Spider-Man Fights Doctor Strange In The Mirror Dimension | Spider-Man: No Way Home

Strange takes Spider-Man into the mirror dimension… | Buy or rent Spider-Man: No Way Home here: amzo.in/movie/ikv/spider-man-no-way-home-2021

For the first time in Spider-Man’s cinematic history, our friendly neighborhood hero is unmasked & no longer able to separate his normal and superhero lives. When he asks Doctor Strange for help, the stakes become even more dangerous.

© Sony Pictures

コメント (21)
  • This wasn't a versus battle, this was Doctor Strange trying hard not to hurt Peter and still take the box from him.
  • 2:35 I just f***ing realized they put invisible waves around the top of his head, like the bolts that usually go over his head in the comics and the games to represent his spider-sense. Awesome
  • @NoJynx
    Whenever doctor strange is in a movie, I wonder how much budget they had to use for his scenes
  • When you realize Strange was right to send them back...to avoid timelines splitting..
  • @camerawman
    This scene proves that with great power comes great responsibility but not great wisdom
  • If Strange really wanted to, he could’ve taken that box before that whole little acrobatics scene began.
  • I liked how Peter Parker thinks about his enemies, even finds away to help them.
  • I like how absolutely no one cares that two supers are having it out before Strange moves the whole battle. NYC has been affected by superheroes far too many times to care when they do literally anything in public, so long as it's the good guys.
  • @bobjardic2741
    I feel like this scene is definitely reminiscent of Tony saying "trust me kid, if Cap wanted to lay you out he would've". Having said that, I'm totally fine with Peter, who's a genius, catching Strange off guard a bit and winning in this scene. Edit: also, how friggin cool is it that we even have a scene like this? And in live action, with visuals like this. So awesome.
  • Look, he didn't beat Strange because he is more powerful, he beat him because he outsmarted him
  • The most surprising thing is how quickly Peter adapts to the mirror dimension. Just seeing it should have stunned him completely...
  • @-Cross_
    strange shouldve said "congrats you just killed ur aunt"
  • @tayIon
    The fact that this video title exists in a live action movie is just amazing
  • @corvus9359
    It's a shame James Franco wasn't part of this movie, going by the rules that summoned all these characters into this world, Harry should've been summoned as well.
  • @maxm2656
    Is it just me or at 2:33 are there spider sense squiggles around Peter’s head
  • @shawnbrase
    They’re going back to perish either way…whether they change or not…also Doc Oc changed at the end of Spider-Man 2…he volunteered to take down his machine…
  • @ColdSoldier02
    I have to say I absolutely love the little smirk that Tom gives to Zendaya when she says because that's not who he is as like a way of saying you know I understand you I get you you know I love you and I'm going to show you that by telling who you truly are