The Nutty Putty Caves | A Short Documentary | Fascinating Horror


コメント (21)
  • Caving is an amazing adventure... but sometimes it comes with a really high price. Stay safe our there, everyone!
  • "There was also The Maze - a confusing jumble of tiny chambers and tight corridors that were fun to explore." Yeah, fuck that.
  • This video did a great job of changing my interest in cave exploration from 1% to 0%.
  • @nolsee1176
    I’m so excited to wake up every day, get out of bed, and never step foot in a cave.
  • I find it also interesting that previously, a 16 year old boy was stuck in the exact same place as John did. It seems like they should have blocked the area off or perhaps even put signs warning people that the area was not the actual birth canal. Such a tragic story. And for John a horrific way to go.
  • The ONLY way I will ever explore a cave is walking. The moment I have to crawl, I’m out
  • If this cave is "beginner friendly" then caving is seriously not a hobby for me
  • Utahn here, this story left such impact on everyone when it happened. There's a thing I think some people don't realize about these mountains that surround us. Being so close to them for so long makes you forget: If the Rocky Mountains get a chance to swallow you whole, you'll be lucky if she spits out your corpse. Stay safe, folks. Never underestimate the dangers of something, even if it's considered "beginner friendly".
  • @kingfish2703
    Theres not enough money on this planet that could convince me to ever crawl into a cave like that
  • "Safe for beginners" Has a section named "THE SCOUT EATER"
  • The rescuer that got himself stuck in there trying to help him is one of the bravest soul I have ever heard of. He literally pushed himself into hell for some guy he had never even met.
  • Even though I’ve seen this video before and know what happens, I still root for John and the rescuers every time as though it’s possible things will go differently this time I watch it.
  • I once went caving with a big group of friends. It was definitely a beginner friendly cave, but after the great room there were several narrow passages. I decided to go down one alone. It was muddy throughout the cave because it had just rained. I remember crawling in the mud at maybe a 10% decline, in a spot that was maybe about as wide as an oil drum. After a few yards I saw it got really narrow and decided to back out. Thinking back on that experience I am surprised I had the gall to even wander off on my own like that or go down a passage head first that I didn’t know where it would lead. Never again. 😅
  • @mm1234Xxx
    After hearing this the first time I couldn't stop thinking that he quite literally crawled into his own grave
  • Nothing about this cave system sounds good for beginners.
  • @ekpennock
    I'm a Utah caver, I was in Nutty Putty a month before this happened. When I went in, I was told this cave was especially tricky and had a history of people getting stuck. It didn't require rope work but we knew it wasn't "for beginners". Not sure where you're getting that
  • One thing about these stories I love, is that when someone gets stuck or goes missing, there is ALWAYS someone willing to attempt a search . Often, hundreds of people voluteer and show up to help, just on like a 15% chance of saving a total stranger from a horrible fate. Thats a wonderful human urge
    this man was literally dying and when asked how he was doing he just said "this sucks"
  • How was this considered to be a beginner friendly cave when there are places in it that were unexplored with no warning not to go any further?
  • I’ve always had “stress dreams” (not scary enough to be nightmares) about having to squeeze through tight spaces very quickly. I’m not claustrophobic, but something about the combination of close spaces and time limits is so anxiety inducing. This story takes it to an entirely different level of horrifying.