US student protests: Analysis and historical comparison | DW News

Publicado 2024-05-01
Tension on US university campuses is rising after police arrested hundreds of pro-Palestinian student demonstrators. Students at dozens of colleges in the US have been demonstrating against the war in Gaza. They've been calling on administrators to divest from companies that allegedly profit from Israel's war against Hamas.

0:00 Background on the arrests on campuses
1:45 Benjamin Alvarez Gruber, DW Correspondent
4:01 Robert Cohen, Professor of Social Studies Education, NYU
9:13 David Farber, Professor of modern US history, University of Kansas


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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • If this was Turkish students protesting against Erdogan , DW headline would be : Brutal clampdown on Students continues all over the country .
  • @cmikhail7289
    Why can't Americans protest that Wallstreet again?
  • @michaelj7069
    Funny how violence always breaks out when the cops show up.
  • @MMA-gb6to
    do you still remember, when hong kong students protested, what did you say?
  • @DurgaDas96
    I’ve notice the same thing, that this movement is growing at lightening speed compared to the Viet Nam War protests. Generation Z were born into the digital, social media space. At this rate, it wouldn’t surprise me to see Mid-West campuses join in big time, also, I could easily imagine high schools, nationwide, getting active. We don’t know what this Z generation is capable of. I’m 72, but I say, Go Gen Z!
  • @joexavier4070
    Innocent and poor lives doesn't matter...only powerfuls I learned the hardcore truth of today's world
  • those who died for "FREEDOMS" all those years in america have made the ultimate sacrifice for......?
  • Police rioting in USA just like here in Africa, why don't they allow peaceful demonstration to go on as they always advise other nations
  • @kenhunt5153
    Why not report how Brown or Northwestern handled the situation?
  • @trnogger
    "We dissolved the protest because of outside agitators." - isn't that exactly the pretext Georgia, Russia and Iran use to suppress their citizens opposition?
  • @ZecVitaly
    It is not anti-Semitic to call for a ceasefire. The media seems to place a lot of emphasis on the agitators when most protests have been peaceful.
  • bro thinks protests should last several decades before being heard or switch to violent options
  • @manyworldsin1
    This coverage missed the obvious comparison to the campus based campaign for divestment from apartheid south africa.
  • I'm shocked that the NYC mayor admitted that it was police that escalated things... and disappointed that he doesn't condemn them.
  • @zY8xN6tQ2mL4
    "pressure from Congress and donors", this professor is on point
  • So what are the students using to lock up their bikes if they’re on the building?
  • @UTubeISphere
    The night-time mob attack on the ceasefire and divest protester camp in LA eerily looks like settler violence in the West Bank, with the police for a very long time dispassionately looking on