WHY Is This $7?! A Rant

Published 2024-06-11
The current state of the gaming industry is pretty frustrating. Criticism is crucial in driving change. Comparing past and present games reveals a decline in content quality and quantity, reflecting a shift towards monetizing every aspect of gameplay. This practice needs to be challenged to ensure a better future for gaming.

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Music by Epidemic Sound

All Comments (21)
  • @otohikoamv
    It all started with that horse armor...
  • For $7 is the price for some good indie games on discount, support indie from now on.
  • @bizz7612
    The worst part is it technically costs more than 7$. you can only buy the points in increments of 5$, so it's 10$ and then you have 300 useless points left that you can hardly spend on anything.
  • Obsidian Ant: "THIS IS A RANT VIDEO" Proceeds to make measured, deliberate and fair arguments for nine minutes and five seconds with ample support. Never raises their voice once. Eustace the Monk: "This is why I love this channel"
  • @adaml5241
    My entire library has shifted to AA and Indie games in the last 3-5 years. This stuff is getting ridiculous and I'm over it.
  • @novaley7122
    They haven't even fixed their game and they're asking for money already
  • @K31TH3R
    Meanwhile, Hello Games keeps pushing out content update after content update for No Man's Sky without asking for a single penny, despite me being more than willing to pay for a DLC at this point. I just finished the new Adrift Expedition and enjoyed my time spent with it infinitely more than I did Starfield, even despite the fact that one of the expedition goals was literally just "stare up at the stars for one full minute."
  • @ito2789
    Those same idiots who preorder and keep buying in store items are what is making these greedy practices continue
  • @DarkDax
    Genuinely maddening to see heavily funded games squeezing as much as they can out of the player base.
  • @ukar69
    The greed of games companies knows no bounds.
  • @DutchToast
    Remember it all started with horse armor in Oblivion. They set the trend back then. I hate it. They wont see a penny from me. I was in half a mind to go back into Starfield but this shit is really pissing me off.
  • @Wayleran
    More context: Oblivion had a production budget of just over $10 million. Starfield had a budget of over $200 million. This is not to say I'm even a fan of Bethesda because I feel they are massively overrated by people who gloss over the many many flaws in their games and only focus on the few good to great aspects. Large teams and larger budgets can be, in my opinion, antithetical to quality and innovation. With so much money invested these companies are totally risk averse and therefore not only are the game systems safe and generic but the storytelling is safe and generic and completely flaccid. Also we've all heard the phrase "too many cooks..." and that has a lot to do with why AAA games are often bland while indie and AA studios are so innovative and exciting. It's because with a small team and a unified core vision intact the indie and "AA" studios can not only take more risks but also stay true to who they are and what they believe makes a great, and more importantly, fun game.
  • @valengar7
    Wow. The Starfield vs Morrowind comparison really displayed the stark difference in quantity of factions, missions, lore topics, etc.
  • @prism6
    Totally agree. We get what we tolerate. And specific criticism has less chance of being misinterpreted than low sales Also, isn't that $7 effectively $10 because you need to buy credits first? Again, we get what we tolerate...
  • @Darkmiss7078
    The Witcher 3's two DLC was not cut content, to be sold at a later date, they were made well after the main game and all the voice and motion capture actors were used and paid appropriately for their extra work.
  • @Culky
    They ought to be trying to pull a Hello Games, working hard to redeem what was a shoddy, outdated and underwhelming experience at launch, at no cost to the people who paid for it, not playing the horse armour card as if it was a beloved franchise.
  • @shane8144
    I'm simply spending no more time - or especially money - on Starfield until the modding community saves the game's future (for FREE and DLC is practically free (or just free, period)), given the poor extent of the original content and understanding that it's merely a platform for a greater game (Like Skyrim). I really enjoyed Starfield for what it offered, paid full price, and got my money's worth... using mods and sort of ignoring the game's weaker aspects and knowing a greater game is coming via modding. Not giving Bethesda any more money (but giving to modders, directly). Thanks for your great content OA!!
  • @LukazChrom
    This ** has been with the PvP-Community for so long. NOW it is slowly creeping into the PvE-Community too. ... VOTE-WITH-YOUR-WALLET! BUT A-L-S-O WITH YOUR VOICE! CALL THIS CRAP OUT!
  • @b1dover
    I knew EXACTLY what the $7 indicated