OSP After Dark: Chaos Hour


コメント (21)
  • @92NUKE
    I love how Red's mic was completely fine except for the exact moments she was trying to make her point.
  • "Roku's (Roko's?) Basilisk is stupid, and you can tell him I said that." - Blue 2024
  • @CrimsonSlug
    "This might be bullshit all the way down" Is a great quote and the perfect line to end on
  • @empurress77
    I can accept that George RR Martin doesn't owe the fans an ending, but the fans definitely deserve a good canon ending.
  • @clarehidalgo
    1:38:07 Dracula's "happy ending" is nice and all but if you think about it Castlevania is a tragedy from Dracula's prospective where a curse keeps forcing Dracula to comeback, slowly losing himself more and more each time, slowly becoming an empty puppet to the curse. He wants to stay dead he's happy there but the curse doesn't care, that kind of thing would definitely make a man go nuts. Until he was finally given peace by Julius. EDIT: Like Alucard in SotN realizes his father is no longer in control
  • @Arkouchie
    Title: Chaos hour length: Two hours Pure chaos.
  • 44:08 - “Game of Thrones”/George RR Martin 48:38 - What do artists owe people who like their work? Are fans of their work? Support their work? Develops relationships to their work? Creativity, contracts, Patreon, crowdfunding… 54:43 - Modes of commerce, -> group expectations. Group -> fandom. 56:46 - Fandom, parasociality, devotion -> entitlement. 1:01:01 - Wrapping up. REALLY interesting discussion. An aspect I’m going to think more about is how social media has changed the nature of how fans conceptualize INVESTMENT. 1:37:00 - Elizabeth Bathory’s fatal misunderstanding of eclipses (“Castlevania: Nocturne”)
  • With how Dracula got a happy ending in the first series, I honestly want to see him show up as a hero in Nocturne, just for the sheer unprecedentedness of it.
  • @jonp8015
    "Rocco's Basilisk is stupid and you can tell the Basilisk I said that." THANK YOU!
  • @MelinaHelen
    49:00 Red and Blue talking about perspectives on whether artists have an obligation to create what is demanded in certain situations because they owe people something. <3
  • @Nulono
    The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant isn't trying to argue that biological immortality is easily or feasibly achievable; that would require going into a lot of technical details. The story is specifically a rebuttal to the idea that biological immortality would be undesirable , either for philosophical reasons like "the brevity of life gives it meaning" or economic arguments like "funeral homes would go out of business".
  • 10:11 that explains why for warhammer 40k, it's not inaccurate to also say "in the darkness of the far future that there are only memes" (and war)
  • @elsiekarp
    from my perspective in the game of thrones/asoiaf fandom (which could just be my specific corner of the internet and fandom space) most of us do our best not to be entitled, and have a sort of lovingly long-suffering attitude toward George. i know a lot of people who have given up on the last two books ever being released but still love the series and engage with the material that already exists. i’d highly recommend youtubers Glidus and Alt Schwift X (and Alt Shift X), who will sometimes sarcastically rib GRRM for not writing the books but stop short of demanding them. plus they do fun stuff with the existing content like ranking food descriptions in the books!
  • @Shrikeswind
    Live-stream cut off at the end. If you're coming in next week or whatever consider making this a trilogy playlist with your next video being the Monty Python Intermission music.
  • @stedwards311
    Blue, introducing a mayhem stream: Hi folks, we're here to hang out, but we don't have a plan for what to say, sooooo... mayhem! Red, introducing a mayhem stream: I've broken free of the others and am now here to accost you brave fools-- I mean, viewers, with my unfiltered opinions... it's MAYHEM!!!
  • The whole concept of thinking of paying for art before it is created as a gamble instead of a transaction is a fascinating one. Definitely showed me how far I’ve internalized the whole philosophy of transaction.
  • @Archgeek0
    In fairness to Lizzy Bathtime, a 1/5 of France as a stable eternally dark vampire kingdom would swiftly become a somewhat terrifying military and political force, especially for the neighbours.
  • @EvdogMusic
    The prank is that it's more than 1 hour long