Do self-checkouts accept $2 bills?

Published 2023-01-11
Will self-checkout stations allow you to insert a $2 bill? That's what the director of The Two Dollar Bill Documentary aims to find out in this video. He takes several 2 dollar bills and slides the currency into these automated cashiers... at Walmart, Target and even a local supermarket. See what happens!
#2dollarbill #selfcheckout #currency

All Comments (21)
  • @parajerry
    Taco Bell called the cops on my wife when she used a $2 bill. The cop showed up and openly laughed at the ignorance of the teenagers working and the idiot manager. She should have demanded free food for the inconvenience and dealing with the morons.
  • @vitravaah2527
    Looks like the machine is smarter than the average store manager.
  • My wife is from Thailand and she lived in the US with me since 1980. She has always been fascinated by $2 bills because she gets them so rarely. I doubt she has ever spent one but she’s visited back home with a handful to pass out as souvenirs.
  • @PALM311
    I’ve never been given a hard time before for using a two dollar bill to pay with. But I’ve heard of people having the cops called on them for it. I just blows my mind. What else blows my mind is the difference in price you paid at two different Walmarts for the same product. lol $.62 change at one place and $1.42 at the other.
  • @jrs4ex
    One of my favorites is when the cashier pulls out the counterfeit ink pen to check the $2 bill. Really would anyone ever take the time to fake a $2 bill especially when it’s crisp and uncirculated. Sometimes I think they just truly don’t know what it is so they use the ink pen.
  • @nick066hu
    Wow, a bag of popcorn for $4.58 ? I can buy same sh.t for about €1.50 the highest here in Europe
  • @trekzilladmc
    I discovered that The Home Depot accepts them, but my local Kroger rejects them every time. The food kiosk at my workplace accepts them too, even has a $2 bill icon on it.
  • @YukonGhibli
    I have had the $2 work in every supermarket and pharmacy with self checkout I have tried. (I travel weekly all over the country and always try at well over 60 different in the last decade.) I have even had it work in a few vending machines that only said $1 and $5 on the label (though I have seen a few machines that also list the $2 these days). I use a lot of "golden" dollar coins in vending machines also, though they hardly ever take my half dollars. Nice video as always! Keep up the great work.
  • @donusry
    $2 bills make awesome tips in Ecuador that uses the American Dollar as its legal currency (same for Panama). In those economies it has the power of a $5 bill and the novelty always bring a smile to the server
  • @Pheoniex
    Thanks for the information about self checkouts, you had better results than I expected. That's good that they do. Wonder if they accept half dollars or Sacajawea dollars? XD When I was 13 and getting school lunch I paid in 2$ bills (over ten years ago) they didn't call the cops they were like "You should like put that in a collection or something", they refused service when asking the second time, just decided not to eat lunch that day. Was mildly upset and weirded out.
  • @Whyinem
    Love this experiment! Excellent work Keep it up!
  • I remember going to a Gamestop oncr and I saw in the register at that Gamestop that there were $2 bills by the $1 bills.
  • @romad357
    When I went through a carwash, I paid for the $10 wash with a $20 bill and received 10 $1 coins back! I then would use them and $2 bills at various locations and never was questioned.
  • @jasonx84
    Great video! Today I tried using my $2 bills in the new touch-screen California lotto machines, but unfortunately neither of them would accept it.
  • @brucecook502
    haha thats pretty cool. I never thought about that, if a self checkout would accept $2 bills 🙂
  • @ml9867
    The intro to this video sounded like a dramatic Dateline special. LOL
  • Thank you for the great videos! Does anyone know of a community or forum through which people discuss two dollar bills and a half dollars and dollar coins? Also it would be interesting to find out if there has been any consideration for additional types of unusual US currently such as maybe a five dollar coin.
  • When you get 100 two dollar bills from the bank are the serial numbers consecutive also did you ever get any with all the same numbers?
  • @LtexprsGaming
    The grocery store I work at, the self checkout machine accepts $2 bills as well as .50¢ and $1 coins.