Nintendo Switch Online Preparing HUGE UPGRADE?! (Gamecube, Wii, & More!)


コメント (21)
  • @LJAY75
    I'm sorry but you're really reaching with this prediction. I want Nintendo to release the switch 2 so all of this leak nonsense can finally stop.
  • No need for more rental-games. I picked up a cheap wii and all the GC & WII Games for it that i love. I dont pay for ROMs!
  • @Umbrella2
    Unless there is some serious compression I can’t see Gamecube games on NSO, they are really big games!
  • How are these games going to save on a microSD?! You still have save files. There’s no way you can have a full library of Switch games AND GameCube/Wii games in the NSO service.
  • They should bring back Game & Watch games from the 80s.
  • i’m genuinely thinking that they’re trying to perfect a gamecube launch so the battery doesn’t drain unnecessary power while also sitting next to a new console to push more sales on the “switch family”
  • @03bgood
    Imgine if the Switch 2 had GameCube NSO near launch!? Not sure if Wii NSO would also happen around the same time. Maybe they'll save that for year 2 and DS and/or 3DS would be in the second half of year 2.
  • And I am eager for Super Mario sunshine 2 to see ( like 3D mix and meet Dk with a new Island)
  • I don't mind re-buying re-releasing old games because i won't own them if they are only available on the Switch online service ...Later
  • @xroselli
    Personally I hate any subscription model. NSO has like 5 games total I would play, and maybe more once they’ve trickled out. But for me to pay £18 every year for a digital release that I don’t own, and will go away if I don’t resubscribe is just awful. I would definitely prefer a £50-60 remake and physical release over any digital only re-release that requires a subscription to play.
  • If Gamecube and Wii comes to NSO on Switch 2 and its backwards compatible with Switch then that only leaves Wii U then the next Switch will be All Access Nintendo Systems, they should do a subscription for the Full Game Collections it would be Epic!!!, and it would make the next console the Best Nintendo Console Ever and Destroy the competition!!! 😃
  • We need a built-in party system With headset capabilities so we can communicate easily
  • They may decide to hold off on GameCube & Wii games for the online service till the announcement of their next system, but some of the major games I don’t see them holding back for it; WW & TP and the remaining two Prime games will be sold (hopefully packed together respectively but that’s probably wishful thinking)
  • I'm taking anything switch 2 related rumors and leaks like a grain of salt 🧂.
  • GameCube for Switch 2 maybe. But I don't think the Wii is possible, the Switch has motion controls but it uses different technology for the motion controls making it very difficult to port it to the Switch without having to be a remaster. All other Switch Online games use emulation which is simply not possible for Wii
  • If Metro prime 2 and 3 don’t show up on Switch, then it’s unlikely they will show up at all. I would love to see Saturn games on Switch online. I think you’re wrong regarding remakes and remasters which I welcome very much because it gives a new audience who missed out on these games the first time a chance to play them again on Switch 2.