Flooded Roads


コメント (9)
  • I hope no one got hurt when it flooded. We had a bad night around here, too. There were tornados nearby. So strange how it’s all over the Country. I’m thinking Jesus is coming soon! Be safe out there. ❤😊
  • Not sure where you are at but I'm in Southeastern PA and it was crazy around here yesterday. I stayed home, but my adult children both had to drive to/from work and Both said it was Really Bad. Flooding was expected in the low lying areas - there are rivers and creeks everywhere around here. Hope everyone was safe there. Thankfully, the sun made a brief appearance this morning already, but more importantly, the rain has stopped after 3 days of downpours. I'm off to the grocery store a little later this morning. Thanks for sharing!
  • @MindGarden
    Wow! I got lucky here and had no trouble
  • My goodness this is super scary Hope everyone is ok with this flood Stay safe ❤
  • @colormewhimsy
    Wow, thats flooded bad. Thanks for sharing. Please stay safe. 😊❤
  • @tinah.7560
    Oh wow! Please take care, and stay safe. I hope things recede soon. 💕