Hidden Messages in the Bible That Nobody Talks About!

Published 2024-03-23
Hidden Messages in the Bible in an Almost Banned 2,000-Year-Old Text!

The secret key to unlocking one's dream life - 00:35
The Gospel of Thomas Unveiled - 02:05
A Discovery That Changed Everything - 00:03:30
The Gospel of Thomas revelations - 04:55
Hidden Truths Revealed - 06:14
The Power Within - 08:12
Awakening of our Inner Knowledge - 09:39
The Journey from Invisible to Visible - 11:05

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Produced and Scripted by Wise Quotes

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All Comments (21)
  • @heinzkoenig8831
    The universe is fractal. This means that the whole universe is within us just as we are part of the universe: GOD IS WITHIN US AND WE ARE IN GOD.
  • It is absolutely amazing and it only took me 3 months to achieve this, through very hardning times and abuse, I went into another realm with which I saw brilliant beautiful bright spheres in a universe far away and was sent back to grow and learn this new ability. Trust in yourself and Find God. We can change the world in the right way.
  • @holysmoke7043
    IT MAKES SENSE TO ME! This is exactly the way I have come to interact with "I AM". A most important teaching for me. Thank you.
  • @nikki2Kayz
    Bill Donahue was a huge impact on my "awakening" after the "dark night of the soul" I had 7 yrs ago when my brother passed away. His vids helped me immensely in TRULY understanding the meanings of scriptures. A great man, for sure! Great vid! I love the gospel of Thomas. One of my favs! Thank you so much for all that you do. 🙏❤🕊🔥😇
  • @peaceofpiety
    Reading the Gospel of Thomas many years ago was the key for me in understanding the teachings within scripture and song. It was like the key code on the side of a map of which explains to us how to read the various symbols on the printed pages. The words in the Bible are allegorical, they aren't meant to be taken literal but rather received in spiritual context. They are written by artists, creative writers, poets, scribes, people who would write down stories and lessons but spell the words as they sound in their language. People all speak uniquely, with slang, a lisp, an older lingo, slurs without teeth, accents, or in a langauge that may sound like giggerish or "tongues" to others. The point is to concider all the possible perspectives of THE WORD we are reading or hearing, then accept the highest/most positive possible meaning we have available in our internal memory databanks (abundance of spiritual wealth). By accepting the lowest possible value of the word, we keep our Spirit trapped in that lowest vibrational frequency; fear. For example: When someone says, "everyone is getting shot", don't let the energy at the red rock bottom get the better of you, don't assume the energy of fear and believe people are getting hurt. "Turn the tables", use your imagination, and ask Spirit to show you a better way to see the outcome, a higher point of view. People with guns doesn't sound nice, neither does people with chemical filled needles, neither does people drinking hard liquor, so perhaps people are getting "shots" at a new way of thinking and living their life, meaning they are getting a chance to begin anew. Perhaps they are having a photo shoot, and shooting photos or videos at an event or a scenic location. Think higher and feel in your heart that it's the highest possible outcome so that not to manifest the fearful belief into reality. Even when listening to songs, be reminded that bullets are symbols used to mark points in literature. • first point (bullet 1) • second point (bullet 2) • third point (bullet 3) We call this artist language or Piety. We finally have our Peace of the Pi. Spirit of Creator energy 👒🏴‍☠️
  • Because god is everything so we are made from god he is within and everything is connected that's why we have to respect all and everything.
  • @lm2205
    Bill Donahue - a wonderful teacher and still going strong. Meditate (activate the pineal) to meet God face to face. 🕊💜
  • @tynormous888
    Ok: Look, throughout this intire video it explains one thing, we have been manifesting everything for decades of our lives, but we wasn't consciously aware of the power we have ...we all have been doing exactly what we was suppose to do as far as manifesting the laws of attraction ....the problem is that we have been doing it the opposite way ...the world has conditioned our minds of negativity, worry, fear, lack, and death ...so when those thoughts of that particular energy, frequency and vibration enters into the mind, then the emotion gets involved with the thought ... every thought is the male, the seed the conscious entity...the emotion is the female aspect, the subconscious, the creator; when those 2 unite, marry, become one ...whatever thought we kept our focus on, it will be made manifested into our lives ... I truly hope someone is getting this ... "The feeling gets the blessing" ...the thought is the essence of the blessing ...the subconscious mind without judgment takes the blessing and holds it into its bosom ..and it impregnates/ impresses the subconscious mind ..and it happens so fast because of the substance of faith backing it up ..and what do we do when a woman is pregnant? Nothing but wait till the blessing is born ...it is the same concept with the mind ...there is nothing new under the sun ... This video explains it very well about mr. Bills teachings, we created everything ..we are The co creators of our reality our world ..be mindfull of your thoughts don't hold on to thoughts that isn't serving your higher good ...as the thought comes on its own, let it leave on its own ..the only one that's holding on is you ..don't hold on ...that is all
  • @joeyd.staats9546
    Some think it's heretical to say we are God. But i understand now. Matter is light, in slow vibration, our soul is light, a small spark of the One. All light is the All. Our egos make us think we are a separation from God when, in actuality, even your ego is God thought, in real time. It makes sense to me.
  • That the kingdom of God is within you I knew. Hearing it is all around you, freed me, the missing link I needed to hear. I can’t thank you enough. For revealing that to us. You are a darling. Thank you so, so much. Love you 😊🥰
  • @JohnMartim-sy9yf
    I basically agree with what was said. However, it is important not to forget a fundamental "detail": it is not enough to think that God and the Kingdom of Heaven are close to or within us. If we do not establish a connection with the divine, there is little point in Him being within us. As Plato said, a thing can exist in Potency or in Act. Thus, if we do not go from Potency to Act, we will never have proof that the divine was in us.
  • Recently Scientists proved the name YWAH in our DNA. The Kingdom of God is within you and around you. I firmly believe and continue to follow Christ.
  • @neil03051957
    I discovered that as there is a Higher Self (Holy Spirit) that there is also a Higher Self's Higher Self, when working synergistically you can accomplish true harmony and power. A clean and high vibrating personality righteousness is the key, its all there and its amazing. Seek and you really will find.
  • @citiram1341
    I'm a hindu and from listening to the message from the gospel of Thomas , it's describing the concept of Santana dharma. (The universe is one meaning you're a part of it.)😮
  • @Bijuklich
    awesome video, thanks :) your voice is calming
  • @joeyd.staats9546
    Im surprised no one never put together that Jesus believed in gnosticism. Once you relize this the rabbit hole begins. You will see. You will figure out who/what God Is and the Archons, the Demierge and Sophia, etc. Enlightening. Blessings. May knowledge light your way and wisdom be the book you read from.
  • @paulsowah9522
    A lot of truths have been revealed in this video. I romanced these concepts in the early years of my life. I now appreciate and understand the universality of the message.