Judy Woodruff of PBS interviews Bill Gates on his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.

Microsoft founder and uber philanthropist Bill Gates is grilled by Judy Woodruff of PBS over his relationship with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Gates is visibly shaken, squirms endlessly and because Epstein is dead, says "there's nothing new on that".

It was reported at that time that you had a number of meetings with Jeffrey Epstein - who when you met him 10 years ago, he was convicted of soliciting prostitution from minors…what did you know about him when you were meeting with him as you've said yourself in the hopes of raising money?

Uh you know i had dinners with him uhhhh I regret doing that he had relationships with uhhh people he said you know would give to global health which is a uh uhhh interest i have you know not nearly enough philanthropy goes in that direction. Uhhh you know those meetings were.. were a mistake they didn't result in uhhhh what he purported and i cut them off- you know that goes back a long time ago now uhhh there's you know so there's nothing new on that.

It was reported that you continue to meet with him over several years umm and that in other words a number of meetings .. umm ..what did you do when you found out about his background?

Well (PAUSE) and you know I’ve said i regretted having those dinners uhhhh and there's nothing absolutely nothing new on that.

Is there a lesson for you for anyone else looking .. looking at this?

Well he's dead so uhhhh

you know in general you always have to be careful uhhh and you know the you know i'm (stutter) i'm very proud of what we've done in philanthropy very proud of the work of the foundation uhhhh you know that's..that's what i get up every day and focus on