Only On 2: Panhandlers Caught Driving Rental Car, Traveling Around Town To Solicit Cash

Published 2016-11-15
Police say panhandling appears to have at least some coordination. David Goldstein reports.

All Comments (21)
  • @msfoxay.
    We drove by a family begging outside a grocery store. Offered the man a job. He said "no work. Just money". These people are despicable. Help those who help themselves!!
  • @taism.8133
    People like them ruin it for people who truly need money
  • Went to Walmart with my dad and saw a older man looking a little scruffy we both gave him 20$ each cause we literally thought he probably really needed it. We went to Arby’s and bought him a gift card so he could eat. As we were leaving we saw him walking up to a brand new Honda with Maryland plates we approached him to give him the gift card to get food he had like 5 or 6 Walmart bags filled with cash we were shocked. When he saw us he tried to quickly hide all the bags of cash. We turned around and said never again. My dad lives off of social security and I had won 100$ at bingo and felt blessed to win that so I wanted to help someone else out.
  • @johnleos1687
    When these people approach me asking for money, I tell them I'll pay them $20.00 a hour to pull weeds at my home, NO takers! 😲🤔😆🤣
  • @javaqueen1111
    Love the lady “tired of paying your car note”! Lol
  • @MrBrewman95
    I remember one woman walked up to me when I came out of a Chipotle in the parking lot and she asked me if I had a few dollars to spare. I kindly said no. She replied, "So you don't care that my kids go hungry?" I respond with, "Well clearly you don't care because you won't even work a regular job and didn't prepare to have kids properly." She didn't know what to say and walked away. She walked to the other side of the parking lot and got into her Hyundai Palisade. A 40,000 more expensive car then I had. I pulled up to her said she should sell the car if she really cared about her kids and she gave me the finger. WTF is wrong with these entitled lazy brat people.
  • @paulgonzalez1014
    It’s sucks. Because they ruin for people who actually needs it. But what hurts the most is the kids are involved. Smh
  • @imagesfromLA
    If you see the same woman and baby at the same location and same time everyday, you know it's a scam. In fact in most cases, truly needy people have too much pride to even ask for help.
  • @cocomuhly
    I feel so bad for the innocent babies sitting out in this weather and being exposed to this. Hopefully they don’t normalize it.
  • And nothing has changed. In 2022 my girl bought about 35 dollars of groceries and a nice insulated cooler bag and gave it to a woman holding one of these same signs. My girl told me that she had a feeling this woman was legit and her heart went out to her. The woman said she had no car and was staying in a cheap hotel with her kids. The lady looked bummed when my girl handed her groceries. The next day I dropped a relative off on front of the same grocery store BUT 5 CITIES AWAY ANS HARD TO ACCESS. The same lady was there and didn't want anything to do with us and tried to hide. The best advice is to give to reputable organizations.
  • Many of these people are lying. I can recall a few years back when my church had cleared property to expanded for an activity center. We were cutting up the scrap wood after the loggers had finished, I had my two sons helping me because we were cutting up the wood and delivering it to the elderly members so they can have firewood. I saw a 6 guys holding signs claiming they’re homeless so as I pulled up I told them I need a few hands to help cut and haul firewood, I told them I’d feed them lunch and dinner and pay them $50 a piece. Only one of them stepped up and he did a good, I kept my word and fed him lunch and dinner and I gave him $100 instead. He thanked me and he said he wanted a job and I helped him find a job one of my fellow members at the church owns a concrete finishing company and hired him. He’s doing good and has gotten back on his feet.
  • @valgas17
    I stopped giving to these groups long ago. Last time I gave money to someone, he came up to me and offered to clean the wheels and windshield of my car. I told him he didn't need to do that, gave him $5, and told him I respected him for trying to earn it and not just begging for a hand out. It brought him to tears and I could see how grateful he was. Some people really do need money. Unfortunately scumbags like these Walmart panhandlers make people weary of giving money.
  • @froggynzack
    Yeah i get so mad when i see panhandlers having their children out in extreme heat and cold here in TN. I wished cops would do something about it. Those babies have no business out there
    This should be a felony and punished. I don't give money to this people. NEVER!
  • I see this almost everyday....the people who really need the help are too ashamed to ask.
  • I got cursed out once when I offered to buy a coffee for an elderly woman begging for money. She cursed and said she didn't want no g*d damn coffee. I was shocked. From that day on I can't forget her response and how she was scamming people and had the nerve to get nasty.
  • @m42037
    99% are foreigner's not Americans. I never seen this going on in Europe, America allows this