#1 Neuroscientist: How To Trick Your Brain Into Manifesting Goals & Desires | Dr. Tara Swart

What if you could reshape your future to get exactly what you want out of life? While it may appear idealistic, the influence of our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences on our future is profound. By consciously pursuing our goals, shifting our mindset, and nurturing a deep understanding of the realm of possibilities, we can initiate the process of manifesting the life we truly desire.

Today on The Dhru Purohit Podcast, Dhru sits down with Dr. Tara Swart to talk about the power of manifestation and its impact on the brain. Dhru and Dr. Swart also discuss how to overcome old stories, how to replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations, and the first steps for getting started manifesting. Dr. Swart highlights the intersection of diet, lifestyle, mindfulness, and longevity and how these are key to getting our brains to function at the highest level.

Dr. Tara Swart is a neuroscientist, former psychiatric doctor, and senior lecturer at MIT Sloan. She is visiting senior lecturer at Kings College, London, and an executive advisor to some of the world's most respected leaders in media and business. She is the lead author of the award-winning book Neuroscience for Leadership and was named the world's first Neuroscientist in Residence at Corinthia Hotel, London. Dr. Swart is passionate about teaching others how to apply lessons from cognitive science to enhance everyday lives.

In this episode, Dhru and Dr. Swart dive into:
-Visualization and manifestation
-The role of gratitude in manifestation
-What fear-based media does to the brain
-Defining manifestation: what it is and is not
-How old stories shape the brain
-A mantra for overcoming self-doubt
-Cultivating awareness under pressure
-Merging meditation and mindfulness
-Creating an action board for manifestation
-Roadblocks that get in the way of taking action
-Lifestyle factors that contribute to manifestation and healthy aging
-Figuring out what you want to manifest
-How spiritual beliefs play into manifestation
-How to navigate grief and suffering
-Where to follow Dr. Tara Swart’s work

Also mentioned in this episode:
-The Source: a.co/d/9hEva9s
-Dr. Tara Swart’s podcast, Reinvent Yourself: www.taraswart.com/podcast/
-“When you want something, the whole universe conspires in order for you to achieve it.” — The Alchemist: medium.com/@sophiya.garcha/when-you-want-something…
-Click here to sign up for my weekly Try This newsletter: dhrupurohit.com/newsletter/

For more on Tara Swart:
-Instagram @drtaraswart
-Twitter @TaraSwart
-Website www.taraswart.com/

