Man arrested for using $2 bills at Best Buy - clip from The Two Dollar Bill Documentary

Published 2017-03-03
Some people don't know that two dollar bills are real, so when Mike Bolesta used over 50 of them to make a purchase at a Best Buy store, an encounter with the police and Secret Service ensued. In this clip from the movie The Two Dollar Bill Documentary, see the story of this false arrest, after a cashier was unsure of the quirky currency and the manager called the cops.

This took place in baltimore in 2005.

Buy or rent the full film on Amazon:


All Comments (21)
  • Many people have asked what happened after this. Nothing! Mike was embarrassed but wanted it to be over so he simply moved on. He has not been to any Best Buy since and claims he will never go into one again. He doesn't particularly like talking about this incident, but he graciously agreed to be interviewed for this documentary. Some of you think this is a fake story - it is absolutely true, and was reported in local papers after it happened. So, everyone who complains that the cashier could've simply Googles $2 bills, why don't you simply Google this story and see for yourself? Thanks for watching and for all of your comments.
  • @jimcox7232
    He should have sued both Best Buy and the police
  • @Mikdeelow
    Sue for $2M and demand to be paid in $2 bills!
  • @jacdan502
    And this is why I continue to think most humans are dumber than a box of rocks
  • @my2cents49
    Forget the cashier, how the heck did someone become a store MANAGER in the USA without knowing what money America uses ?!?!?!
  • @coralreefer4602
    The cashier not knowing is one thing, but THE FUCKING COPS didnt know what a $2 bill was?
  • @jimtaylorsr
    I had a fast food clerk refuse golden Sacagawea coin dollars and told me they were not real US money. They don't hire rocket scientists.
  • @scottgolden2766
    Didn't anyone consider the $2.00 bill would be the last bill that anyone would counterfeit
  • @Michael_Jopling
    The fact the police arrested him and had to check shows they shouldn't be working in that job.
  • @HighSierraBob
    Big-time civil rights violation for false arrest! This could have been a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the store and the city.
  • @Thumper770
    I would like to hear from the cops, the intake officer, the DA, and ALL those involved for putting this man in jail for using legal tender to fill a debt. This is why you have to question authority at every step. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
  • @tmilesffl
    The two dollar bills have been around longer than the cashier.
  • Try paying with one dollar coins😳. I had one clerk tell me they "don't take Canadian money". Lol
  • When the SBA dollar coin came out I was 16 and tried to use one to buy something. The clerk threw a fit and refused to accept it. Accused me of making the coin in my bedroom. LOL
  • @TXDude
    Didn't go to jail but had the feds called on me at a podunk diner in Abilene, TX for paying in part with a $2 bill. Fed chastised the owner for wasting government time and apparently was stunned, like me, to learn learn a grown adult didn't know about these. She let him have both barrels, loudly, to embarrass him in front of his other customers. Then she made him apologize to me. That was the best part of my day.😂
  • A cashier, a manager, and local township cop ALL FAILED to recognize the Money is Legal Tender. And falsely imprisoned an American citizen That is the real crime. Did Best Buy ever reimbursement this American citizen? Did the local township police ever reimbursement this man? For false imprisonment...?
  • My grandfather gave us grandchildren 2 dollar bills every birthday since I was born. I have 38 of them in my safe. Not much cash wise, but it means a lot sentimentally.