California Is Preparing To Be an Abortion Destination

Published 2022-06-30
California has the strongest abortion protections in the country, and now it is positioning itself to be the nation's abortion provider. The state could soon be home to nearly 30% of the country's abortion clinics in the wake of SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade. Paola Ramos went to see how the state is preparing for an influx from out of state abortion seekers.

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All Comments (21)
  • @georgem2334
    The speaker of the House of Reps in Mississippi has said on camera that a 12 year old girl should be forced to have her baby, even if she was raped. That is about as evil as it can get.
  • Same people that cried about having to wear a mask for fear of losing bodily autonomy have no problem eliminating it for women nationwide.
  • @stefanie5205
    That woman taking the calls is so nice. Listening to her is so comforting. Fortunately there are still people like her
  • @Smileyson58
    The thing is poor people won’t have a means to get there and pay for the procedure and accomodation. The most vulnerable women will do it themselves or in backyard clinics. Many women will die because of this.
  • @StriderHoang
    I cannot imagine going someplace where you believe you will get help for very real, life altering circumstances, only to be met by staff who will pray over you.
  • @legitfella494
    Gotta love how pro life people don’t care about a baby’s life after they are born. Quality of life is not important to them
  • I can only picture a young teenage girl with no transportation who wants too keep this procedure to her self, how impossible a journey like this might be. There is a huge range of underprivileged females who will suffer because of this and my heart breaks for them.
  • I really dont get this wow...we barely have enough baby formula right now. And you are worried about a baby that hasnt even fully developed having a "future" but wont have a voice for the poor, orphans, poc or lgbtq children that exist now to even have one?
  • @KaritKtana
    I would really like to see a Vice News in-depth report on the situation in Poland. How are women handling the illegality of abortions? What is being done both politically and on the streets? Are people dying because of the ban? What networks of support rose up? This is exactly what people in the US and around the world need to see!
  • @jarredsmith5590
    Imagine a country where Republicans cared about the children already here. If their actions were sincere they would push for the budget to help all the kids in the system.
  • @vickygraham2444
    "The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe
  • @carla6497
    I can' t believe the laws are so far behind in different countries about abortions. I doubt people will flock to have an abortion. It's a very disturbing choice. Yet one a women should be able to make. Mistakes happen, so do rapes and a lot of other scenarios. Look at how women used to get 'back street' abortions, and die of bacterial infections. I got pregnant using a condom, and getting the morning after pill was not available in my town. No women 'wants' an abortion. But it's better than having an unwanted pregnancy. I have to live with the consequences, after 30 years I still have dreams, it's not an easy choice. Believe me.
  • @aannalese
    Having lived in California my entire life, I can say that I am proud that whenever I was a teen and needed birth control or regular appointments, I was able to get it. No questions asked. I did not even have health insurance and I was seen. Although there are things that I do not like here, I'm proud of my state
  • To any woman in the comment section reading these cruel comments from some. Know I'm here and support you and your body is yours. You deserve safe and quality Healthcare. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
  • @sophier2342
    It is so terrifying the amount of Americans on this thread who believe this is a good thing. This will cause immense poverty and crime and the unwanted children of coming generations as a result of this will make a mark in society. The fact that America has reached this point where men have been allowed to decide this is horrifying. It is like handmaid’s tale tv series has come to life.
  • @freshface2991
    I’m glad there are at least safe havens for women. No one should be forced into something they don’t want. We couldn’t truly enforce mask or vaccine mandates, so let’s allow everyone to do what they wish for their own bodies.
  • @brianshrimp5824
    I guess im a left leaning republican because i do believe in peoples freedom to choose whats best for them. The far right idk whats going on trying to control people and force their beliefs on others.
  • @bigraviolees
    Let native Americans open clinics on reservations
  • Please link the advocacy group you mentioned in the bio, it would make it a lot easier to find/support them.