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-Cozy Earth: www.cozyearth.com/
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コメント (21)
  • Success is not built on success.. It's built on failure, It's built on frustration. it's built on fear that you have to overcome... I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life....
  • For those wondering why you cannot manifest…she said one most important aspect of the brain and body…no matter how hard I’ve tried to manifest, most the time it wasn’t coming to fruition because my brain and body were trying to heal the stress and anxiety my brain and body were experiencing. You must be above this like she stated to manifest. Heal yourself first where your feeling okay with yourself and lower the stress so you can start to manifest. Glad she said it because I understood it immediately because I’ve already experienced it.
  • Find the book titled Money's Hidden Magic, you'll learn all the money attraction techniques there. Trust me on this
  • I LOVE sharing this one story. I was told I was 100% infertile by a number of specialists due to Polycystic ovary syndrome and Lupus. Almost a yr later I was pregnant, completely randomly and had NO IDEA for 5 months - LOL!! Until my son popped out as a big bump! I was SO shocked and SO excited. He's the BEST thing that ever happened to me. I manifested him by wanting him but also giving up on wanting him!!! I did a lot of rituals and art work of childbirth and pregnancy. I wish abundant blessings upon everyone.
  • The quote is from The Alchemist, "And when you want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
  • 0:21: 🧠 Understanding the power of neuroplasticity and combining it with source and manifestation can help people achieve their desired outcomes by visualizing and acknowledging their achievements. 11:28: 💡 Manifestation is the process of setting goals and making them come true in real life through the power of the brain. 23:33: 🧠 Early experiences and beliefs inherited from childhood shape our neural pathways and have a powerful impact on our thoughts and behaviors, often unconsciously. 33:45: 🧠 The brain's neural pathways can be overwritten by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, and it's important to understand the interaction between emotions and memories in order to overcome self-doubt. 44:47: 🧠 The brain's response to pressure and stress can hinder our ability to take risks and be aware in the moment, leading to a freeze response. 1:03:02: 💡 The concept of an action board is similar to a vision board, but with a focus on taking action towards manifesting goals. 1:06:43: 💡 Action boards are a tool for manifestation and neuroplasticity, but it's important to take action and not rely solely on them. 1:16:59: 💡 The importance of having a supportive friend group in achieving goals and dreams. 1:35:10: 🤔 When unsure of what you want, start by thinking about how you want your life to feel and journal to untangle confusion. 1:37:38: 🙏 The speaker discusses how her spiritual beliefs have influenced her life and work, including her journey of bridging science and spirituality. 1:48:18: 💡 The interview discusses the belief in reincarnation, the importance of taking mental health knowledge to the people, and the intersection of grief and manifestation. 1:59:30: 🎙 Dr. Tara Swart discusses the importance of playing to your strengths and the courage to pursue a creative path. Recap
  • I agree that taking action is important but I have actually manifested things in my life without really doing anything much !!
  • Manifestation is what we are all doing constantly, but most people are not aware they are doing it and are going through life unconsciously creating and manifesting. The higher function is to become self aware enough to be able to change your life through conscious manifestation
  • Dr Tara Swarti is my new favorite person in this world ❤ and I'd love to add that I am a vision board enthusiast, and there are things I put on my boards that I thought were pretty or made me feel good, and I DID NOT work towards them or "TRY" to make them happen, and they came to pass. For instance I had a sweet picture of 3 fawns drinking out of a birdbath on my vision board, and 4 months later, I moved into a house that had deer all around the neighborhood (I had no idea and was shocked when I saw tracks!) and over the 2 years we lived there I ended up developing a soulful relationship with these incredible animals, and when they would have fawns, they would bring them over to show them to me... Also on another board, I had put a lot of jungle pictures and waterfalls, I usually put lots of nature pictures for beauty (this was last year) and now I currently live in Costa Rica. It sometimes feels like a miracle. I do many other practices, I'm a long term meditator, and constantly refining the words I use, mindful of the company I keep, the things I view, music lyrics have to be positive. When stacked together, all these things WORK! ✨ The world is trying to brainwash us, and we have to brainwash back if we want to live a fulfilled life... Thanks for reading ❤
  • I will start an action board, but will be keeping it private as there are too many negative people around me atm. Always a great show ♥️
  • I love when scientists find ways to bring data and spirituality together. Dr. Amit Goswami was one of the first discoveries of such kind for me. Thank you for this channel.
  • 11:58 Lawyer should've been doing yoga 18:35 Whatever you keep telling yourself is more likely to happen 22:16 Self worth pivotal to manifestation 24:43 Your survival depends on the love of your caregivers 26:00 Inherit Gene Expression at time of conception 38:48 You cannot undone a neural pathway, only overwrite 43:43 Holding back 1:28:49 healthy meaningful relationships 1:45:39 showing all aspects of life 1:58:50 double down at what you're best at and meant to do - neuroscience: play to your strengths
  • Great interview! The segment on meditation I agree. It’s vital for me to be mindful throughout my day. When I wake up, I do breath work and pray for my day in gratitude. Then exercise and proceed with my day. I do avoid looking at my phone or computer immediately. And adding to this, I listen to a podcast of interest to me. We never stop learning.
  • @RyanCole295
    Almost everyone, including the media, is anticipating a market catastrophe, and as a result, many are turning a blind eye to the opportunities in the market. I began investing in stocks and Defi earlier this year and it is the best choice I've ever made. My portfolio is rounding up to almost a million and I have realized that when a stock makes it to the news, chances are you’re quite late to the party, the idea is to get in early on blue chips before it becomes public. There are lots of life changing opportunities in the market, maximize it
  • So great to hear a neuroscientist being so all rounded & exuding grâce & clarity on so many levels. Inspiring
  • Thanks for this amazing information !! If you don't find a means of multiplying money, you will wake up one day to realise that the money you thought you had, has finished. Investment is key, I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life
  • Love this discussion!! For me this speaks volumes to me. Here I am 3 years out of dabce classes. Fallen behind on my craft, took a dance class that I bombed because of an injured foot. Did I feel discouraged being around other students who were younger and more talented than me? On scale here no!! Surprisingly not, because I feel in my heart I've been manifestating this for 3 years since I stopped. I pulled away from pursuing dance but in replace of that I've picked up several other business skills and other art trades that complement it, and Ive developed my social skills to thrive. So yes I might be a bit behind, but I trust my path because I manifestated everything to be here. 😊💖
  • Glad they spoke about the affects of watching bad news before going to bed and /or first thing in the morning. This true. It can cause you to have nightmares and suffer with PTSD.