The Darkest Pokemon Iceberg

In this video we'll be diving into some of my favourite creepy and mysterious pokemon fan theories. Everything from Lavender town syndrome all the way to the pokemon burger king incident.

00:00 Tier One
10:51 Tier Two
19:28 Tier Three
27:39 Tier Four
33:55: Tier Five

I hope you all enjoy the video
- your friend Porder ♡

コメント (21)
  • @Porder
    This video is so old & poorly made, idk why the algorithm is recommending it again lol. If you wanna watch my new stuff i just dropped a video today -
  • Porygon did do nothing wrong though! It was Pikachu's Thunderbolt hitting missiles that caused the strobe-effect! Porygon was just an innocent bystander!
  • @ToaArcan
    Hey, that was Darkrai Manslaughter.

    Darkrai's nightmare powers are an involuntary defence mechanism that it can't turn off. That's why it usually sequesters itself on Newmoon Island, right next to Fullmoon Island where the only Pokemon that can ward it off, Cresselia, rests.

    Basically Darkrai needs a hug, but try not to fall asleep around it.
  • Also in the hypno topic, in Sun and moon there's a school in which if you interact with the teacher, you'll discover that it was a hypno. That must also be why all the students are always at school, hypno drags them there forever. Wonder if all the schools are like this
  • @attaug
    The one at the end about BK and the Pokeballs killing people is actually the reason almost every plastic toy that could fit around a child's mouth and noes is now manufactured with 3~4 little holes at the base of the item. It's so if a child does something dumb like this again it can't form a seal due to the extra air flow or if it does somehow get stuck they can still breathe while it's being removed.

    It's also one of the earlier instances of modern conflict involving bad parenting that didn't involve TV or Video Games and is why a lot of TV channels ended up having commercials telling parents to pay attention to their kids or some such.
  • Here's how to get back at Mindy for the Haunter thing.
    Take the trade, but before that, teach Medicham Strength, Rock Smash, Detect, and Protect.
    This gives Mindy a Medicham with two dead slots and she'll have to waste time changing Detect and Protect to other moves.
  • “Mew is a failed Ditto clone”
    Did you mean ‘Ditto is a failed Mew clone’?
  • The sad thing about the Porygon anime ban was that the Pokémon itself truly did do nothing wrong, as Pikachu was the one that caused the explosion.

    But, of course, you can't ban darling Pikachu from the anime, so Porygon got the blame.
  • @dziewiaty
    About the last one, while I understand the pain of the parents who left their child with harmless toy only to discover guresome accident, it was pretty much a small plastic bowl. I don't want to blame parents in case of tragedy nobody foresaw, I would also not call the toy unsafe because of that.
  • Dude the quality of this video is ridiculous considering your size, never stop making videos dude you are seriously talented.
  • The Hypno theory is really funny to me because Drowzee is an actual criminal in mystery dungeon and kidnaps a child...
  • @rredK
    I think the Ditto-Mew clone theory is very likely, as in the Pokémon manga, Blaine put some of his DNA into the cloning device in order to make Mewtwo. After doing this, he gained a connection to Mewtwo, causing a strange ooze (supposedly a Ditto-like lifeform) to come out of his hand whenever he was too far away from Mewtwo.
  • @memcrem
    About the ghost girl bit at 16:29, funny enough, she makes another appearance, although this time, it's in the mobile spin-off game Pokemon Masters EX, and it's revealed that her (or if there are multiple ghost girls like her, "this specific ghost girl's") name is Helena. And she's not really depicted as that creepy as she was in the mainline games, just obsesses over creepy stuff.
  • my first ever shiny was a shiny Gastly I encountered in Pearl. imagine by shock and horror when I discovered what shiny Gengar looked like.
    so I just kept her a Haunter forever because shiny Haunter is infinitely cooler, until I caught a new one in Sword that is named Noodle.
  • Anyone talking about how in 3:11-3:12 there is a picture of shiny gyarodos in green shorts with it's foot ij the camera?
  • For the Darkrai one, her family went to find the lunar wing to wake her up but when they returned with it in hand they were too late
  • I like Spinda :(

    Also not sure if someone else brought it up but the *Porygon did nothing wrong " tweet is a bit of a nod to the section of the community that doesn't blame Porygon at all for the incident and finds it unfair but instead blames Pikachu for being the one to launch the bolt of lightning that started it.
  • You should have mentioned Pokehell. In glitch city, if you do a certain input command, you can enter “Pokehell”. Basically, Red will start falling infinitely while text boxes and whatnot pass you. It’s really creepy
  • @Rashicora
    I may have known all of these, but it was still a treat to indulge in watching the entire video. You have an engaging script, the visuals are entrancing, you nailed each theory, and I appreciate just how deep you went with each one. Thanks man, keep doin what you're doin ^w^
  • @Whatsvrmn
    I love the Ash’s coma theory nowadays knowing, spoiler alert, that he’s finally a champion and not the main character anymore moving forward. And the Pokémon world has acknowledged him as a champion.