I had to report him to my university because of what he texted me

Anyone who keeps count of how many times I say "um","you know","proceeds", and "like" gets a cookie 🍪

P.S.: I said "um" a lot more than that, I just edited it out 😅😂

コメント (21)
  • @swwwannn
    this all could have been avoided if he was attractive
  • Not sure why this was recommended but the stark contrast in respones are crazy.
  • Inconvenience happens to women Women : I think I can ruin his life over it
  • 1. No idea why this was recommended 2. You kinda led him on 3. He fancies his sister 4. He's a massive creep, run 5. The opposite sex can be a great study partner, you must chose wisely 6. You were 100% right in reporting him
  • @Menardie
    Glad you shared, Takes a lot of courage to report things and I hope by reporting him it gave you the confidence to go back to that class. The guy sounds a tad delusional and made up a imaginary relationship in his mind. Let's hope this is a wake up call for him.
  • @BKNeifert
    You're a good girl. Definitely, stay away from him. He's a sociopath. Like, you just have to reconcile people are getting dangerous. Note, I'm very suspicious when women start this kind of stuff. But, I think you have good reason. Yeah, I'd be terrified too if someone sent me that nasty of a text. That's gross. Green light? I wouldn't even talk to my wife that way. That's really gross stuff. Kids are getting that way these days, though. You stay chaste. And stay far away from him. He's a danger to you. God speed. That's not okay. Eww. That's gross. Stay away from him. I'm telling you that, as someone extremely skeptical of women who make these kinds of claims. You are perfectly justified, and keep him away from you. I'll pray for you. That's very scary. It's scaring me. Like I'm furious right now. This is making my blood boil, but know this stuff is becoming more and more normalized. You did nothing wrong. Absolutely nothing. Peace. I can't watch the end of this. Like, stay away from him. There's lots of people like that, too. You see anyone wormy like that, stay away from them.
  • judging by the wild comments, i think you accidentally posted your video to the incel side of youtube
  • I’m glad you reported! That text was 1000% inappropriate OMG. And the excuses??
  • @mop4093
    Wtf is youtube doing recommending me a professional yapper
  • Like many others, I was recommended this but that is awful how you were treated and hopefully these person doesn't bother you anymore.
  • if i wanted to study, i would study, the idea of getting a partner to do it is very foreign to me. maybe thats how he thinks too. from that perspective maybe it makes more sense.
  • He doesn't sound qualified to tutor physics. I did get a couple laughs out of your misfortune. My recommendation for physics is work through more problems with pencil and paper.
  • @navboi12
    It's only hurtful and disrespectful because you're not attracted. Though that satisfactory smile upon reading the text seemed a rather odd response to purported disgust. Perhaps don't go looking for male study buddies. Congrats though, you get better grades, he gets a possible record/injunction for exercising bodily autonomy and a natural biological process sans direct physicality unto you (shock horror, the same happens in absence of express knowledge). Meanwhile, non committal Chad gets to do as they please and more, all for them genes! Funny old world.
  • I have absolutely no idea why this was recommended to me, but I'm sorry that happened to you. The guy sounds incredibly immature and you didn't do anything wrong in reporting. Coincidentally, I also had a bad experience under dramatically different circumstances some semesters ago. I'm a bit older and went back to school to get a degree. Most of our classes have had a whatsapp group. At some point one dude starts making some extremely inappropriate transphobic and homophobic remarks. I push back, he doubles down, he eventually gets banned from the chat but starts texting me with even more inappropriate transphobic remarks. I tell him I'm sending it to the dean and block him. He texts me from his gf's number and cowardly starts begging me not to. I didnt follow through because it got extremely busy with finals and just didn't want to deal with the bs. I'm a cis male, but there were def lgbtq students in that class, which is why I pushed back on the rhetoric. I regret not reporting him.