How Do I Keep From Being Triggered?

How can I be aware of my ego prior to it arising?

Eckhart explains that as you develop deeper Presence, the gap between an aggressive ego assertion and becoming aware of it will shorten. To strengthen our awareness of ego, he suggests practicing Presence in everyday situations so you can notice being taken over by the pain-body.

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Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most original and inspiring spiritual teachers of our time. He travels and teaches throughout the world.

Eckhart is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition, but excludes none. His profound yet simple and practical teachings have helped thousands of people find inner peace, healing and greater fulfillment in their lives. At the core of his teachings lies the transformation of individual and collective human consciousness - a global spiritual awakening.

Eckhart Tolle is the author of The Power of Now, a #1 New York Times Bestseller, which has been translated into 32 languages and become one of the most influential spiritual books of our time.

In his most recent book, A New Earth, he shows how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world.

コメント (21)
  • @penny3966
    This man has literally changed my life. I can’t believe I have been suffering for so long not knowing that I was the cause of my own suffering.
  • As an artist, this confirms why I don't like to title my paintings. It stops people from actually "seeing" a painting because you've already told them what to see in the title.
  • Listing to Eckhart should be part of the daily education system, Imagine what kind of happy, kind caring, world, society we would live in,
  • The flower loves it when you give it attention, because you add something enormous to the flower by giving it attention. The flower is not aware of its own beauty, it just is, and when you unite your consciousness with the flower, through you the flower gets a glimpse of self recognition. It's true not only for a flower but also for every human being.
  • I remember when I first started practicing mindfulness, watching a spider spin a web outside my window and it was so amazing, I had never actually watched a spider and actually paid attention to what it was doing, all this amazing stuff goes on around us and we don't even notice
  • Noticing my triggers makes me immediately feel like they hold no real power. I also am able to quickly forgive myself for falling back into such a pattern. I love this.
  • To all of you here reading this, keep the vision of the better version of yourself! Whatever you are going through right now, you have all the strength to overcome everything 🔥
  • It's powerful and inspiring to watch Eckhart Tolle sit pause silently and think for a moment before he speaks. How many of you would stand there silently in front of a group of people thinking of your answer versus trying to force something out and not leave them waiting? That shows he has presence and strength
  • His voice so relaxing. I feel better just hearing him speak.
  • I can't believe Eckhart is 70 years old. He looks so young.
  • Ekhart is the real deal. He has done his homework. Studied the necessary buddha ancestors, Jesus, Lao Tzu, etc. He condenses it all and wraps it in a very nice, palatable understanding. He's a fresh, modern version of alan watts, even more relevant and wise, as he practices what he preaches. What a great human. Thank you very much for everything. I have no complaints.
  • Anger is normal, the problem is the overwhelming emotion of anger that 'takes over' and the only way to stop this is a paradigm shift. Anger takes over because we aren't thinking straight about a situation and we have to understand that whatever we think we see is only a tiny fraction of the truth in EVERY situation, so we have to remain open to understanding, almost with curiosity. Eg. if someone appears to be attacking us, we may not see that they are dealing with emotional issues themselves or a whole range of problems we do not know about. Once you can recognise this, you can stop personalising it, stop involving your ego and getting overwhelmed and start to simply solve the problem. Overwhelming anger is definitely about attachment to, and viewing the world through, our ego.
  • Eckhart is the Buddha of the century! Thanks for bringing us Consciousness, Spiritual Wisdom, Awakening and Enlightenment! Gratitude!
  • The way he honors, gives thanks, and interprets the “flower” Is single handedly the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard in my 37 years on earth
  • Since I have been giving my plants, Tree's even, attention, they grow so much better. I have a tree in the garden that I thought had died, hadn't grown any new leaves branches or height for years, I never cared too much about the garden. When I did, by clearing it , putting grass down ect, showing I cared, and started to feed it , the following year it had started to grow new branches and leaves. So now I give my love to all my plants , trees, and any nature I am in, and feel so much more connected to it. Thankyou Eckhart, 💜🙏💜
  • Catching your negative thoughts as they rise is the key , then you can look in on yourself and make the necessary adjustment, it's a game changer because the more you catch yourself out the shorter the intervals become
  • Same goes w/ people: as soon as we label, and reduce them to a concept or the idea we've got about them, we're unable to meet their essence.