Why i left the animation industry

Published 2021-07-25

All Comments (21)
  • Honestly the more and I more I read and hear these bummer situations and work environments, s/o to the instagram salty animators for shining light on the animation industry, the more it becomes less desirable. I feel like starting your own freelancing career, being your own boss and working remotely is the way to go. I want to be a story artist but I’m always seeing like these 10 year vets posting hire me content and I’m like what? Where’s the stability in that tbh. Thanks for sharing, you’re very strong!
  • @IvystarArt
    Your story about the unnamed studios made me cried so much. I had an exact similar situation just like you last year, but as a storyboard artist. Instead of screaming, I received passive aggressive and unclear comments (sometimes insults) from my director and producer (mostly director), otherwise even being ignored, excluded or targeted in group discussions and meetings. Sometimes I kept thinking to myself that I am not good enough as both an artist and a person when it comes to that job, and it caused me to have a lot of pent up anger and anxiety issues when I took on my second job. I remembered clearly there was once I was frozen in fear at my desk, and I could not even focus on doing my work at all. I am grateful to hear that I am not the only one who have dealt with this, and I wanted to say that your video encouraged me to move on but stronger in what I do as both an artist and animator. I hope you are also doing well together with Jon, and stay strong in what you are doing too💪
  • @zeekayart
    Similar situation happened to me with a more senior member of the company at a previous job. Some people just have it out for you... there's no explaining it! I watched your previous videos after this one. I'm with you, it's hard to go through it but it's your lived experience and what you do at the time... that's just what happens. And yes! Finding out what YOU want is really important. Some people don't even get there their whole lives. Proud of you for sticking things out and Jon too for being so supportive. Rooting for you both and good luck in the states :)
  • @yifats7649
    I'm glad your story ended up well. That toxic lead story is insane! the fact that the studio kept him there means that they were supporting his behavior... so good thing you were out of there.
  • @lockheart619
    The job stability in animation is so scary. The cons seem to outweigh the pros.
  • @FlashVedder
    Your story is very toughing… I had it rough the industry I applied everywhere and then decide to work for myself … animation is still an trade … it’s an value gift to have … never stop what you love doing ✌🏻
  • @DJ_Narcan
    Contracts in ALL employment should be 2 sided. I have seen so many good people lose jobs over a shitty manager. The company should absolutely have to provide direction especially for new employees. Firing someone like that should be illegal. Private corporations are desyroying the world because they can do whatever they want
  • @theloniuspoon
    honestly as an animator i've never worked at a studio or haven't gone to school for it. i did freelance since day one and had to self teach myself. this kinda makes me glad i never even attempted a studio this sounds so rough. self employment as an artist is the way, call your own shots, be creative, use your creativity to earn your own money. that's the way. i'm glad you survived the artist trial by fire, it crushes almost everybody until they cant get back up but you did
  • @andreakhaid
    I'm sorry you had to go through this! This story is super relatable for me and probably for many others. I've been in the animation industry for many years and I got to a breaking point. I finally needed a break, which I'm on at this time. The way your lead treated you is just unacceptable but unfortunately a lot of leads and upper level management in this industry treat employees this way, like they are disposable. Really, leads and management should be SUPPORTING artists with their work and their mental health! I'm glad you realized that their treatment of you was their problem. I'm sorry it unfairly affected you. Thank you for making a video to speak about this. I had the opportunity to work as an animation lead a couple of jobs ago and I did my best to be supportive to my team. I'm sure I wasn't perfect but I tried to be the lead that I wish I could have. I wish you the best in your pursuit of acting!! How cool!!! Happy for you and Jon :)
  • @canewalden107
    Super super inspiring video, and I'm so glad you put it on the internet. I definitely needed to hear this, seriously, you have no idea. Thank you! 🙏
  • @BarKeegan
    Something has to change in the industry. If you’re good enough to get hired, you’re good enough to get at least the average industrial wage. Edit: I kept listening 😱 A LOT has to change. In a law firm, you’re rewarded for giving blood, sweat & tears… but the animation industry will eventually implode unless issues like these are addressed. Also good to hear the happy ending. Goes to show, there may be those who are promoted to supervising positions in the pipeline, but may not have the skills to manage people properly. Here’s to the entrepreneurial spirit
  • @JoTokutora
    Thanks for the story. Jon's works is super dope!
  • @CarlinTerror
    Great story Gen, thank you!. As an artist I appreciate stories like yours to get perspective about what I do!. Life isn’t about probing anything to anybody, but finding your spot in the spectrum of happiness and success!…blessings!
  • @MartaMaki483
    I’m so proud of youuu! You’ve come a long way and have been through hell and back. I’m constantly inspired by you and proud of both of you ❤️
  • Your personal journey was incredibly insightful to listen to. Although you specified your own personal experience in the animation industry, your problems, conflicts, and share of bastard bosses are a universal theme too all graduates that are still unsure of what they want from their career. It makes it all the more enduring that you still managed to find a path that you wanted to pursue, even if it wasn't something that you were studying originally. I wish you the best!
  • @BBWahoo
    Stephen Silver has a quote on this "There are two kinds of people, those who want to get into the industry, and those who want to get OUT of it."
  • @modoodles
    I'm glad you're both doing so well! I am currently trying to plan my escape from animation. I started a picture book illustration career on the side and have illustrated a book already, but I know deep down I really want to start my own shop and be a full time illustrator. I would love to learn about making my own shop
  • What a rollercoaster this video was. Thanks for sharing your story! I found this video as a recommendation in my feed and I watched it, then I realized I know your art very well! You're amazing and I'm so happy that you found success in yourself!! <3
  • @_yikesforever
    I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you. It's incredibly disheartening that so many of us (including me) in this industry have a tale like that. I'm so happy to hear you found a new dream and can focus on the things you truly want <3 You were one of the highlights of my journey at our first studio, I'll always be thankful you referred me!!