"Zainab driven away: Zainab in her father's trap, rescue in the arms of Nargis"

Publicado 2024-06-28
After spending the last night in the cemetery, Zainab decided to look for shelter again. He visited different houses but still no one was willing to accept him. Frustrated by this situation, Zainab decided to take refuge in the house of Narges, Mahdi's ex-wife.

He was going to Narges' house when his mother saw him on the way. The mother worriedly told Zainab: "I have been looking for you for two days!" Zainab returned home with her mother. The mother promised her that she would talk to her father and convince him that Zainab should stay at home.

When they reached home, Zainab's father also entered and he got very angry when he saw Zainab. He kicked Zainab out of the house for the second time. Zainab left the house with a broken heart and eyes full of tears and went to Narges' house.

Seeing Zainab, Narges blamed her and said: "I told you that Mehdi is not a good man, why didn't you listen to me and go after him?" Zainab said with tears and sorrow: "I am sorry and I am asking you to give me shelter." Narges did not accept at first and threw Zainab out of the house.

A few minutes later, Mohammad, Nargis's worker, saw Zainab's condition and talked to Nargis. He convinced Narges to bring Zainab back home and shelter her. With a kind and big heart, Narges brought Zainab back home and told her: "Stay here so I can buy you a land and you can build a house for yourself."

Zainab thanked Nargis with tears in her eyes and stayed at her house. Narges, who was a very kind and compassionate woman, helped Zainab to return to life. He told Zainab, "Life is full of ups and downs, but there is always a way to keep going. With hope and effort, you can start over."

Encouraged and hopeful for the future, Zainab decided to make the most of the new opportunity she had been given. He stayed at Narges' house and with her and Mohammad's help, he was able to bring peace and hope back to his life. With each passing day, Zainab became stronger and more determined to build a new life for herself and overcome the painful past.

Zainab's story shows that even in the most difficult moments of life, hope and kindness can open a way to a better future. With her kindness and support, Narges showed Zainab that there are always people who are willing to lend a helping hand and help build a better life

#kind people

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Ребенок ты не познала жизнь и плохо себя вела.У тебя нет самолюбия и этими воспользовался Мехди.
  • I think Zaynab’s father should forgive his daughter. Everybody makes mistakes and it’s not necessary to put her out. It’s ridiculous!
  • наргис такая умная женщина поэтому у неё все процветает молодец сильная женщина ❤
  • Какой народ безжалостный,ошиблась девчонка,кто не ошибается по молодости,неужели нельзя простить,а папаша змей Горыныч,ему нельзя иметь детей.
  • عليك مساعدتها بالتوسط مع عائلتها وارجاعها اليهم لانها وقعت ضحيه لشخص نصاب وكوني حذره من ردت فعل مهدي ويجب الاتصال بااشرطه فورا لكي يودعوه السجن خصوصا وان عليه الكثير من الدعاوي
  • Почему плачешь иди к своей любимой Махди он тебе утешает. Вот что не слушать родителей
  • Все жизни бывает,ей это поступок уроком будет на будушщее,пора ее простит,оператор пожалуйста помоги бедной девочке,вернуться домой,ведь ничего не было с Мехди
  • @sweetmilk4417
    Зейнаб специально пришла к Наргез , зная что Мехти туда придет .
  • Вот наглая девчонка, совсем стыд потеряла когда в дом к Наргиз пришла! Гоните ее прочь! Или полицию вызывайте
  • @lilwhim3976
    Arranje um trabalho viva sua vida tantas mulheres vivem só, sem depender de homem 👨
  • Espero que el día de mañana no se arrepienta el anciano y sea muy tarde ojalá la niña encuentre protección
  • Пришла домой пока нет отца помойся переоденься, а то придёт опять выгонит❤
  • Este sr, no debe de dejar a su hija en la calle, si es un buen padre debe protegerla, en la calle hay mucho peligro. Debe de permitirle qdarse , eso sí con condiciones y no volver a confiar así en alguien que no conoce,Ya que si los padres le dicen no , y otras personas le dicen que clase de persona es a la que está defendiendo , debe tomar sus precauciones y no exponerse al peligro , ese hombre no le conviene. Espero este sr , no deje a su hija desprotegida, un buen padre no lo hace . Saludos y bendiciones.
  • Now that girl is gonna give Nargis more trouble Nargis must phone her father to came and get her
  • Мына кыздын жолатпа касына,ертең үйіңнен куып шығып жүрмесін,әлде өзіне,балаларына киянат жасар,Медхи оны каламаганы үшін кек алуы момкен.Бул кыздар бәрін күтуге болады.Сак бол.
  • Narges tem um bom coração mais essa garota cuidado narges com essa garota
  • Вот что не жилось Зайнаб у родителей? Дом полная чаша, хорошие родители нет , на подвиги потянуло.