Awkward Interveiws be like:

Publicado 2023-01-20
This was an animation test for my culminating, and I thought it looked pretty cool, so why not share it to you guys lol

!Heads up!

No. I didn't mean it like that, but next time you should wear a helmet just in case.

What I meant was, I want to tell everyone as a reminder, exams are happening this coming week, but I only have one this year, luckily so I'll try to record possibly afterwards; Bedwars, Roblox, idk, somethin...?

To anyone ELSE who has exams, I wish you the best of luck! You can do it!

Anywho, I hope you guys enjoyed this little animation and cheers to next school semester!

Sub, like, you know the drill!

No... not that drill, hey! HEY! Watch it dude! You'll poke someone's eye out.

It's a choice at this point really, don't sub and like, and get your eyes poked. Or sub and like, and nothing happens!
(Pretty simple choice I'd say)

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