Bay Area homeless encampment sweeps hitting minorities hardest

Publicado 2024-07-31

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @gottago9824
    if you don't like the sweeps, invite the homeless to come set up their tents in your yard.
  • @codys846
    This isn't a race issue and it's disgusting you always talk about race in every story
  • @rainbow1021
    It’s heartbreaking that tents all over on the street.
  • @PCRyder
    No this is necessary. Thats what this is.
  • The heartbreaking thing is that we were forced to endure this filth for as long as we have.
  • @royt3462
    And drug users need help to clean up.
  • @bretyoung3033
    Well its time to get a job and suck it up and quit living off the government and the working people.
  • Their identity doesn’t give them a right to take over public areas. Housing is not the issue, drug addiction and mental illness is.
  • @NB-ky5ol
    So sick of hearing the word minorities. Indigenous? To what?
  • People are sick and tired of having to walk in the road because the sidewalks are blocked by miles of tents. Theyre tired of walking through human shit, piss, and trash. Theyre tired of walking on dirty needles. Yes, its sad that people are homeless, but the sad truth is the vast majority of them are there by choice. They'd rsther live in a tent, do drugs, and not work, all while collecting a check from the government.
  • @timetrialist
    In Europe its illegal to open tent and live on the streets, make it illegal and force them in shelters is the way to go
  • Its hearting braking that it hasn't been done sooner. How can encampments be allowed to exist in front of businesses. Encampments devastate businesses and the community.
  • @hoyola1
    People with her mindset are the responsibles. It should have been cleaned out a long time ago.
  • @lorihoop3831
    So they flee "dangerous situations" at home and go to the streets. Not too bright, eh?