Minecraft Legends is Awful, Here's Why

Published 2024-05-06

All Comments (21)
  • I mean Dungeons was really successful but they stopped updating it and doing content for it because of Legends, and instead of going back to updating it after legends fail they left it to rot
  • @lasercraft32
    What's funny (but also a little sad) is that the developers of this game said they wanted to innovate the RTS genre... Apparently they didn't realize that Pikmin exists and already innovated in all the ways Minecraft Legends was trying to do, over two decades prior, and with significantly better execution. 💀
  • @ElEliteRojo25
    Dungeons was a pretty successfully spinoff despite its flaws, originally it wasnt supposed to recieve updates after its launch, but they did it anyway for a reason I can't remember, theres a specific youtuber that explains it better than me.
  • @Antarctica74
    The thing you said about piglins being pushed as the bad guys being weird since the pigmen where there for so long I can totally relate to.
  • @GodlycrewWarpz
    But why tho.... After all this failed why didnt they keep updating dungeons... I fucking love dungeons
  • @CosmicSashmi
    you gave it about 4 more hours than I did and as someone who plays civ6, the game felt like it was trying to be an mmo with the camera and with how you actually get involved in combat, but said "screw it lets put some coc in this game"
  • @kingillager
    Mojang threw away minecraft dungeons, an actually fun game imo, and went on to make another one, not as fun
  • @jUppers
    Mojang is sitting on a gold mine for free. They can slap "Minecraft" onto anything and make money
  • @minewrecked5775
    I think Mojang has the potential to make good spinoffs and do try with them, but Mojang has attracted a lot of talent not so used to making new games (they're just fans of Minecraft in general). They co-develop with smaller 3rd party studios, come up with good ideas, but don't execute on them the best they could. With a new CEO coming into Mojang recently as well as Xbox probably helping them a bit more to get a high rated spinoff out, I could see them slowly improve over time, especially with the internal development teams learning from the current spinoffs and trying to improve future developments both for higher ratings and more popularity.
  • @mr.arklight3523
    If I'm being honest here I hate the fact that they made a more enjoyable game cost less than a not so enjoyable game. I mean common on! I don't regret spending 20bucks on Dungeons because when the trailer and the gameplay came out I was hyped. When the trailer for Legends came out though for some reason I wasn't hyped and I know see why. No way I'm spending 40bucks on a game that most don't enjoy at all. I'm curious to see if anyone liked actually Legends?
  • @soundrogue4472
  • @captaincookie72
    The animation of the story cutscenes is beautiful, other than that the game is just boring which sucks cause I was really hoping it would've been more fun.
  • @EliteOcto
    JUst play pikmin and replace olimar with steve
  • @user-vu7yy7si4u
    Fun fact: Minecraft legends takes place the past because it gives up the origins behind the illagers.
  • @SixtyStone
    Minecraft legends is like 1000x worse than Minecraft, unlike Minecraft it is supposed to have progression be a big part of it, yet Mojang even failed at that.
  • I would say that this sort of game has been done, and can be done well. Both of the Overlord games, all of the Pikmin games, and Brutal Legend are all third person hero-RTS titles. But you can't have stuff happen behind the player's back, and I do agree there needs to be delegation. Maybe if a town was above some abstract defense threshold, it couldn't be destroyed, or could only be done so by deliberate enemy action, such as sending a major force the player would be alerted of. Resource collection like this also makes no sense given the strict timing mechanics in this game.