Gladiator Editing Back to 80s,

Publicado 2021-10-26

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  • @backto80sreels
    Alpha Cinema Club is a brand that embodies the essence of the 80's genre, culture, generation fused in with today's culture and style. Very vibrant and bold colors, images and meanings. A brand to speak for the retro lovers of this generation and of the past generations. It is heavily inspired by the new wave and soundtrack of classic 1980s films, video games, cartoons and television shows. It is commonly known for its retro-futuristic style emulating science fiction and actions movies from that decade. With this in mind we’ve created this channel for anyone feeling nostalgic about 1980s culture or embracing this relatively new life style. If you want your music, artwork or movie scene removed from our Youtube Channel please email our legal team at: "we remove the same day" ©2023 Alpha Cinema Club, LLC. All Rights Reserved. For Advertising Contact Us Instagram:
  • @WegrennerX
    Phoenix played such a good role I hated him for 10 years.
  • @crapObear2323
    This was filmed in 1999! Can't believe it was made 22 years ago! Cinematography is stupendous! Looks better than most films today!
  • @beardedbloke2521
    Russell Crowe was incredible in this film. What a performance! I still remember seeing this in the cinema.
  • @johngreen6783
    They left out the best part: “My history is a bit hazy - didn’t the barbarians lose the battle of Carthage?” “Uhh…Yes, sire”
  • @mementomori8791
    Oh man. As a kid I had tears in my eyes at every victory of Maximus. More than 20 years after, I still do.
  • Seeing this in the theater you could just feel the lightning shooting out of every hair on your head. Dolby stereo at concert volume with booming base. Unbelievable. Exhilarating.
  • @csguak
    Always utmost respect to the leader who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and risks his life
  • Anybody ever catch that one of the fellow gladiators said "I served with you at Vindobona" ? He knew Maximus was his former General the whole time.
  • @tamferguson3891
    One of the Greatest Sword & Sandal Epics ever made. One of my favorites and I cannot wait to see it in 4K.
  • @shadowlaw809
    When movies were movies, that music at the end is too historic
  • @spankflaps1365
    It’s amazing that they recreated the Colloseum perfectly. I know they only built some sections and filled in the gaps with CGI, but it looks stunning. They built the Colloseum and Forum scenery in Malta. After production they offered it all to the Maltese Government, so they could use it as a theme park, and hire it out for future films and events. But the Maltese weren’t interested, so it was all demolished. All the interior of the original Colloseum was finished with very exotic, expensive dressed and polished stone and marble. It survived intact until 500 years ago, when the Pope had it quarried to build St Peters Basilica. Anyway one thing’s for sure, the Romans had far better theatrical entertainment 2000 years ago, than we have now…
  • @85ddrummer
    Interesting fact. When the carriage flips at 2:54 you can see the gas bottle used by the prop manager to blow it over
  • @jonsmith5058
    I love the part where Djimon Hounsou's character throws Maximus a sword and because of how flawlessly he catches and intimidating Maximus is on horseback like that it makes the character almost step back in fear and awe. Russell Crowe really did have a huge presence in this movie and made that character iconic.
  • @nmuzaic
    That tongue at 4:18 is truly something to behold. Finally Phoenix got that Best Actor award!
  • @leandrotami
    It was a terrible mistake of mine not to have seen this movie in the movie theatre, thinking it would be a stupid movie. Even 21 years later it gets me so emotional and teary eyed.
  • @cloverluck16
    One of the most hated villains in cinematic history. still hate him to this day. Good job Phoenix.
  • @covrachang
    2:53 A gas canister is famously seen on the fallen Chariot.