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NOTE: Must have some kind of high quality audio system or earbuds to hear all or most sounds,w volume turned up...This is a recording from Wed,Oct 28th,2020,bw 2 and 3 AM.Several strange things are recorded here,and each seems to carry some difference to the others.I tag everything I hear vocally;what I didn't tag,I failed to hear.This is NOT just a Cryptid recording...There are a few Cryptid related noises in the first 8 minutes,but nothing significant or terribly definitive.I only say that bc I have already had many experiences w them in the area...At around 8:17,"ghost drumming" can be heard.It only sounds like a light,continuous tap on weak audio,but is very clear when played on my old PA system.This a sacred place to the local Native Americans,and has been since long before settlers arrived...At 9:09,something is very clearly thrown at me by one of the Sasquatch/Sabe there,in order to get my attention.I have this recorded likely over 1,000 times now on several different recordings,with me predicting it will happen roughly a 3rd of the time or more as I have learned their basic behavior - which differs very little from other known primates/hominids.(That last comment has now been revisited.)Their intelligence is another story...By the way,I am completely alone and miles from any other humans...You hear me speak of movement,but nothing significant happening at this time.I continue to whistle and speak in order to provoke a response,to which I get some light responses heard in the background...At 19:40/41,there is some kind of either Cryptid or Ghost voice,which I hear with my own ear and tag.In the moment,it sounded to me like a Bigfoot sneezing,lol.It's not as loud as the voice later in the recording,but is still very apparent...At this point,I began crouching and then sitting next to the forest,about 25-30 feet from and with my back to the car.This was a passive attempt at getting a response or one to approach me.As I am I sitting,I stop tagging noises and just try to be a "small" and unseen as possible.Small noises continue around me...First assumed "knock" or tap on my car is at 24:40 and this continues for at least 5 minutes.Knocks/taps vary in loudness and intensity.I believe it to be my car cooling off,but it had been parked for 2 and hours and the temp wasn't really varying during that time.Again,I am 25-30 feet from my car w my back facing the vehicle and thought what I was hearing were tree knocks due to how loud these thumping sounds were.Haven't heard my car make such sounds on its own since,IF that's all it was..By 30:13,tapping stops and another snapping noise is heard.Other light noises continue as I sit perfectly still near the forest w my head down...34:11 last thump on car and I just think it's the car expanding/contracting.I start talking about how it sounded like knocks going back and forth across the road....At 37:14,there is a very clear Class A EVP which seems to be responding to me talking about laying down and feigning death so that a Sabe will approach me,saying,"Dying!" or something to the effect of.I did NOT hear this voice w my own ear.This is followed immediately by something thrown in the background which I did not tag,either,but did hear...At 39:24,a light rumble begins,but then grows to nearly drowning me out at times.I do not tag it bc I never heard it.Had it been a helicopter,airplane,automobile,or even train (though I am not near one),I would have tagged it.I have NO idea what caused this sound and likely never will.My only logical guess is seismic activity.My paranormal or "conspiracy" guess is a some sort of unseen aircraft nearby.I have never recorded anything quite like this before or since.This rumble finally fades out at around 45:00...Comments are responded to in the way that they are shared,with no "bullish"....There is little to no activity afterward,for the rest of the recording.Hope you all enjoy this one! :)

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