Journalism: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

The newspaper industry is suffering. That’s bad news for journalists — both real and fictional.

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コメント (21)
  • @Kaizaratl
    Basically, every newspaper is becoming a Buzzfeed. THAT IS HORRIFYING.
  • @plucas1
    Funny, isn't it, that our world needs Clark Kent a lot more than Superman.
  • @Indarow
    I would totally watch Stoplight. The idea of a journalist fighting corruption in his own office actually isn’t bad.
  • @samaxamen
    "The next 10-15 years is gonna be a great time to be a corrupt politician." -David Simon
  • @fredex8
    Perhaps this explains why every story I've ever tried to read on a news app is riddled with obvious smelling miscakes and sentences that make no sausages.
  • You either pay for journalism or you pay for not having journalism.
  • @lee-vk2tg
    "I'm talking to *you*, the people that are watching this on Youtube right now." He caught me. He caught all of us. Someone help- they found us! SEND BACKUP.
  • There's a reason that newspapers are sometimes called the 4th estate (branch of government) - they help to check the powers of the rest.
  • Fuck, he was spot on with me watching this on the coffee shop wifi under my apartment.....
  • Oh shit I'm THAT guy watching this on a free wifi
  • @Misiraq
    After rewatching so much John Oliver, my inner monologue while reading textbooks is in his voice
  • as a student in journalism whose been considering going to college for journalism.. oh no
  • 2 things: 1. The real living gnome is Killer Keemstar 2. The "removing vowels" article was posted on April Fool's Day
  • Ok but unironically I would watch a movie about an underdog journalist struggling to work on a major local story while also battling the apathy of his digitally-fixated news company.
  • Watching in 2021 and hearing the quote about the next years being extreme corruption hits soo close to home
  • This is how I became a failed journalist. I wasn't skilled nor trained enough to handle the workload. Started off as strictly a sports writer. But in no time at all, I had to become my own photographer, website writer, proofreader, photo editor...all within 40 hours and NO OVERTIME. Soon after that, when two other reporters quit, I was saddled with covering everything: news, sports, obituaries, you name it...ALL WITH NO OVERTIME. Couldn't handle the work load and got canned. It sucks. I miss that line of work.
  • @Brycelet3
    That moment John Oliver speaks to you in your apartment...
  • @evolve330
    Tronc in a nutshell. Step 1: Reading habits Step 2: ????? Step 3: Profit!!
  • @jrvy74
    My journalism career ended thanks to greed and incompetence from the higher ups. Now I’m using my writing skills for marketing, so I’m glad something came out of my journey. I know journalism is important, but it’s not for me anymore especially when it comes to working for those that wronged me.