Breaking Minecraft YouTuber's Hardest Records

Published 2023-03-18

All Comments (21)
  • @mine
    this dude really sat there for 10 hours pressing right click
  • Some of these challenges are actually punishing! I bet many of them took so long to do!
  • Dude, Metword is actually such an underrated youtuber, I'm glad his record was shown in the video.
  • @slordwastaken
    It amazes me how MinuteTech can still come up with great challenges and ideas. Awesome video as usual.
  • to beat preston's record, just go into a superflat world and just dig downwards
  • @xSubzero-MC
    Lets be honest, MinuteTech never fails to entertain us!!
  • @ItzSilko_
    Every time MinuteTech uploads your day just gets better
  • If you are wondering why the rockets last longer when you are lagging, it's because Minecraft cannot tell how long it has been, since the lag slows down your tps on a single player world meaning that the rockets will last longer
  • @HelloIAmAnExist
    Stack of blocks has probably been beaten in a normal Speedrun before, because speedunners often tnt the wood after getting tnt from buried treasure and they get a bunch of dirt along with it as well
  • @DalerousLance
    I love the cinimatic music on the funniest shots lol
  • @swaggis.
    Clicked this faster than my dad left for the milk
  • You could use a tnt player launcher as well to gain an extra 30000 blocks without using any elytra or rockets
    the fastest time for cooked cod is like around 10 seconds if you see minecraft speedrunners like doogile
  • @RisottoNero563
    Minutetech : i beat camman record!! Clementdav: to late
  • @m1lky.
    You could also do the thing we're u place like 500 end crystals and blow them up in peaceful or just die and blow them up to get really high