Political 'noise' around semiconductors may create buying opportunities, says Alger CEO Dan Chung

Published 2024-07-17
Dan Chung, Alger CEO, joins 'Closing Bell' to discuss the semiconductor and tech sectors ahead of earnings.

All Comments (10)
  • @centollero
    AI stocks are set to dominate 2024. I prefer NVIDIA because they're well-positioned for long-term growth and support other AI companies. I know someone who made over 200% with NVIDIA. I'll also consider the other recommendations you made.
  • I want to build a nest egg for when I'm older. I want to know if it's a good idea to add all my savings into a long term ETF, set and forget Come back in 20-30 years, instead of 250-300 DCA every month. Which ETF would you recommend?
  • @GM4ThePeople
    "Dan Chung" is an anagram for "Nach Dung". I ask your forgiveness: one can only work with the letters one has. o/
  • @mikepatel2067
    Nah CEO Are themselves selling their shares 😂
  • @StewieGriffin
    wall street investors know nothing about nvidia NVIDIA GRAPHIC CARDS WILL CONTINUE TO GET STRONGER AND BETTER EVERY YEAR
  • hacker-(o)nes can only steal the letters. -🦉Whoo [In reference to a viewed comment below off a wide universe of hackers_audiences viewing 'a platform of data collected from for chip making' the hacked platform viewed a comment.]