Tesla Powerwall 3 Vs Enphase Battery 5P

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Solar Surge will teach you all about being energy independent and how to set up your home to run off-the-grid during an emergency. We empower families to take control of their energy generation and storage so that they will never be left in the dark without electricity.

In this video, Joe presents a head-to-head comparison of the new Tesla Powerwall 3 and the Enphase IQ Battery 5P.


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コメント (21)
  • @bigjonbird1
    Getting a 24kw enphase system installed this week with four 5p batteries. I ordered and paid cash for everything myself, submitted plans, etc. This saved me about $20k over Tesla system and 15k over Renovy X. I highly recommend people being doing the paperwork themselves and how a local contractor to install. It will save you thousands and you get exactly what you want.
  • You said 4 Enphase batteries are cheaper than 2 power walls (shocking he says sarcastically). In order to equal 2 power walls you would need 5.5 Enphase batteries to equal the total capacity of the power walls!! Is it still less expensive at this point? A better way to compare battery cost would be dollars per kWh
  • We have the latest Enphase whole home solar and two 5p batteries. Not much in backup power. But when I saw Joe's video on the upcoming Enphase EV Bidirectional Charger, I knew that would complete everything we need. Went and bought a used 2021 Nissan LEAF Plus. Once the EVBC is available it will be added. Then for very little money we added another 60kW of battery storage. Plus we now have an efficient vehicle to run local errands. Excess solar can keep the car battery topped up.
  • @alecanderus
    Kind of an odd comparison here. The 5P is modular by design, so it should be comparing (3)5Ps vs the powerwall as that would be far more comparable. Then also (5)5Ps vs (2) Powerwalls. That would give a much better apples to apples comparison on the different metrics.
  • @nichpak1
    Great to get your overviews on these products and their individual strengths.
  • @ersinc9080
    The Tesla Virtual Power Plant is a growing factor for owning one of these systems.
  • @ToddDesiato
    I like to compare $/W and $/kWh, and in those areas I think Tesla will win.
  • @GraysonA
    You say you can get 4 Enphase installed cheaper than 2 Powerwall 3s, but that's 20 kWh vs. 27 kWh. Shouldn't you compare 5 or 6 Enphase instead?
  • I have the Enphase whole home back up and love it. Can’t wait to see the video on the Enphase Bidirectional EV Charger when it comes out!
  • Thanks for the content. Agree on SPAN comments and it's good to see Enphase upgrading their batteries. Here are some pricing comments: 1) The "4 battery" Enphase battery in your example has 35% less storage capacity than your "2 battery" Powerwall battery example (20kWh Enphase vs 27kWh Tesla). 2) The Powerwall 3 pricing has actually not been released yet by Tesla. 3) Enphase battery pricing doesn't include the inverters. Other notes: 1) You can indeed integrate a Tesla Powerwall system with a generator. Difference is that the generator charges the home directly vs charging batteries (plus for Enphase). Plus for Tesla is that you can use any generator vs a select approved generators by Enphase. 3) Powerwall 3 will be integrated with Starlink.
  • @MrDontcareify
    Just as an added comment, I think most renewable energy product manufacturers are trying to do what Enphase is doing and establish Home Energy systems, as opposed to just batteries, microinverters, or power optimizers. And it's a really smart idea to try and establish Home Energy systems to get the absolute most that you can out of solar in a grid-tied home situation.
  • @ryan6391
    Not sure I understand cost. The Powerwall costs 2x as much as the Enphase but the battery is over 2x bigger. Wasn't enphase a 5kw and Tesla 13.5kw so Tesla is a better price for total storage?
  • @craigs.6642
    Excellent video. Some feedback would be to lower the background music a bit. Thanks!
  • I'm surprised you didn't discuss battery chemistries here. I don't know what the TPW-3 will use (I assume NMC), but I chose my Enphase system specifically because it uses LFP (LifePO4) chemistry. This likely explains why the TPW has a higher output and shorter warranty. Great video, and please keep us up to date on status of the V2H bidirectional charging option. I'm hopeful that for those of us with older BEVs, Enphase will be able to make this work.
  • @CaseyFox-c8p
    I've worked as solar consultant for 9 yrs. I am getting an install on my new home in SGD&E territory next week. I have design and permits for 2x5p with a 10kW solar system with IQ7 micros. Last minute I switched to Powerwall3 due to the additional 3.5kWh, saving almost $4k and although there is a shorter warranty, it has unlimited cycles vs 6000 cycles on the Enphase system. I have limited shading so I think a string inverter (which I've talked down for most of my career in solar) should suffice. One thing missed in this video but probably addressed elsewhere is the AC vs DC coupling. I know I'm going to get significantly better efficiency with a DC coupled Powerwall 3 compared to an Enphase system. That was the final straw for me.
  • @MrDontcareify
    I would like to see most Home Energy renewable systems have a smart panel like Span or Savant, just to add some more granularity in the data of power consumption for a house and to add another level of load control in the event of a grid outage. 🙂
  • @Reedith
    I was leaning towards enphase but now with the of Tesla bi-directional charging having a cyber truck means you have nine power walls in your driveway. So that level of compatibility and integration i dont think can be beat right now