Gastroparesis Misconceptions

Common gastroparesis misconceptions! Feeding tubes, eating, cures.
* NOTE: when discussing feeding tubes, I forgot to mention that some people have NJ or NG tubes as well. Additionally, some people need TPN if they can't tolerate their feeds.

My Story with Gastroparesis:    • My Gastroparesis Story | Delayed Gast...  
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The views expressed in this video are my own and do not reflect the views of Mount Sinai Hospital.
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The Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS) are a group of more than 13 genetic connective tissue disorders that affect the joints and ligaments, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, and autonomic nervous system, among others. The most common type of EDS is hypermobile EDS (hEDS), which used to be known at type III. Some of the most common symptoms and co-morbidities of hEDS include chronic joint pain, joint instability and dislocations, dysautonomia, and GI tract dysmotility.


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コメント (21)
  • @cori8489
  • @amykr7
    I had a gastroenterologist tell me that because I hadn’t lost more than 10 lbs that I couldn’t be having the symptoms I was, then I finally got to 10+ lbs weight loss and he still was like well you just need to find the right foods and medicine combo...after I had a colonoscopy and ended up in the hospital from horrible nausea and vomiting, from dehydration suddenly people were a little more willing to listen....funny how it takes such extremes for people to listen, glad I finally found an EDS doc who listens and has helped me get back to a healthy state 😍
  • Myth-shattering videos like these are much needed in the chronic illness community, thank you!
  • I’m one of those people that eat the things I shouldn’t 🤣 every time I’m like 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ but the food tastes good when I’m eating it.
  • Yes! I totally agree! The other day I was at a restaurant hooked up to my feeding pump. I went to the restaurant because my parents and my siblings were going and I wanted to hang out with them even though I couldn't eat anything. This random woman comes up to me and asks my Dad why I have a feeding tube if I don't need it. I tell her that I do need it because I have gastrparisis. She tells me that I am a attention seeking liar and that GP does not exist. She then rolls her eyes and walks off.
  • @5:20 I made an eating diary for a year to see which foods work best and they changed over time. There were foods I was able to eat for months and then out of nowhere they started making me sick. It’s so random.
  • @Voldycat
    Diagnosis misconceptions would be cool! Things like about how all diagnosis are bad, how its easy to get a diagnosis, that it will solve all your problems ect.
  • Omg. I remember when I went to camp as a counselor for kids with Crohn’s and another counselor had the nerve to ask me, “why are you so thin?! I have Crohn’s too and I’m not a stick figure.” I almost cried. People are so ignorant and cruel sometimes.
  • Ok i LOVE this girl. Beyond strong. Legit definition of when life gives you lemons. Instead of letting all her health conditions etc make her upset she takes in everything and shares it with others. Thats the best thing for someone newly diagnosed like myself . Thnks for all you do sis
  • @lilsweetie1635
    I am 51 and I’ve had chronic constipation since I was a child as well as nausea and vomiting 🤮 issues. I have always had a very love/ hate relationship with food. I’ve dealt with eating disorders and weight issues. About five years or so ago, in the fall I started dropping weight for no reason. I was pretty excited at first I needed to lose some weight. Problem was I couldn’t stop it from coming off. Concerned, I went to the doctors office and was told that my body would level out. Three months later, I went back to the doctor, around 50 pounds later and weak as a kitten. I couldn’t even stand in the shower. Off to the GI doctor I went to receive my gastroparisis diagnosis. I was also sent to the endocrinologist for testing. She ordered a cortisol dumping test. I took one pill for the test and I haven’t stopped putting weight on yet. What a crazy dance this is. Keep your heads up and keep digging for your truth. 😊
  • I am newly diagnosed and I have had so many people already suggest herbs, vitamins, clean eating. I just want to eat ANYTHING. I am on liquids and have been for three months and even they make me nauseated.
  • I go see my gastroenterologist tomorrow to discuss getting new testing/meds. Your videos have really helped me better understand GP and EDS. Thanks for all you do!!
  • @jodiexc74
    I actually had a woman tell me my hypermobility joint syndrome was caused by "leaky gut syndrome" and I needed to change my "toxic diet" so I could get better. I just shook my head at her and laughed! I didn't know what else to do.
  • I have had gastroparesis since I was born and was recently diagnosed with hypermobile joint syndrome.
  • @hpkntnw
    I am the perfect example I’m 6’ tall 265 lbs but I also had something like 65% retention at 4 hours on my gastric emptying study. It makes absolutely no sense. My gastroenterologist says he see’s it all the time of people overweight when he knows they’re calorie deficient.
  • I loved this vlog. I could completely relate to it. I don't suffer with gastroparesis but I do have other problems that people don't understand. Ignorant and uneducated people should keep their comments to themselves. I can't stand when people judge others when they have no idea what that person is going through. On another note, I'm glad you don't require a feeding tube. There are numerous complications . I understand that many people require them but they are not a panacea. Jaquie is a perfect example. A feeding tube complication led to her demise; such a horrible tragedy. I know it's none of my business but I can't help thinking that it could have been averted if the doctors were more astute. I have a lot of questions about that but it's water under the bridge. I'm still so sad about her passing. Looking forward to more videos about misconceptions. You speak the truth.
  • I just found this video. Thank you so much! I am overweight and have gp. You are the first person who challenged the myth that you had to be real thin with gp. I eat, I get sick, but I am always hungry. It brought tears to my eyes that someone understands that gp affect all body types. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
  • @jno805
    Maybe make a video about the misconception that disabled people are always happy to explain to strangers why they're disabled or why they're in a wheelchair. It's not my job to educate your kids when I'm at the grocery store and feel like crying from stress and pain
  • @guna_kw
    Who disliked this video? Its only 1 person and how dare they judge the illness in a negative way!