CrowdStrike IT outage continues to cause global disruption | BBC News

Published 2024-07-20
A massive tech failure that caused chaos around the world on Friday is continuing to cause disruption into the weekend.

Cyber-security firm CrowdStrike has apologised after an update to its antivirus software - which is designed to protect Microsoft Windows devices from malicious attacks – instead caused a global outage.

The outage caused thousands of flight cancellations and delays across the world, while banking, healthcare and payment systems were also affected.

But, while the software bug has been fixed, experts say the manual reboot of each affected Microsoft computer will take a huge amount of work – and may take some time.

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All Comments (21)
  • To everyone who works IT, thank you for all the work you do and we appreciate you during these trying times
  • @amyskippy
    CrowdStrike was the cause of the major outage, not Microsoft. Despite mentioning Microsoft Windows in the first 30 seconds, it takes until 2 minutes 20 seconds to mention the actual company responsible.
  • Monopolies aren't going to work anymore in a complex world like today's. Competition is healthy - and so are backup systems from across multiple global sectors.
  • @PhrontDoor
    It's simple to avoid -- trivial in fact. Do not EVER allow forced day-zero updates. You use rolling patches, and let the users decide when/if they want to install them. Any company using the crowdstrike and knowing it had KERNAL LEVEL patches being installed arbitrarily were just stupid -- no other way to call it. Those companies relying on CS were idiots.
  • @SH078
    First Boeing, and now this, American companies are losing their quality
  • @rvdb7363
    People have very short memories for failing technology. Me included. A few years ago someone dug a hole in the main water pipe down the street leaving us without tap water. After that experience I bought 6 bottles of water so I wouldn't be without drinking water again. Of course that water got used (and not replaced) so when the water pump in our apartment building broke down 18 months later I was once again without water. Did I learn from that? Nope, I currently have no bottled water in the house.
  • @Nasiruify
    "Hello IT have you tried turning it off and on again? "
  • @tfozo
    How ironic the name is crowd strike
  • @RetroActionUK
    The world needs to stop relying solely on technology.
  • @Jormunguandr
    Would be funny if crowdstrike got "no sue" clause for customers 😅
  • "Some experts have speculated that perhaps it was a lack of testing"...LOL! It was not a "lack of" testing, it was the "complete and total absence" of testing! They pushed out an every, single one of their customers at the same time, that broke every machine. It clearly was not tested AT ALL. Also, this is the reason that you DO NOT push out an update to everyone at once! You roll out to a small number of customers and make sure there are no problems before expanding. This is BASIC operating procedure. The fact that a "SECURITY" company failed this so spectacularly says everything you need to know about them as a company. Any organization that continues to use this product after this fiasco is run by complete and utter morons.
  • 2 minutes and 22 seconds it took BBC to even mention the culprit, CrowdStrike. Though they mentioned Windows immediately. Why bury the lede? The CEO of CrowdStrike was the CTO at McAfee in 2010, when a similar thing happened. This time, he chose to lie to people, claiming that the "fix" would be automatic. When in reality, each individual computer would need to be booted in Safe Mode, and the bad file deleted. Can't be done remotely. And IT people can't travel because of the outage. I'd bet there are some secretaries being guided through this by absent IT people.
  • @dyztructive
    this is what happens when everyone relies on centralized systems.
  • @jamesalias595
    Everyone in business should fire Crowdstrike and replace them with a company that actually tests software before pushing out updates. Also surprised that so many airlines are running windows versus linux.
  • @madhurgupta854
    My company devs are grappling with VDI not working...on a Saturday!!! This is big and will spillover into next 3-4 weeks!
  • @LewisCarr-g3d
    "the more these outages happen the more we'll notice them" what excellent reporting 🙄
  • @teyemanon1970
    Anyone here working in IT, spare a thought for our brothers and sisters who had to work through the night and are still at it over the weekend.
  • @John_Bradbury
    This amounts to criminal damage on a global scale. I was not that badly affected except for NHS GP systems have still not recovered. I wonder if there should be criminal prosecutions?
  • And y'all decide to run an update a day before the weekend. Bravo