Argentina Exits Recession: Have Milei’s Reforms Worked?

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In May, Argentina's economy grew for the first time since Milei took office in December, but the real picture might not be as rosy. So in this video, we'll take a look at what this means for Milei's radical economic plans and what it means going forward.

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コメント (21)
  • @mkvenner2
    It’s too early to tell. I think everyone underestimates how big the the pile of problems that Argentina has.
  • It's one month's data. At least wait a quarter before you declare if it's a success or not
  • @mrreziik
    It's what we knew, it probably will work long term, but at what cost and there is always the possibility of the living conditions make it impossible
  • @azahel542
    Just as it was to the previous "crisis" under his reforms, this too is too early to tell.
  • I'm not an economist, but Milei's reforms might take 5 to 10 years to show imo
  • @Ugapiku
    It's just the beginning, it can go wrong anytime, but still, the fact that this happened is cool.
  • @noctarin1516
    The chart in the beginning says Jan 2024 twice, lol
  • he has been in for less then a year... He is trying to fight against 60 years of rot. Things take time. It might take more time then milei could get in office. It might prove ineffective.
  • Stop focusing on raw GDP alone. Tell us about the changes in purchasing power per capita and inequality.
  • @i1.i.1
    We need to wait 1-5 years to get a idea of how it's going.
  • @hitas3799
    I don't quite understand the love for Milei, as you said in the video, this growth seems to be completely independent from his plan... On top of that, from what I can see the poverty rate in Argentina seems to be increasing and with inflation even more out of control than before... I just hope for the Argentinians' sake that he knows what he's doing despite the evidence to the contrary.
  • The cleptocrats send our gold reserves to London British media: Argentina Is in the right path! Pretends to be shocked
  • It´s had a recovery from a recession he himself has helped to cause, that´s nothing to celebrate.
  • If thry ever "work" theyll be at the expense of at least half the population and overwhelmingly benefit the very rich
  • Month by month data fluctuation don't matter much. Argentina is in a bad spot on the global trade route, unless Panama canal disappear overnight, that will remain the case. How do you make Argentina investment viable when it means going out of the way to invest in the furthers region on the globe.
  • @dejabu24
    Since he campaigned for president I thought he would do a great job for Argentina I wasn’t wrong even if still early to tell but I think is going in the right direction
  • @SilentEire
    Milei proved that he was just a technocrat all along. He’s genuinely a pretty good leader and exactly what Argentina needed. Hopefully he doesn’t get bored and tries to implement that open market for human organs though…
  • Never thought I'd be waiting for the first good book on an Argentinian economic experiment - but hey, here I am!