Can You Figure Out Which Chest Is Lying? - Mimic Logic


コメント (21)
  • @sebstone7473
    Considering the talking chests, i think all of those were mimics, just not all of them were hungry
  • @zyul6420
    The thing with 1 chest solving that becomes apparent is that when a chest says "this one isn't a mimic" it's always telling the truth because if it were a mimic, then there would have to be 2 mimics for that to be true when there is only 1 possible mimic.
  • as someone who played the demo Nesha is the one talking to the chests with her magic she is not there for "moral support" but to help you figure out which chests are safe to open, if it weren't for her you would have to either risk opening mimics or open no chests and die to the enemies. you play the warrior she is the magic wielder talking to chests and neither of you would be able to do this alone. but still great video and I can't wait to play the full game myself.
  • @blackapple197
    9:50 You can tell the top two are mimics because "2 Mimics hide side-by-side" must be true.
  • One bit of advice is that if a chest says a statement that would say that it could be a Mimic, that chest is not a mimic. For example, if a chest says that there is a mimic in the bottom row, and it is in the bottom row, it is safe; if it were a mimic, it would be lying and thus could not be a mimic. Great vid!
  • 3:20 The girl is the sole reason you can hear what the boxes say. It's mentioned in the tutorial
  • @prof1241
    There are 7 different difficulty modes in this game. Once you complete one dungeon in the three main modes, you get access to the other four, mostly harder ones.
  • @flint9759
    Combat is a more 'puzzley' part of the game than it may sometimes seem. An enemy with 1 health is just as alive as an enemy with 10, and strong weapons break if you use them too much. So you can swap into a weaker weapon for the finishing blow (or even earlier), letting you save strong weapons for strong enemies. The one thing that changes this is Nehsa, who can sometimes chip in a bit of extra damage to kill some enemies. However, it's completely random when she uses her abilities (it's 30% default, although you'll typically pick up other items that increase the chance. Look at your relics for the details).
  • @Charcoal190
    The slight transparency at 9:13 to make the text look like it's behind the shop UI is such a neat touch
  • @limonlx7182
    1:40 Editors highlighted the wrong boxes I think. The blue box says that one of the rightmost boxes is a mimic, and the one to right of it says there are no mimics in red boxes, including the rightmost ones, making this a contradiction. +you can see Tyler hovering over those 2 boxes.
  • @BigManStevo
    This is one of the channels I consistently always come back to. I don’t know why but watching you solve chill puzzles is a big vibe, cheers mate!
  • 10:00 was solvable. The bottom two are side by side, and the mimics would have to be separate.
  • as a human i can say i finished the video 30 seconds after it came out and enjoyed the video
  • I'm surprised to see this was made in RPG maker, what an amazingly versatile engine
  • @Ze_eT
    9:51 The top and bottom middle chests contradict each other, so only one of them can be a mimic. The top left one has to be a mimic, since if the bottom middle one is a mimic, the only valid chest that isn't side-to-side is the top left chest. Same goes for the top middle, as the top left chest is the only valid one that is a neighbor. However, since the top left one being a mimic means there are no mimics at the bottom, we can rule out the bottom middle mimic. Thus, there is only one possibility left: Top left, top middle.
  • @1VelZ5
    at 10:00 you could figere out that top right is always a mimic, so it wasn`t 50/50
  • Man, these puzzles looked really interesting, to the point that I was really considering just immediately impulse buying the game - and I don't normally play puzzle-focused games - but then you mentioned the gut mechanic, and how opening a mimic makes you just instantly lose. Those are both individually deal breakers. Puzzles shouldn't have a time limit, and I don't believe total loss should be conditional upon a single mistake. I also overwhelmingly prefer real-time combat, and it's especially weird that this game goes with turn-based for combat but forces a timer on you during puzzles, that's totally backwards to me. Glad I stumbled across this video though. I paused on each screen to solve the puzzles myself before you did, and I think (memory's already fuzzy because puzzles can do that to the brain) I got pretty much all of them right.