Could our universe be the singularity of a black hole?

Published 2024-05-10
A cosmologist explains the mind-bending hypothesis that our universe could have branched off from a black hole singularity in another universe. We do not live inside of a black hole, but that does not rule out the possibility that our universe was born from one.

Written By Rovin Karki.
Narrated By Niraj Kc.
Music By C.O.A.G

0:00 Introduction
1:40 Spacetime Singularities
10:39 Black Holes
17:39 Naked Singularities, the Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis, and Indeterminism
19:13 Black Holes and Thermodynamics
39:15 Hawking Radiation
43:17 Information Loss Paradox

video footages:
Pixabay, NASA, ESA, Contact, Smithsonian channel, Gravity, British Pathe's, BBC, Ant man, How the universe work.

Information Sources:…………
► How the universe works
► Spacetime singularity, General relativity, Black holes, Quantum physics, Event horizon, Path incompleteness, Curvature pathology, Sudden singularities, Hubble parameter, Big Crunch, Big rip, Cosmic censorship hypothesis, Naked singularities, Interstellar travel, Tidal forces, Conformal singularities, Vacuum solutions, Schwarzschild black hole, Reissner-Nordström black hole, Kerr black hole, Kerr-Newman black hole, Trapping horizon, Isolated horizons, Quasi-local black holes, Einstein field equations, Singularity ontology, Photon interactions, Cosmic expansion, Curved spacetime geometry, Matter distribution models, Astrophysical systems, Hawking radiation, Wormholes, Singularity theorems, Penrose-Hawking singularity theorems, Cosmic inflation, Multiverse theory, Gravitational collapse, Spinning black holes, Black hole thermodynamics, Information paradox, Planck density, Spacetime curvature, Quantum gravity, Loop quantum gravity, String theory, Brane cosmology, Gravitational waves, Primordial black holes, Supermassive black holes, Gravitational lensing, Accretion disks, Relativistic jets, Black hole merger, Stellar evolution, White dwarfs, Neutron stars, Gamma-ray bursts, Binary star systems, X-ray binaries, Cosmic microwave background, cosmology, Are we live in black hole, black hole bigger then universe, black hole physics, black hole simulation, black hole thermodynamics, black hole time travel, black hole universe theory, how gravity effect time etc.
#space #universe #Blackhole

All Comments (21)
  • @etahhcumosevahi
    If you were to travel out of a black hole, what you’ll see is exactly like expansion of the universe.
  • @user-em2pe3rf4h
    I've come to think of black holes as a bathtub full of water. You pull the plug, the water disappears. The water goes somewhere. It's most likely that my mind can't grasp or believe that all the water,or in the case of a black hole collapses into something infinitely dense, infinitely small. That doesn't seem possible or even likely. Just like the water, the matter goes somewhere. We'll never know where though. Maybe we're not meant to. Or maybe I'm a dullard, spending my days licking windows.
  • @chocopappy
    Nothing happens inside an event horizon until someone observes it, then everything happens all at once around you, until the energy of your transit is released and you find yourself in the universe at some random place in space and time.
  • @raptorsean1464
    It goes into a different dimension of time that is inconceivable to us.In our dimension, that's why it seems as though time stops. We are in a black hole, and that's why everything is accelerating toward the singularity and every single direction is toward that singularity. If you were to observe our universe from the outside, it would appear as though time was at a standstill.
  • @scverseinfo.816
    An idea that could be possible is a black hole to be one step ahead of BigBang, like two neutrons become black hole. Somehow, we shouldn't be inside a black hole by some physical evidence 's today.
  • @muffinman956
    This was a perfect accommodation of my extra 53 minutes 😊
  • @zhavlan1258
    ❤❤ Let me ask you a question. The speed of light in a vacuum is constant - does this NEED to be confirmed by direct experiment at 75%? Do you have examples of such experiments (Michelson's experiment of 1882/2024 in this regard was only 50% completed). Such 75% experience in as a teaching aid in the modern fiber optic gyroscopic industry…. Can be manufactured as a HYBRID gyroscope. With the help of the HYBRID educational gyroscope, we will be able to demonstrate this experimentally - postulates “Light is a wave of ordered oscillations of gravitational quanta, and the dominant gravitational fields regulate the speed of light in a vacuum.”
  • @alex79suited
    It's the result of the beginning, not the starting position but the result of. Peace ✌️ 😎.
  • Πιστεύω πως μέσα από τον ορίζοντα γεγονότων η βαρύτητα αλλάζει ιδιότητα απο τη στιγμή που δεν βλέπουμε τι συμβαίνει δε γίνετε να το ονομάζουμε βαρυτηκό. Η μοναδικότητα θα έπρεπε να ονομάζετε διαφορετικά για να δίνει κάποια στοιχεία της κατάστασης της μεταστοιχείωσης.
  • @rebuznardo
    I have already seen some of your footage in other channels videos... You should quote them.
  • It’s certainly a stretch, but given current definitions no. Day n+1 trying to correct modern interpretation of Penrose diagrams, black holes[,] and relativity 😊
  • @davidhess6593
    No. Singularities don't exist in the real world. Next question.
  • @vitolipari3406
    I think it is likely that black holes are portals to different galaxies or alternate universes. More research is needed to know for certain.
  • @KR4Qep
    if the sun just vanished it would take 8 minutes for us to realize it but what about our trajectory? how long would it take the space the sun occupied to flatten out, and how long would that flattened space take to alter our trajectory? does the curvature of space take time to form, like in this example where the sun vanishes? or would we fling out into space instantaneously? i'm not sure if space would technically be traveling so i'm not sure if the curvature changing is dictated by the speed of light. like would there be a domino effect, or would we have the curvature caused by the sun one moment, and then not have it the instant it vanished i know space expands faster than the speed of light so i'm guessing it's not restricted like mass. but this thought of a large mass vanishing and how that effects space is a cool thought experiment for an idiot that doesn't know any math outside of 2+2=69
  • geez.. this video makes the concept of singularities sound like magic, and nobody understands it. if you understand decimals, then all whole numbers are surrounded by a singularity where the fraction ends and the whole number exists. it is a concept describing math, not reality. kinda like calling a potato a vegetable. the object 'potato' is the reality, the word 'vegetable' is the concept. the singularity is definition, which itself is purely conceptual; a potato is a vegetable, but a vegetable is not necessarily only potato.
  • @etahhcumosevahi
    It’s all fun and games until the observer stops observing at our universe.
  • @OutOfWards
    The short answer: No. The other shorter answer: In a blackhole, size in relation to anything inside of it is not only exponentially multiplied but the relation(location of or distince of) of anything inside of it is at a perfect symbiosis. Mere perspective or observation of it would cause a collapse.
  • @Jeffroh
    Heres problem with that... Its a hypothetical of a hypothetical... We have no idea if they do exist, what they are if they do nor how they might function if they do. When you build a theory on top of another theory just to make your math work you look like an idiot to those of us with common sense.