
  • By YouSum Live 00:00:32 Sal Khan's journey from tutoring family to global education. 00:04:35 Khan Academy's evolution from personal tutoring to online platform. 00:06:03 Balancing free education with world-class personalized learning. 00:07:43 The potential of AI to provide personalized tutoring and support. 00:09:33 Addressing the challenges of traditional classroom pacing and diversity. 00:11:16 Importance of human teachers alongside technological advancements. 00:12:53 Conmigo AI's Socratic method and personalized learning approach. 00:17:36 Implementing safeguards and guardrails for ethical AI usage. 00:19:29 Balancing free education with computational costs. 00:20:04 Evolution of AI models for educational quality. 00:20:26 Transition from philanthropic to cost-efficient models. 00:21:31 Microsoft partnership aiding free tool distribution. 00:21:58 Proliferation of AI tutoring startups. 00:22:32 AI's potential for positive and negative impacts. 00:26:26 Addressing AI's societal impact and regulation. 00:31:46 AI as a tool for creativity amplification and support. 00:36:24 Navigating the balance between AI assistance and independence. 00:37:34 Addressing educational inequality through AI. 00:38:02 AI's potential to enhance personalized learning experiences. 00:46:40 Transitioning to competency-based education for mastery. 00:52:52 Balancing diverse viewpoints through critical thinking with AI. 00:54:36 Teaching students to effectively utilize AI for analysis. 00:55:04 Importance of teaching students how to articulate questions. 00:55:45 Encouraging students to practice articulating their needs confidently. 00:56:27 Significance of developing communication skills for interacting with AI. 00:59:24 Balancing traditional content knowledge with constructivist learning approaches. 00:59:30 Emphasizing the role of ethics and values in education. 01:01:02 Necessity for students to have strong critical thinking and communication skills. 01:04:16 Addressing the challenges of intellectual property rights in AI development. 01:06:03 Considering the implications of AI models on content representation. 01:07:20 Reflecting on the evolving landscape of content creation and distribution. By YouSum Live
  • Great I am 62 years young I wish I had all of these to learn faster and easier and efficient way with any number of repetitive queries with out disturbing teachers or parents 😊
  • @katherandefy
    Khan Academy saved my kid’s education after divorce. Suddenly limited internet access but when it was available Khan Academy was there. Our kid could satisfy curiosity for math, science and history in endless patience that was nonjudgy. Khan Academy has such a great reputation that there was no objection. I was locked out of influencing our kid’s education but for that one suggestion to our kid to use Khan Academy to practice and understand math.. She is 20, and so sensible and knowledgeable, with confidence to follow her interests, and audio engineering is what she wants to do.
  • @sombh1971
    A Socratic AI seems like a cool innovation in the sense it will thwart cheating and really make students think for themselves. Good job. One of the most engaging conversations BTW.
  • Amazing afternoon listening to Sal Khan on YouTube and attempting to understand AI. In Canada his book ‘Brave New Words’ is sold out. I wish so much to understand his words on AI. As a grandmother I am eager for my 10 year old twin girls to embrace this magical concept.
  • THE Teacher teaching techniques with appropriate technology. Practically perfect in every way.
  • I created a GPT where you can talk with any personality in history. It's was pretty easy to do. It will call you by name and is instructed to pretend to be the character you choose and is based on the historical record. Try it.
  • @tvm73836
    I fed this video into my chat bot and when I asked it for its initial impressions of the interview one of the first things it said was “the interviewer seemed disinterested in the conversation”! I was surprised by this comment and asked the bot to elaborate. Apparently the interviewer did not look at the guest when we was talking, 82% of the time. Wow!! Feedback to the interviewer before he goes on to a career on TV 😂
  • @htx1738
    "Thank you, Sal Khan, for this enlightening discussion on how AI can amplify our abilities if we possess the right core skills. This video underscores the importance of critical thinking, creativity, and ethical responsibility in the AI era. A must-watch for anyone looking to thrive alongside AI! 🌟 LH from China
  • I used KhanAcademy to learn lineare algebra in the first semester back in 2010. Inspiring dude, keep moving forward!
  • I have to say I'm sceptical when someone says 'world class and free', but if we could effectively educate our kids for free it would be game changing.
  • @EcomCarl
    his vision for integrating AI in education is transformative, especially in its potential to customize learning experiences. By using AI to fill educational gaps, we can ensure that every student receives the attention and tailored support they need to succeed. 🎯
  • Sal Khan is a genius created a platform to nourish more students to be geniuses. Hurrah for this man.
  • @drtariqhabib
    Great discussion, thanks Mr. Khan for the excellent, pioneering work.