
Do you know someone who is "more of a dog person"? Yeah, we do too! We took this as an opportunity to introduce these cat haters to the innocence of an infant kitten -- the ones who love to be held, snuggled, and purr louder than an engine. We thought it would be impossible for even the biggest cat hater to dislike any of these kittens. We put it to the test, and it didn't disappoint!

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Do you know of anyone who hates cats who would like to be featured in one of our videos? Send them this video and mention them in the comments! We are always looking for real people to be a part of our videos!

コメント (21)
  • I was never a cat person. My kids always wanted one and I would immediately say no. My son started to have some pretty significant mental health issues, asked for a cat and we decided to let him have a kitten. Oh my goodness. She's now 3 and the entire family is SMITTEN! She's so snuggly and wants to be around us all the time. She's the best girl ever. Also, my son is doing great 🥰
  • @kenjcm
    When people say that cats are not as affectionate right away as a bad thing, for me that's a good thing. It kind of feels more "earned" when they warm up to me rather than a dog that seems happy to be with just about anyone. And one of my cats is actually super needy like a dog though, but only with me. She always wants to sit on my lap and climb up on my shoulder.
  • @faryyyyyy
    As a cat owner I noticed that „cat people“ never hate dogs, they just prefer cats or can‘t imagine having a dog.. but a dog person quickly hates cats because they don‘t let anybody near them in one second. I have two cats and whoever comes over looses all the bad prejudices and learns how to interact with them and actually leaves liking cats
  • @NicholePV
    I used to be really scared of cats, but then I started watching that show, ‘My Cat From Hell’ and that made me realize that the things about cats I was afraid of wasn’t normal cat behavior, it was behavioral issues. So I started volunteering at my local animal shelter to help socialize the kittens… I loved it, I called it going to kitten therapy
  • @GSutton
    Me, planning to lie about "hating cats," so I have an excuse to play with cats. ✍️
  • I think the fact they’re not affectionate right away is just one of their best quality because it teach not only kids, but people in general about consent. You can only touch and cuddle them when they want and once they let you, they are the most clingy and loving beings ever ❤
  • I was suffering with insomnia one night, I curled up with my cat and he started purring. Instantly put me to sleep. Cats are just as loyal and protective as dogs.
  • My husband always said he wasnt a cat person. Grew up with a dog. Then we meet a cat that our friend needed fostering for. So, knowing that any animal could win his heart, brought the cat home. We were told she was not people friendly. Would hiss and be scared of anyone. By week two she was his 'baby girl'. He would move heaven and earth for her. We foster failed (moreso no one wanted her) but it was fine, as the cat we were told hated people (and she was a bit standoffish at first) would greet us with a chirp as we got home. She would purr as we sat by her to watch birds. Shed sneak into our room at night to snuggle with our legs as we slept, like we wouldnt notice. Its like she didnt want us to know she loved us. He cried the first time she nudged into his hand as he pet her, wanting more affection. He eventually said, after she passed away and he was so so heart broken...that he still loved dogs, but a cats love was so speacial to him. It felt earned. RIP Emma.❤ Cats have the ability to change lives.❤ ❤❤
  • Something interesting that I've noticed is that dog people will often approach cats very quickly and energetically whereas, me having loads of experience with cats and definitely a cat person, I always let the cats get used to me on their own time. I noticed that in this video too, the way that they all grabbed the kitten from the back of the cage, whereas I would've just waited for it to come out to make sure it was comfortable lol
  • As a lifetime cat mom, I am shook that some people believe cats aren't affectionate.
  • Also hated cats until I saved a friends cat who was being neglected and dying. This cat immediately bonded with me and turned out to be so smart, well behaved and was soooo sweet. I had him for just over 10 years before he passed away from cancer.
  • I work at a cat sanctuary and the amount of love I get is insane. It really taught me that cats have different personalities. Some are more standoffish, but so many just want to be loved
  • @amber7151
    Cat haters will never understand the healing affect of cats. I had a foster kitten love on me after a car accident. I healed within 5 days. The kitten knew exactly where I was hurt.
  • My husband always described himself as "more of a dog person." Then we got a cat who absolutely attached herself to him, and he fell in love. Now we're getting a place with a fenced yard. When I pointed out we would have the space to own a dog, he said, "Actually, I was thinking we could get another cat..."
  • I can't conceive of a world without cats. I absolutely adore my cats
  • I never thought I would be a cat person. I was bit by a cat as a kid, and had been kinda scared of them ever since. But then when my roommate moved out, I was suddenly living alone at it got very lonely very quickly. So my sister suggested adopting a cat like she did, and it didn't take her long to convince me. On her advice I watched a bunch of videos with The Cat Whisperer: Jackson Galaxy, and learned that the reason I was scared of cats was because I didn't know how to read them. I finally adopted my Lucy at 4 months, and we were just a perfect match! She was very scared of humans, to a point they almost put her down, and I was so ready to give her a second chance. I used all the techniques I had learned from Galaxy, and took everything in her pace. And now she is just the sweetest little cuddlebug, and a great indoor cat! And I love her to bits <3 I still want a dog, but I'm definitely getting another cat once I get a bigger place. Also: #AdoptDontShop and neuter your pets!
  • @SynGoat
    You’re not a cat person until you’ve been loved by a cat. Then it all changes. ❤️
  • Honestly I never understood how people fight over cats vs dogs. I love them both! They are different creatures and require different ways to treat them but they are both great!
  • These kittens are so relaxed! Their tails straight up in the air: relaxed and happy kitties.
  • I’ve had both. Dogs absolutely revel in attention and fuss, cats prefer their own space and small moments of affection. The type of person you are definitely impacts which companion you prefer.