Getting TF2's Most ABSURD Achievement

Published 2023-12-24
I, TonyF2, show how I got TF2's (Team Fortress 2) most absurd achievement, On The Rocks. On The Rocks is the most absurd achievement in valve's game team fortress 2. Using the character The Heavy AKA Heavy.

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TF2, Team Fortress 2, was developed and published by Valve Corporation on October 10, 2007. TF2 has a variety of characters, my favorite being Engineer, including engineer, scout, pryo, spy, heavy, medic, demoman, and pyro. This is like Meet The Sniper, Meet The Scout, Meet The Pyro, Meet The Spy, Meet The Medic, Meet The Demoman, Meet The Heavy, and Meet The Engineer.

A gameplay video, and also commentary, with storytelling in Team Fortress 2, TF2, the game published by Valve Corporation. This is a fun/funny, entertaining video about TF2 and TF2's hardest achievement.

All Comments (21)
  • @TonyF2
    Each day, I awaken, and the game calls to me, whispers of stone, parchment, shears echoing in my skull. Have you felt it? The relentless grip of Rock smothering Scissors, the suffocating embrace of Paper over Rock, the sharp, cold snick of Scissors cutting Paper! Over and over, an endless dance of dominance, submission, and betrayal. My dreams are a jumbled maze of hands casting shapes, a triad of forces locked in a perpetual struggle. I've been playing, oh yes, playing this sweet, maddening game called Rock Paper Scissors. It's all there is, all there ever was. Rock blunts, Paper covers, Scissors cut. A trinity of power, a mantra looping in my mind. Can't stop, won't stop. The rhythm of Rock, Paper, Scissors is the heartbeat of the universe, the pulse in my veins. Have you heard it? The crackle of Rock, the whisper of Paper, the snip of Scissors. It's calling to you too, isn't it? Join me in the eternal game, the only game. Rock. Paper. Scissors.
  • @Winasaurus
    From that snipers perspective, he beat the "Rock Paper Scissors Master" 3 times in a row, who then instantly disconnected and changed his name. You have either traumatized him or give him the biggest power trip of his life.
  • @pyroinferno000
    I got this achievement unexpectedly one day and a friend of mine vowed he would soon achieve it as well. His quest went on for a month or so and one day, after a moderate amount of trolling on his part, I declared that I would lose 3 times in a row with rock in front of him at that very instant. I found myself a good lil' pyro friend, and promptly lost the next 3 games with rock, getting the achievement s second time on command, right before his very eyes. Ralph has never been the same.
  • @buphoon1452
    you should've just done it on 2fort. it never ends, so u have tons of time, and you could just play it over and over with engineers sitting at their nests in your team intel room
  • @oicmorez4129
    9:13 I find it so weird that mathematically the same, random achievement is owned by 20 times more people
  • @Sigwion
    Imagine getting the achievement without owning the taunt.
  • @Changingtesting
    I love the pyro at 8:07 just aimlessly flaming everything around him, true point and click adventurer, I have no idea of the pyro stereotype but this seems to sum it up enough
  • @hipstercat21
    You finally remembered your YouTube account password
  • @Jessie_Helms
    I imagine that sniper thinking you rage quit after losing 3 times in a row and that’s beautiful
  • @spanting8618
    as a pyro main those goblins should not be confused with us
  • @melihatisho6161
    I actually didnt realize how painfully hard to achieve this achievement when I got the achievement I wasnt even aware an achievement such that existed
  • One thing I have to point out is that there are no ties. Your probability isn’t 1/729 but actually 1/216
  • You're not convincing me that your original goal wasn't to get both On The Rocks and Running with Scissors, then picked the one that took longer to get as the main subject of the video
  • @maxcle4885
    imagine you're the sniper, you win 3 times in a row against "Rock Paper Scissors Master" and the guy immediatly leaves
  • @barkbork7528
    I'm surprised spy didn't get more attention, it's kind of the designated low stakes/silly class, since it's underpowered but in a fun way.
  • 1:39 Not correct, no such thing as ties. It is actually 1 in 6, because 50-50 win lose and 1 in 3 what you select. And again to reiterate, you cannot both throw the same thing. 1 in 36 for 2, 1 in 216 to get 3.
  • @yousorooo
    It ended on round #736, which was surprisingly (or unsurprisingly?) close to the expected value 9^3 = 729.
  • @5persondude
    Around the time this taunt came out, my friend and I were playing Saxton Hale 24/7 during that summer, so I’d play as Engineer, make a Level 2 Sentry (it would allow for more pushback than Level 3), and basically camp while doing the RPS taunt over and over until Saxton Hale found us. I got both the Lose Rock and Win Scissors achievements by accident back in July 2014, which made my friend a bit annoyed because he was big into achievement hunting at the time πŸ˜‚ I’m still dumbfounded how I got both without trying when they’re so unlikely to begin with
  • @fakeskyler2305
    I like how 'Running with Scissors' is the exact same odds as 'On the Rocks' yet the amount of players that have the scissors one is VASTLY larger than the one with rock