"BJP Is Losing Ground Rapidly" | Middle Class Indians Left High & Dry ? | Union Budget 2024

#rahulgandhi #narendramodi #budget

Parliament has begun debating the Union Budget presented by FM Nirmala Sitharaman. The Budget Has special packages for Andhra Pradesh and Bihar, in a sign of Modi courting the two allies his government needs for political survival. Opposition leaders led by Rahul Gandhi protested against the budget today and what they alleged was the discrimination against other states. But it is not just the opposition who is protesting. The BJP's own voters are angry about the increase in short term and long term capital gains tax and the new rule on the indexation of property.

Decoding the politics of the Budget, Barkha Dutt speaks to

Ashwini Mahajan, Swadeshi Jagran Manch
Rajat Sethi, Former Advisor to Manipur CM
Sanjaya Baru, Former Advisor to Manmohan Singh
Salman Soz, Congress

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コメント (21)
  • Before increasing capital gain tax... they should have stopped Pension payments to all Babus (incl Baru) and let them build-up their own Financial Corpus to sustain their Golden years after retirement! It's so easy for babus like Baru to dismiss the increase in capital gain tax as inconsequential... as they don't have to save for their retirement corpus! Today there are an increasing number of middle class earners without pension support who have started investing in the stock market through SIP. In a country with no Social Security for Retirees - there has to be an incentive to save in stock & bond markets. But instead, the government is providing a disincentive to save for retirement!
  • We are the only country where personal income tax is the highest contributor to govt's income ahead of GST and corporate tax. Shame !
  • hike on short term capital gains is ok but hike on long term capital gains tax is stupid to say the least
  • Why are only salaried class expected to loosen their purse for the Govt to be able to afford welfare schemes? why not other classes? :P
  • These are all elitist arguments. Come down to earth my friends. We lack basics like education, health, infrastructure etc
  • This is a good discussion. The government should review it's economic priorities from the corporate to the rural upliftment
  • Rajat forgets only southern states and mahatastra lead to the shouldering of spending for all other state' budgets . But if states were not giving gst central govt they would've any money
  • Yes, as a middle class person I am deeply disappointed by the budget. How can the govt give so much to Bihar and AP? And how can the salaried middle class be treated this way?
  • Nothing done for agricultural sector. Government could have made a budject for wherehouses...cold shortage...minimum price for agricultural products... insurence for farmers.... Now there is lot of differences between agricultural income and government employees monthly income. Now we have a lot of solar energies.. rain season the water .......why to spend on nuclear...termal energies ... Budject should build up nation
  • First time in my life I feel like leaving this country... my beloved India. They are looting under the name of taxes .
  • They do not know that the people of India need to be prioritised first and not their political allies just so they can maintain power
  • Middle class definition: Give tax on earnings, give tax on savings, give tax on spending. Modi eyes the pockets of every Middle class person. He is truly the friend of poorest and richest at the expense of Middle class.
  • Its true anti incumbancy is rising .....but then big question is whats the alternative - can opposion have any direction of India's developement ? As of now , Opposion is only critising the Govt which is easiest thing to do .....current LoP is compltely inexperienced to Govern India ...we are unhappy that Capital Gain Tax has increased & demand a roll back ....but Opposion if given power will collapse the entire Economy ..... so currently alternate to BJP is NDA govt or alternate to NDA is BJP ....may be Modi to be Replaced with Yogi or Nitin Gadgedi in future - but Opposion is not an Alternative to NDA at this moment
  • Old age pension Or Family pension and unemployment allowance ,these two sectors can support government of India,if good pension ,& allowances are given . Govt of India should plan accordingly.
  • The Government has favoured private companies by reducing corporate taxes, assuming that this would be ploughed back, but this did not happen. This money could have been better spend on increasing demand , by providing items free, like scholarships to students, lap tops, cycles to students uniforms, etc Providing housing, subsidies to homeless and MSME. etc. This would have created demand and industries would have invested. This would have
  • India is becoming an oligarchy run country with real monopolies eating the cake
  • @relelata
    Can the Opposition give an alternative budget that can take care of all the issues they have with current budget?