I went to Fake KFCs in France

Publicado 2021-07-30

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @a6d
    That was a new kind of video format I wanted to try out, lemme know if you liked it
  • @quack42069
    "As im recording this, my friend is throwing up." RENAI CIRCULATION INTENSIFIES
  • @laley352
    "fwagile wittle white boy" is such a raw, insulting term of endearment and i cannot wait for an opportunity to use it
  • @niranjankartik
    When a a6d hater comments, me: We have recognized you, always the same tactics to denigrate your competitors ... pathetic.
  • @esusayt
    One time a KFC went out of business in my town so they put a doctor's office in it's place. Wanna know what they named it? AFC.
  • @Sondalyn
    refreshing format and i want more
  • @ayame092
    a6d stands for: A French (6th letter of the alphabet Dude
  • @lemineraidor4800
    can't stop laughing at the fact that there is this many KFCs knockoff in a single area
  • @MrAzoth921
    This exact HFC was like my cafeteria for all high school, it was closed for hygiene issues once and we kept going to it after it reopened. Good memories, but not for my stomach.
  • @ccshrimp
    Well, I actually enjoyed this lil tidbit about your city. It's fascinating to me the funny messed up things ppl do in different parts of the world. It reminds us that were all the same in some way.
  • @jupiin9633
    "nobody gives a single shit" But what about the dogs??
  • @blandtv8761
    Haven’t watched you in like over a year and came back to a new type of content, really enjoyed it but I hope you enjoyed making it bc that’s what’s most important
  • @Teapro324
    I guess a6d is just built different
  • @bluez7714
    the first minute is just a history class
  • @juxoq
    this is the type of subject charlie would make a tier list on
  • @catfish1712
    this video format is really nice!! hoping for more vids like this in the future
  • @chinesenoodles
    this video format is really great! no complaints so far, keep this up! Good Job!