When The Suspect Is Smarter Than The Detective

Publicado 2023-01-21
Interrogations like this don't happen often where the suspect outsmarts the detectives and knows EXACTLY what to do... This is the story of Jeff, who is one of the people who got out of an interrogation better than he went in.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Detective: "You have the right to remain silent" Suspect: * stays silent * Detective: 😠
  • @mdkaff
    A cop saying "now you've handcuffed me" to a guy actually in handcuffs is the height of absurdity
  • @jimhabsfan
    Immediately request a lawyer and remain silent because, "Anything you say can and will be used AGAINST you in a court of law." NOTHING you say will be used to HELP you in a court of law.
  • You may surprise yourself with how strong you can be in difficult situations. I was 24-36 hrs into heroin withdrawal when I was taken into an interrogation room like this. I kept my mouth shut. The corrections officer in my pod told me that I had a "lawyer visit", but then instead of taking me to the visitation room, two plainclothes undercover officers took me down into the basement of the jail to an interrogation room with a two-way mirror. When I wouldn't agree to give them info about any of my dealers in exchange for being released, they handed me their business card and told me to call them when i changed my mind. They were counting on my getting sick and desperate enough that I would contact them later to make a deal. When that didnt happen after a couple of weeks, they tried to get me to sign for a rehab center run by the jail where I would get to "eat better food and wear my street clothes and have more freedom" (the rehab center was just a glorified jail and the county received money every time they convinced someone to go there). They kept trying to get me to sign paperwork that would give them permission "just to see" if I qualified for this supposed rehab program. It was all very shady. I ended up spending months in jail, refusing to talk or sign anything. Typically, the grand jury has 90 days to indict you, and then they have to let you go if they don't indict you. Otherwise, you can file a writ of habeas corpus. However, I happened to be in there when some major winter storms hit and the courts kept being closed down due to the weather (this was in Texas where the entire state basically stops functioning if there's ever a lot of snow or ice because they're not equipped for that kind of weather😒). FINALLY, after almost 6 months, the grand jury met, didn't have enough evidence to indict me, and I was released the next day. If I had just confessed to something or signed something out of desperation to get out of jail, I'd have that felony on my record right now. NEVER admit to anything. Never talk to the cops. If you ARE ultimately convicted of a crime, NEVER sign for the first or second offer just because you want to get it all over with. The prosecutor will ALWAYS give you a better offer down the line with less time. Usually, they'll also end up offering to bump a felony down to a misdemeanor (unless it's, like, murder or something). It's all a waiting game. They're counting on people being desperate to move things along so they can just get it over with. You have to find a calm place somewhere within your mind and try to be as zen as you can. You have to find a way to be patient while being locked up, which is hard to do because nothing is more panic inducing than being locked in a cage, ESPECIALLY while going through withdrawal. Just keep reminding yourself that waiting it out and not giving the police and prosecutors what they want, no matter how hard it may be in the moment, will save you SO MUCH in the future and will ALWAYS be worth it in the long run. You'll thank yourself later.
  • @eric123120
    Crazy how he 'outsmarted' the detective by literally just exercising his constitutional rights lol
  • This guy is highly intelligent and has a ton of willpower. He beat the two detectives at their own game while withdrawing from heroin. Hats off to that fella. He's one strong man.
  • @seangaw6429
    What's amazes me the most is that the system is so broken that we are witnessing criminals with badges, badgering a man into a confession without evidence.
  • @jungojerry1658
    Glad to see Jeff was smart. And even more glad to see he turned his life around and is now helping others in similar predicaments.
  • @bosschic888
    It's insane to think that exercising your basic constitutional rights can be considered outsmarting the cops, but that's exactly what happened in this situation
  • @jashton8710
    So let's put all of this in a nutshell. If you're ever arrested and detained, the only words to ever come out of your mouth should be, "I want a lawyer'.
  • @Nesguy92
    That opening line. "you a good cop?" "No im usually the prick" "you look like a prick"
  • Jeff is a likeable and intelligent guy. I truly hope he’s doing well in life now.
  • It is scary that someone innocent could pay for a crime they didn't do because of someone in law enforcement know how to exploit their fear and get false confessions.
  • Hearing Jeff cleaned up his life after this and was able to remove that evil drug from his life is truly truly inspiring. GOD Bless you Jeff.
  • @just_peace
    What a brave and smart man. Not gonna lie, the ending almost brought tears to my eyes. So happy to know his life is getting better compared to the point in the video. He deserves every bit of praise he got in the comment section.
  • @Nickecho7979
    Keep it up jeff! I'm 44 and have been sober over a year. You got this bro.
  • @DJFAT1991
    the best thing about this video is the fact he has turned his life around and is being better.
  • @lelandunruh7896
    I only worked as a defense attorney for a very short time but I learnt an important lesson: never talk to the police. It will almost never help you, and can really hurt you.
  • @joynergrim4003
    Brief summary: Jeff: breathes in front of a cop Narrator: Every part of it is so perfect!