“Feeling That Police Aren’t Telling Us Full Truth” | Southport Stabbing Conspiracies Spark Riots

Talk’s Julia Hartley-Brewer is joined by political commentator Benedict Spence to discuss the online conspiracies which have sparked right-wing riots in reaction to the Southport stabbings.

Locals in the town are rallying together to help with the clean-up after rioters marred a night of remembrance for three murdered children.

Dozens of residents were outside Southport Mosque with brushes and shovels on Wednesday morning, after violent protests that saw bricks, stones and bottles thrown at police and cars set alight.

Julia: “Terrorism is ruled out very quickly and we’re told it’s mental health… and a lot of people feel that isn’t telling the full story.”

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コメント (21)
  • Stop calling ordinary Brits far right. How is stabbing multiple kids not terrorism
  • here we go, the racist card, the mental health card, the russian card, every other bloody card except the bloody well truth
  • Ordinary people in the UK know that all these stabbings are terrorist-related.
  • It's not mental health, it's people from other countries who don't value women or children, it's an excuse to say mental health, it's more like underlying anger issues
  • @johnevans191
    They are NOT right wing. They are normal British people who are fed up with the system and are VERY ANGRY!!!!!
  • @bakuboro
    The Southport attacker is from an immigrant family and launched a premeditated, targeted assault on what he believed to be young, defenceless children. This is a terror attack by any definition of the word terror, trying to dress it up as anything else, creates anger and resentment amongst the average working class British citizen.
  • @robsan52
    Man approaches vigil with machete!! Thats what provoked the riot.
  • @SD-rn1fn
    Isnt it amazing how the police know nothing about the atfack but aleays DEFINITELY rule out a terrorist attack within the first 5 minutes 🤔
  • The violence outside the mosque started because a bloke with a machete and his face covered showed up to try and have another go, stop lying. These men were justified in their rage, the attacker ran into the mosque to hide with his mates.
  • @mig1017
    Stop demonising & calling them far right. Its honestly pathetic. You wonder why anger is boiling.
  • @koroshitchy
    A Muslim man with a machete showed up in a peaceful congregation of people (it was not even a demonstration). He was confronted by some men and eventually arrested by the police. It was this incident, and not the rumours regarding the murderer's identity, what actually triggered the violence.
  • @cmandy19
    Its to easy to blame " far right people" instead of tthe ones who instigated it.
  • @ohno521
    How is our soldier doing ? Not a single update ? That's disgusting🤢 he protects this country and no-one seems to be updating the public ? Why ?
  • This 17 year old can’t be named because of his age, and yet Labour want to give him the vote
  • Murder is murder! I don't accept the mentally ill card!!😤
  • Julia instead of criticising the population for FINALLY exploding - let's hear your plan to stop this. Seriously. Or be grown up enough to admit that precious children aren't safe - British people have tried repeatedly and peacefully to vote against immigration FOR YEARS and NOTHING has worked. What did everyone think would happen? Brits are doing what they have to do. For their children. Support them.
  • I'll tell you somebody else who isn't telling the truth. Sky news, bbc and gb news. The EDL was disbanded in 2013 so stop saying the people rioting are far right and EDL utter nonsense. The EDL was full of londoners and luton guys. That crowd last night was locals from Liverpool and Southport. Stop the lies and gas lighting.
  • @ianjones1034
    If the perpetrators parents had not been granted asylum, this atrocity would not of happened .
  • @EziosBladez
    So, why can't they name this 17-year-old? If you're old enough to drive & procreate you should be allowed to give their name. And also, the news is well aware of what they're doing by with holding information. We once upon a time had a young child kidnapped from a mall, and taken to a railway line, it seemed back in those days we were more than happy to give the names of MUCH younger kids that did such disgusting things, why not now?