Noam Chomsky - On Being Truly Educated

Published 2015-05-26
Noam Chomsky is an eminent American theoretical linguist, cognitive scientist and philosopher, who radically changed the arena of linguistics by assuming language as a uniquely human, biologically based cognitive capacity. He suggested that innate traits in the human brain give birth to both language and grammar. The most important figure in “cognitive revolution” and “analytic philosophy”, Chomsky’s wide-ranging influence also extends to computer science and mathematics.

All Comments (21)
  • @emilypaige2885
    "Education is not the learning of facts; it's rather the training of the mind to think. "
  • @AbdullahWzr
    "Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school." Albert Einstein
  • @NeoJiNeTiK
    I'll never forget the best complement a boss had ever given me. She said, "You always know the right questions to ask"
  • @pixelatedparcel
    In short: developing an open, inquisitive and critical mind.
  • @terrypussypower
    Everyone's education should be an ongoing, lifelong process. Unfortunately too many people think their education finishes once they leave school!
  • @Sean_Coyne
    From my experience. the most creative minds learn to educate themselves.
  • To be truly educated also means to cultivate emotional self-control. One shouldn't underestimate how important this facility will be for a life well-lived. Tempering the emotions plays an immensely important role in intellectual growth too.
  • @sarachase1940
    With the internet, anyone that has access can be well educated. What one needs is a curious mind and a love for learning.
  • @skepsib4490
    Was it Socrates who said - when it's more profitable to speak than to listen, it's time to change your company. I could listen to this clear-thinking and fair-minded guy just for food for thought. Always hungry for that.
  • I taught a few classes at a university as an adjunct professor and occasionally was a guest lecturer. One thing that used to rip me was when I was presenting a difficult concept and someone would raise their hand and their question wasn't asking for clarification; they wanted to know if this was going to be on the test. They sure didn't want to waste their time learning something this difficult if it wasn't going to be on the test! It seems to me most students are automata. They study for tests so they can pass classes so they can get a diploma so they can get a good job so they can hopefully someday have a decent life only to find at middle age that it was all a waste of time and their life still sucks. Instead students should study things because they are difficult. They should have an epiphany. Their education should be the process of broadening their horizons rather than walking a narrow path. They should learn things because they are worth learning instead of because it is a hurdle to clear.
  • I love having a curious mind. I’m so happy I’ve discovered Chomsky. Truly inspiring mind, one of a kind.
  • When our dean talked to my graduating class in medical school in 1962, he said. " Half of what we have taught you here is wrong, and it's up to you to discover that half." He was correct; education never stops.
  • @joel6633
    This is on point. Imagine being able to do anything you want to, without depending on other people, having the ability and gumption to test your ideas irl. That's worthy of respect. First then can you call yourself an adult, being truly independent - not only by having your own place to live at and managing your own economy, but actually making a true difference in the world, or at least try to. Never allowing fear to stop you, that is fear of exclusion or fear of being disliked, but following your mind and the logic you've created for yourself. Doing whatever it takes to make things happen. I'm amazed of this idea.
    Noam Chomsky having to introduce himself is the cutest thing I have ever seen. 💓💓
  • @islandboy9381
    It seems to me that most young people in my age, even in higher education don't give a good shit about education in the sense of actually learning anything and applying critical thinking. They just go through the motions in order to reap the material benefits of a good paying job, status of high grades and on the psychological benefit of stroking their ego. Good little obedient workers they've become
  • @lukepowers9472
    Noam comes off as a very warm person to be around. Kind and gentle you know?
  • @dr-kuro-neko
    I am a linguist working on Chomskyan linguistics, and I show this vide to my students on every possible occasions. I also show this video to my colleagues whenever possible. I think it is important that higher educations have a clear sense of direction, or view, about where we are going.