A School Becomes Transformed - Gineff and Merri Ellen share the story!

Does God have a heart for your place of employment?

Life Coach & Spiritual Director, Merri Ellen Giesbrecht invited Educator Gineff McKinney to share more of the background behind the story found in the book, "God, Show Me More of You"

Here’s a glimpse of the story…

Gineff originally reached out to Merri Ellen with a huge heart full of grief for her students at a very tough inner-city school. In a session, the Lord showed Gineff a picture of ramps. Merri Ellen sensed they could be heavenly portals, so prompted her to ask the Lord if they were representing access to his blessing over the school. He informed her he was getting ready to pour out answered prayers over the school.

Gineff wept as she recalled years of teachers who were there previously and who faithfully prayed for the school. The Lord showed her that he was going to answer those many prayers. I then prompted her to ask the Lord what, if anything, was blocking those prayers from being answered. He showed her blocks and how to pray.

When they finished in prayer, they both were in wonder at how quickly the Lord had shown her keys of the kingdom in her workplace and how to pray into the foundation of the school.

What happened next as a result of her prayers was unbelievable. Within just a few months, the school completely transformed. Teacher and students transformed, and even the classroom once known for chaos.

Merri Ellen recalls how Gineff reported with tears, “All the hell I was going through at school led me to prayer and breakthrough!”

— God, Show Me More of You:
Encountering God Out of the Box
by Merri Ellen Giesbrecht

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Some scriptures mentioned:

Matthew 16:18-19
John 15:7
Matthew 11:28-30


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