How to Calm the Voice Inside | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

Eckhart considers the day-to-day, thought-based narratives of most people’s lives and how to break free of them to live more fully in each moment.

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コメント (21)
  • To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life.
  • @mel9230
    You are a wonderful teacher. I'm 84. When a negative thought hits...I stop and compel myself to do 10 mental "pushups" to offset the thought. Example: name 10 of your favorite songs, name 10 countries you've visited,name 10 friends you had in grade school. And by the time I hit ten...I've forgotten the poison thought. NEVER too old to learn!
  • Once in Berkeley California I walked for 10 minutes on a busy street without a single thought in my head. That was heavenly.
  • You can't stop the voice in your head, it is a part of you. Just don't give it so much attention and watch how it looses it's power.
  • “What a liberation to realize that the “voice in my head” is not who I am. Who am I then? The one who sees that.” - ECKHART TOLLE 💜🌷
  • @xujie4899
    My kid has been having nightmares for 2 months, couldn't sleep by himself and told me he couldn't stop thinking about it. I was driving him at night through the city, I told him to focus on the present moment and look at the lights outside and just feel how beautiful they are, without thinking. After a while, he said it was working. Not long after that he felt in a comfortable sleep. Thank you Eckhart
  • @zaoria123
    Realizing that I am not my thoughts - that I don't need to listen to them, to act on them, that I can simply observe them - is one of the greatest gifts I have ever received. Previously, I allowed my mind to keep me miserable, worried, angry - every single day. After practicing Eckhart's teachings I now only feel that way sometimes, and even then, I have a way out. I now realize that I create my own suffering. And that I can stop doing this any time I choose. I can accept this very moment as it is. Dwelling on the past leads to so much regret and resentment. Thinking about future leads to so much fear, worry and anxiety. When I live in the Now, everything is OK. And Now IS everything.
  • @ywriteu
    Dear man, you have practically saved my life. I am 74 & going through some tough times. Living in the present moment and ignoring that voice in my head that is terrified and anxious and depressed has made all the difference in the world. I binge-watch your videos. Thank you for existing.
  • Another great practice which works wonders for me, and just requires a bit of imagination, is imagining you have a volume dial for your thoughts and gently turning the volume down whenever you need to. With a little practice it works wonders. Love to all ❤
  • I don't think there is another person on the whole planet who has diagnosed the sickness of the human condition more succinctly than Eckhart. He has such an amazing perspective. His books should be high school classes and we would raise a generation of much better socially adjusted people.
  • One way I stop negative thinking is to explore. Give my brain something new to learn. It always works.
  • He who suffers before it is necessary suffers more than it is necessary : seneca
  • @skwo1564
    to anybody who's reading this, you are not alone , send my warm love and all the worrying, fear,anxiety hhas not control anymore, and you are liberate and have a wonderful life...a new life, happiness in all situation , abundantly in love, family,friends, humanity and financially. God bless you all
  • @pbinsb3437
    Here's what I say to that negative voice...Thank you for sharing.
  • One thought which helps me to stop resentful stressful thoughts is to remind myself...."no amount of thinking will undo or change the past"
  • This should be taught in schools. I feel this is the future of education as consciousness is expanding. Thanks Eckhart for your valuable and life changing teachings 💜☀️
  • "Mindfulness is discovering that there is a voice in your head that continuously comments on your life."
  • His book the Power of now is the most profound i have ever read in my life