Sky News host slams the Olympic opening ceremony for mocking Christianity

Sky News host Rita Panahi slams the Olympic opening ceremony, which mocked Christianity with its Last Supper depiction.

“What I saw of it I found just to be underwhelming, lame , the mocking of Christianity, I don’t think it was even clever.”

“If you are going to go in that space and risk offending millions of people, then at least be very good about how you do it, and I thought it was done in a clumsy fashion.”

コメント (21)
  • Absolutely disgusting. The most anti Christian games in history.
  • @MeliSpieli
    Boycott the Olympics. Thou shalt not mock the Lord our God. It is blasphemy.
  • It wasn't just mocking Christianity, it was mocking straight people.
  • If this B.S. was done to the muslim religion, people would have lost their heads, literally.
  • @jeffallen981
    Community tolerance? Shoving your lifestyle down our throat. You will be judged.
  • @jamtree9746
    All religions stand together to fight the Satanists
  • My family is boycotting their Olympics on tv. We won't watch it
  • @teurves
    Inclusive? Where where the hijabs ? 10% or more is muslim in Franse, Where are the jewish characters ? Where was the white straight male? This was 100% intentional
  • Note to Olympics: "Be not deceived; GOD IS NOT mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:7.
  • If they wanted to be inclusive, this sick display would've have included nothing but straight men for historic accuracy.
  • @seandelap8587
    They would never do this to islam and we all know it
  • I’m of Greek Orthodoxy, where are the Australian churches of our faith standing up against this?
  • I am from Poland and this is the "West" we were all longing for while under the yoke of Communism?! What they did to the opening ceremonies of the Olympics was SICK!