Lesson 4: Parables

Publicado 2024-07-20
Why did Jesus teach using parables? What truth was Jesus sharing through the parables recorded in Mark 4? This lesson endeavors to draw out the principles from the parables of The Sower, The Lamp, The Measuring Basket, and The Seeds. Like comment subscribe

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @mgdiwageston3691
    What a powerful song which comforts my soul psalm 34. Thank you so much HOPE sabbath school 🙏🙏
  • @user-ih6tm5gc5t
    Greetings from sunderland ,in the northeast of England ,thankyou so much for the lesson,l pray the Lord will continue to bless you all who are involved in the sabbath shool,😊 l pray you have ablessed week ❤
  • Godbless you all Sabina like learning listening to her through the lesson thanku infact your all wonderful......
  • @user-bq4qb6rs6x
    ❤I love to watch the Sabbath School ,I thank God for this program.
  • God bless you Sabina and the entire panel...my prayer is that we should continue having you guys till he comes
  • Hello Hope Sabbath school, I'm Both Mok Kueth from eastern Ethiopia in Somali region. Dear Hope Sabbath school members, I am deeply grateful for the privilege of joining your discussion group over the past 3 years during my time studying at the university up to now. Your love for God's word and dedication to studying the Scriptures together has been a tremendous blessing in my life. I thank God for using your group to draw me closer to Him and His people. As I am from the Somali region of eastern Ethiopia for sturdy in university, where there is only a small church of SDA, where majority are Muslim, I humbly ask for your prayers about this area. May God continue to work mightily through your fellowship and may your discussions bear much fruit for His kingdom. I am forever thankful for the powerful way God is using your ministry.
  • Amen pastor Sabine my good God richly bless you and your family including the whole panel members, please u don't know how these words do us listeners the truth is it's changing many peoples life.
  • Derek! you can sing,I listen to the Sabbath School Lesson morning and at bedtime twice each day although I fall asleep sometimes at night. Still looking forward to seeing Billy and Jason. Love you guys.
  • Greetings, family. You all are doing a great job, I really appreciate you too, and Amen 🙏
  • Part 1: Mr. John Lomacang's topic was to talk about "The Reason for the Parables" Gospel writer Mark explained beautifully this topic under "The Purpose of Parables" in Mark 4: 10-12 But Mr Lomacang however failed to grasp Mark's summary and I don't blame him either being a member of SDA. I will explain the reasons in my message below! Mark says when Jesus was ALONE, the 12 disciples asked Him about "The Parable of the Sower" that Jesus talked about before as they did not understand clearly. What was Jesus' response to them? 11 “To you it has been given to know the hidden truths of the kingdom of God; but to those who are outside, all things come in parables, 12 so that ‘Seeing they may see and not perceive, And hearing they may hear and not understand" (Mark 4:11-12) Quite a straight forward answer to the disciples. I believe the disciples understood what Jesus meant! Notice carefully here! "you" in vs11 is referring to the 12 disciples. Jesus is telling them in plain language to the 12 disciples that "hidden truths of the coming kingdom of God" is given to them but "not to those who are outside means, who will not be included in the kingdom to come during this age".....very easy to understand! Now ask yourself this intelligent question. Who will decide the "ones" to be be included in the kingdom to come? To find the answer comparing scripture with scripture, you need to see other scriptures without trying to reason out yourself. When Jesus prayed to His Father before His crucifixion, this is what He said in John 17:9(NKJV): “I pray for them(12 disciples). I do not pray for the world but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours" Here you seen the answer to that question from the bible!!...You don't have to guess! Jesus says clearly, He prays for the 12 disciples "whom You(God) have given Me(Jesus), for they(12) are Yours(God's)" Jesus confirms those 12 disciples have been given to Him by His Father whom Jesus said is "Spirit"(John 4:24). Therefore, go back to Mark 4:11 and read again! Jesus says, "hidden truths of the kingdom of God" are given to those God the Father has given Him....That is it...simple and straightforward. No human interpretations needed. This is the same answer Jesus gave to the Jews who were coming behind Him grumbling as John says in John 6:43-45:(This is Jesus' words) 43 Jesus therefore answered and said to them: "Stop grumbling among yourselves. 44 No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day. 45 It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Therefore everyone who hears and has learned from the Father comes to Me" (John 6:43-45). Jesus told in plain language to the Jews who were coming behind Him grumbling that not all of them will be called by God but only those His Father who is "Spirit", who chooses as it is Father's sovereign choice since He blocked Adam's family as a whole to His life giving Spirit after Adam's fall(Genesis 3:22-24). You need to accept the fact that, Adam's free moral choice has consequences for his future family. In other words, Jesus was saying plainly, it is God who is Spirit(John 4:24) who calls and teaches all His chosen sons from from the tribe of Judah to whom God promised the rulership with Him as their Messiah(vs 45) whom Jesus is expected to raise to eternal life at the last day or "The day of the Lord" in verse 44. This is same as saying at the end of this age at Jesus' second coming. This Jesus was making a direct reference to the "first-harvest of men". You need to ask, why Jews were coming behind Jesus grumbling. It was because, God promised to Judah for the "blessings of the grace" for the "Scepter" or "rulership" promise in Genesis 49:10 under the Law in "Abrahamic Covenant" Jews might have thought all sons of Judah is given the king and priestly duties with their Messiah. Jews knew that "sons of Judah" are given the promise of "Rulership" with Him at His Second Coming!(Gen 49:10,1 Chronicles 5:1-2). In fact Jews wanted to be kings, and priests with Jesus Christ since they did not know about God had already determined it is exactly 144,000 and no more or no less later to be reveal to apostle John in the book of Revelation. But no one at that time knew that God has limited that "Rulership" to 144000 sons of Judah. It was in the last book of the bible that finally God revealed it to apostle John in Rev 5:9-10, 7:1-8 and 14:1-5. Therefore coming back to the "Purpose of the Parables", Jesus was simply saying that "hidden truths of the kingdom of God" are only to be given to those God the Father is calling and choosing as 144,000 first-fruits as Christ's eternal bride during this age. Those not included in the kingdom during this age, will not be given the hidden truths of the coming kingdom of God at Jesus' Second Coming to set up His Millennial kingdom on earth. Reason why apostle Paul said; "So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy" (Romans 9:16) It is God's sovereign choice to whom His mercy and grace fall during this age since Adam was sent out from God's presence. Only a remnant who are alive today are among God's little flock of first-fruits today(Luke 12:32) Unfortunately no one has been included from Roman Catholicism, Protestantism which also includes Adventism and all other Christian cult groups of "False Christianity" as John describes them in Rev 17:5 as the MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. They are the same that John indicates in Rev 6:1-2 as "White Apocalyptic Horse" with a counterfeit message of "salvation" to fallen Adam's family! Those who are grafted from gentiles outside the family of Israel are known as wild olive branches to the cultivated olive tree as Paul says in Romans 11:24: "For if you were cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, who are natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?" Paul was trying to say that, even though the non-Jews became co-heirs with Jews(sons of Judah) because of Judah lost his exclusive right for all 144000 positions as Christ bride, it is still God's desire to have Jews included as Christ bride because of God's promise made to Judah was under the eternal covenant God established with their ancestor Abraham who had unwavering faith in God. Reason why God only managed to set apart 7000 sons of Judah until Jesus's first coming (1 kings 19:18). Reason why Jesus' ministry at the time was only focus on the Jewish nation as Jesus knew about God's promise to Judah in Genesis 49:10. Reason why Jesus said; Christ Fulfills the Law 17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. 18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, the smallest letter or the smallest stroke in a Hebrew letter will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. 19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:17-20). Matthew 5:17-20 does not limit itself to 10 commandments as false Christianity proclaims. Jesus is here referring to the Law and Prophet, that is the "Old Testament" Reason why those who do not revere God's Annual Holy Sabbaths or Seven High Sabbaths are disqualifying themselves to be considered by God for first-fruits during this age. Reason why "Seventh-Day Adventists" who keep weekly sabbaths but reject God's Annual Holidays are not under the radar of God today. Instead God's Holy Days, they keep pagan holy days of Christmas and Easter. Only a remnant "Church of God" are observing God's Holy Days today such as those splinter groups of Worldwide Church of God that was established prior to WW 2 in 1934 ad during6th Era of God's Church. After Jews failed in the 70 weeks time prophecy in Daniel 9, God appointed Paul to take this good news message to the every tribe, tongue, race and nation for the balance 137,000 first-fruits that God has now allowed them to be co-heirs with the Jews. Reason why there was opposition to Apostle Paul's ministry during the first century from the Jews as Jew were opposed to share their spiritual blessings of rulership with their Messiah in Genesis 49:10. Jews in fact did not know they have disqualified themselves after rejecting and killing their Messiah as at that time Jews were prohibited in reading and studying the book of Daniel as it was considered as a curse on the Jewish nation. Numbers 18 details the duties for priests and Levite. Reason why no woman among 144,000 first-fruits(Rev 14:1-5) as Christ bride who occupy God's Throne(Rev 3:21) are all redeemed men of first-fruits! They occupy the "Most Holy" in "New Jerusalem" where God the Father dwells in Spirit as John describes in Revelation 21 & 22. (To be continued in Part 2)
  • Please pray for my family my husband has been emotionally abusive and have issues with me not allowing our son to go hang out with him on sabbath because it the day we worship on He is Jehovah witness and I am Adventist
  • @FloretteAhwan
    I love the song n I sing it when i am following the Sabbath school lesson on line.
  • Yes, no more Derick, but Pastor. Protocol should be observed. This is not a social event. I must say Sabrina that I enjoy when you conduct the lesson study so do not be offended, we love every one on Hope channel.